Biden Pardoned Hunter Back To 2014 And Ukraine. When Actually The Hunter/Biden Family Crime Connection Began In 2009
Biden has been using his office for profit his whole political career. 2009 is when Hunter and college friend Chris Heinz formed Rosemont Seneca. With Biden and John Kerry's help they made a fortune.
Partners in crime, (and treason?)
For years, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry negotiated crucial deals “beneficial to the United States” 😉 with foreign governments. Just like magic, shortly after, their sons got lucrative business deals with those same governments.
These were especially glaring concerning deals with Chinese companies, aka, the Chinese government, since all companies in China are actually owned by the government!
A timeline
In the summer of 2009, Hunter Biden with his college friend Chris Heinz, (of the Heinz food empire) and Devon Archer formed Rosemont Seneca, named after the 90 acre Heinz family estate in Fox Chapel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A few other derivatives of Rosemont Seneca were Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty. Being good fathers, Biden and Kerry helped their sons Hunter and Chris Heinz get some very lucrative business deals, including in China. The problem is using their respective offices of Vice President and Secretary of State to accomplish it.
In 2010, Hunter and Devon Archer visited China representing Rosemont along with James Bulger, nephew of the Boston crime boss Whitey Bolger, and co-founder of the Thornton Group, an Asia-oriented financial services firm. They had meetings with the Postal Savings Bank, China Investment Corp., and Founder Group. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission records, Rosemont Seneca went from zero to being worth $2.4 billion in a very short time.
These meetings occurred, “coincidentally”, shortly before Biden was meeting in Washington DC with Chinese President Hu in regards to a Nuclear Security Summit.
In 2012, Hunter and Devon Archer met with Chinese financier Jonathan Li, who ran the private-equity fund Bohai Capital, to discuss forming a company investing Chinese money outside the country, with Bohai owning an 80% interest.
In 2013, Hunter and his daughter Finnegan went to China on Air Force Two with Vice President Biden whose formal job was to cool down tensions as China was claiming more territory in the East China Sea. Hunter and Finnegan accompanied Biden for tea to the Liu Xian Than Tea House with U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke. Biden met with President Xi while Hunter covertly met with Jonathan Li again. There were more reports of Finnegan’s China trip details than Hunter's. Hunter did arrange a meeting between Biden and Jonathan Li. Ten days later, after more than a year, the Chinese business license for Bohai Harvest was finally approved and Bohai Harvest RST, or BHR, a $1 billion investment fund, was created.
Bohai (or Bo Hai), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea, was a reference to the Chinese stake in the company. “RS” referred to Rosemont Seneca. The “T” was Thornton.
Now little ol' Rosemont Seneca was actually a partner of the Communist Government of China!
In 2014, Chris Heinz cuts ties with Hunter and Devon Archer after they join Burisma
Hours after Biden’s board appointment went public on May 13, 2014, Heinz emailed Matt Summers and David Wade, two of his stepfather’s top aides at the State Department.
“Apparently Devon and Hunter both joined the board of Burisma and a press release went out today,” wrote Heinz. “I cant speak why they decided to, but there was no investment by our firm in their company.”
Chris Heinz was involved in Rosemont Capital and through it owned a minority interest in Rosemont Seneca Partners until 2015.
In 2014 and 2015, Burisma paid $3.4 million to a company called Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, according to the New York Times. That company paid Biden up to $50,000 a month, according to the report. During the same time period, Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire its lead prosecutor who was investigating wrongdoing at Burisma, raising questions from critics about whether this was related to his son’s position at the gas company.
Fun fact: Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, is also known as Bohai Harvest RST, so the Communist Chinese Government was also involved in Ukraine.
Does that explain why Chris Heinz was so publicly adamant about having nothing to do with Hunter and Devon’s business venture that had the Rosemont Seneca name attached to it? Also notice how Burisma was not directly paying Hunter Biden. It was coming from his company.
Apparently and unfortunately, Treason is pardonable
Article III Section 3 Treason:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Apparently, the only thing a President can’t pardon is impeachment.
Jumping ahead to 2015:
Bohai Harvest RST partnered with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), to buy American “dual use” parts manufacturer Henniges.
AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.
The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.
In September 2015, when AVIC bought 51 percent of American precision-parts manufacturer Henniges, the other 49 percent was purchased by the Biden-and-Kerry-linked BHR.
Henniges is recognized as a world leader in anti-vibration technologies in the automotive industry and for its precise, state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities. Anti-vibration technologies are considered “dual-use” because they can have a military application, according to both the State Department and Department of Commerce.
The technology is also on the restricted Commerce Control List used by the federal government to limit the exports of certain technologies. For that reason, the Henniges deal would require the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews sensitive business transactions that may have a national security implication.
The CFIUS review in 2015 included representatives from several government agencies including John Kerry’s State Department.
SUPRISE! The deal was approved in 2015.
Another incident left out of the 2014 and later pardon
As a Senator and Vice President, Joe Biden was forbidden by law to possess classified documents!
Eric Schwerin, Hunter's Rosemont Seneca partner who handled Joe's taxes and personal affairs, was in charge of moving an archive of 1,850 boxes of files from the vice president's DC office that were being donated to the University of Delaware in 2010.
Those documents, mainly from Biden's time as a Delaware senator, also included Obama-Biden presidential transition team papers and raised the hackles of White House lawyers.
And yet, NOTHING was done about it!
Who or what does Biden plan to pardon before he leaves?
With louder and louder drum beats, it looks like Biden will attempt to pardon those that could be prosecuted for crimes committed against the United States, meaning “We the People.” The shabby excuse is that will save them from “retribution” from Donald Trump, not from what will be his sworn duty as of Jan. 20, 2025, to uphold and defend the Constitution and be the chief law enforcer against violators of the law.
A “blanket pardon” is unconstitutional
he, (the President), shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
From Frank O. Bowman III:
British and American precedent suggest that a valid pardon presupposes awareness by the President of that which is being pardoned as a logical and legal precondition for an exercise of judgment about the propriety of granting clemency. Accordingly, a pardon of the type issued by President Gerald Ford to former President Richard Nixon, purporting to pardon Nixon for all federal offenses committed during his terms of office, irrespective of Ford’s knowledge of them, should be deemed unconstitutional.
A pardon is supposed to be for charges or convictions that exist. Are the “blanket pardonees" acknowledging they committed a crime? If I give you this "blanket pardon", does that give you license to kill someone tomorrow?
If Biden chooses to proceed, impeach him NOW! Then Harris!
Biden dropped out of the race to evade the 25th Amendment of removal for not being competent to “preserve his legacy” as President. Speaker Johnson better get in his face and warn him of consequences. Next, Harris for not doing her duty to remove a President she knew was incompetent.
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
Washington, DC
568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2777
Don't let defeat be snatched from the jaws of victory!
We won! However, the Leviathan Deep State will not go quietly! Do not allow our elected representatives to stab us in the back again! Hold their feet to the fire!
The winner with the identity of the author of the quote from my previous post:
answered “Obama”, (from his Trojan Horse days of course).When Congress last addressed this issue comprehensively in 1986, there were approximately four million illegal immigrants living here. [In December 2005], it is estimated there are more than 11 million. We are a generous and welcoming people, but those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.
These idiots are trying to start WWIII to obfuscate their criminality. Rotten regime.
A Tale of Two Parties