Killing The Disabled in America Before They Are Born (And so it begins again)
And forcing the shut down of Pro - Life Centers instead of burning them down.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,- The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
A two-fold plan. Legislating Crisis Pregnancy Centers out of existence and defending genocide:
Our fear is that if an unqualified sonographer misdiagnoses a heart defect, an organ defect, spina bifida or an encephalopathic defect that becomes a very local issue because our school budget will have to absorb the cost of a child in special education, supplying lots and lots of special services to children, who were born with the defect,” - Feb. 7, 2023, Michael Hugo, the chair of the Framingham Democratic Committee and the director of policy and government affairs for the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards.
Accuse the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of staffing their offices with incompetent help that might let disabled human beings get born that don't deserve to live because some bureaucrats feel they cost too much! Got it!
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood would never make a misdiagnoses by recommending abortions for babies who turn out to be perfectly healthy just to get another one under their belt. Right?
The Framingham Board went on to adopt the Protection of Reproductive Rights Ordinance 11 to 0. The key parts:
The blatant accusation:
often called crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), that target prospective abortion patients with misleading advertising, deceptive practices, and false medical claims; and
Whereas, such misleading advertising, deceptive practices, and false medical claims disproportionately impact poor and low-income communities, and adolescents;
The unconstitutional remedy:
Protecting and upholding the ROE Act and individuals’ right to choose and access abortion care,
Promoting public awareness of crisis pregnancy centers, limited pregnancy centers and full-spectrum reproductive healthcare centers in our community and help constituents find appropriate full-spectrum reproductive care by: Sharing via our official City channels, the consumer advisories issued in Summer 2022 by the Massachusetts Attorney General, Department of Public Health, and MassHealth as well as a link to Sexual
and Reproductive Health Care Locations,Explore options of recourse in the event a pregnant person receives misinformation or is subject to manipulation or other pressure techniques, and
Easily provide information to inform residents of their right to file a consumer complaint and make a consumer complaint with the MASS Attorney General’s Office and make a consumer complaint form from the AG’s Office available via official City website.
From the new Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell’s website:
Protect and enforce legal abortion in Massachusetts, including the provisions of the ROE Act.
Expose Crisis Pregnancy Centers that intentionally provide medically inaccurate and dangerous information to those experiencing pregnancy.
By whose definition? That by having an abortion you are ending a human life and since abortion is an invasive medical procedure there is always the risk:
the abortion doesn’t work and the pregnancy doesn’t end
some of the pregnancy tissue is left in your uterus
blood clots in your uterus
very heavy bleeding
injury to your cervix, uterus or other organs
allergic reaction to medication
The above information is from the Planned Parenthood website. Are they purveying “medically inaccurate and dangerous information” also? Planned Parenthood does downplay the possibility of death from any or all of the above.
Protect our providers of essential health care like abortion and gender affirming care, fighting for access to these services for our most vulnerable communities, and ensuring that Massachusetts remains a beacon in the fight for reproductive justice.
Create a cross-bureau reproductive justice unit within the Attorney General’s Office, including the Office’s civil rights division, health care division, criminal bureau and government bureau to protect abortion providers and funds from out of state consequences, enforce data privacy laws, develop new ways to hold crisis pregnancy centers accountable, and defend our laws from legal challenges that may originate in and out of state.
The Attorney General's office actually plans to prosecute Crisis Pregnancy Centers with Chap 93A of the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act which was created for fraudulent business practices, like taking 1/2 down for building a deck and never coming back! It allows the victim to sue for triple damages!
Is it a coincidence the Framingham Ordinance even uses some of the same language as the new Attorney General's website?
Politicians from top to bottom in Massachusetts support abortion:

Healthcare: efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals
Abortion: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus
Targeting the disabled for extermination sounds familiar:
The founder of “Planned Parenthood”, perhaps?
"No more children should be born when the parents, though healthy themselves, find that their children are physically or mentally defective.”
-- Sanger, Margaret. (1918) When Should A Woman Avoid Having Children? Birth Control Review, Nov. 1918, 6-7, Margaret Sanger Microfilm, S70:807.“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives… If we are to make racial progress, this development of womanhood must precede motherhood in every individual woman.” -- “Woman and the New Race,” 1920
Somerville, Massachusetts bans Crisis Pregnancy Centers all together:
Somerville City Councilor-at-Large Kristen Strezo:
pregnancy centers are "disingenuous" and accused them of withholding information about pregnancy and abortion from clients.
She also expressed relief that the measure will prevent Somerville residents from having to "deal with deceptive or misleading and manipulative language" that these pro-life centers supposedly share in their materials.
What “disingenuous”, “ deceptive” or “misleading” language are the pregnancy centers putting out? That abortion is not your only option? That you can also have a baby and keep it, or have a baby and put it up for adoption? That abortion is an invasive medical procedure with the above mentioned dangers from Planned Parenthood itself including the possibility of death?
Exterminating disabled Americans is not new in America:
Margaret Sanger was not alone:
The concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.
Framingham, MA Dem chair: Let's abort special needs babies to save money, or something
Democratic Chair Under Fire After Suggesting 'Eugenics' Plan to Reduce Special Ed Students
But the Democratic committee chair had far more to say than that which appears in the anti-life proclamation. In his comments aimed at supporting the proclamation, Hugo proffered the eugenics-based policy of killing babies that may suffer disabilities after birth.
Dem official denounced for complaining of school budget costs for disabled children who weren’t aborted
Massachusetts Democrat told to step down after abortion comments leave parents irate
As the former President of the Board of Directors of a Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Center with two locations, I applaud your efforts to tell the truth about this. By the way, Jane Roe (Norma McCorvey) never had an abortion. She lied under oath after being manipulated by her pro-abortion legal term. She carried the child to term before giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. She later repented and became a pro-life advocate! So much for "Janes's Revenge"!