Sunday Funny: Stupid Humans Taunting Wild Animals
"Somewhere there is a tree that is tirelessly producing oxygen for these people and I think they owe it an apology." - A comment from @derek
Wild animals don't love you or want to be in your selfies!
In our three month trip exploring America, my wife and I stopped in Yellowstone. Pictures do not do it justice and you ought to go there at least once. While there, before they were decimated by wolves, you could see herds of elk, bison, and an occasional moose if you were lucky. Even grizzly bears. Common sense was give them a wide berth. We fortunately didn't experience a bloodbath when some stupid humans got too close to some bison calves to take pictures with their kids thinking they were safe because the mothers were on the opposite bank of a stream. They did charge across though. Found this video with some funny commentary. Enjoy!
They don't call them WILD for no good reason!
Funny but important safety info.