Citizens of Hong Kong displaying the American flag and singing “the Star Spangled Banner” during their fight for freedom from China.
America and its idea of human freedom and dignity, which in turn created “ the Declaration of Independence” and “the Constitution” are unique in all of human history. In fact, practically every country that has a Constitution was modeled after ours!
People have been emigrating to America since it was founded. It had fans from the very start. One of those early fans was Alexis de Tocqueville, who in 1831 originally came to study the prison system and ended up writing books on America, its people, customs and government, from the regular folks all the way up to interviewing President Andrew Jackson. Basically, what made America tick. He theorized on America's future success or failure and why. Democracy in America, Volume 1 and Volume 2 is arguably one of the three most important books on America political life, the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers being the other ones. Volume 1 was published in 1835 and the second in 1840.
Volume 1 talked about the marvels of America. For example, that there were no classes, and anyone could be anything they wanted. He also detailed how America functioned.
Volume 2 is more concerned with the downfalls of a democracy and how easily it could be perverted. For example, how a strong central government could be used to squash individual initiative to create a docile population:
It is absolute, detailed, regular, far-seeing, and mild. It would resemble paternal power if, like that, it had for its object to prepare men for manhood; but on the contrary, it seeks only to keep them fixed irrevocably in childhood; it likes citizens to enjoy themselves provided that they think only of enjoying themselves (663).
Another prophet?
People all over the world are grateful to America for her contributions to their freedom.
In the Netherlands:
Netherlands American Cemetery
For 70 years, the people of Margraten have personally cared for the graves of Americans killed in World War II – 8,300 of them – in a military cemetery outside the town.
My wife met a lady from Holland online and they became friends. My wife sent a Christmas card and they were so proud to show the card they got from their American friends!
In 2008, a French couple founded an organization called “Les Fleurs de la Memoire”, that adopts graves of American servicemen who died during the Normandy invasion of World War II. Marie Therese La Vieille, who founded the organization with her husband, says it's important that each soldier be remembered when his own family can't come anymore.
Massive protests are occurring in Iran right now. Young women average age 17 are being sexually assaulted and killed in the street by the Iranian guard for simply cutting their hair! Something interesting occurred during a protest by Iranian students:
Now the haters:
All the people who threatened to leave when George W Bush got elected twice and before and after Donald Trump got elected are still here. Even the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg:
“I can’t imagine what this place would be ― I can’t imagine what the country would be ― with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be ― I don’t even want to contemplate that.”
Then, she added that her late husband would have joked, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”
Some on the list of celebrities include Alec Baldwin, Miley Cyrus, Jon Stewart, Eddie Vedder, Barbara Streisand, Seal, Tina Fey, Whoopie Goldberg, Susan Sarandon and Cher.
ALL still here! Hmmm. All talk no action, because nowhere else on earth would they have had the opportunities America provided them?
Let's review the alleged flaws and sins of America:
America is a fundamentally racist country:
CRT at the law school level holds that America is fundamentally racist yet teaches students to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies.
“K-12 students across the nation are being taught that America and its institutions are inherently racist, merit-based systems perpetuate inequity and white people must deconstruct their “whiteness” and “white privilege.”
What is actually racist in America?
Is it true minorities, especially blacks, can't learn as well as white students?
“13 public high schools sprinkled around Baltimore, of the city’s 39 total, had exactly 0 kids that tested proficient in math.”
“A Project Baltimore investigation has found five Baltimore City high schools and one middle school do not have a single student proficient in the state tested subjects of math and English. These are the dumbed-down Common Core tests.”
Or is it actually that despite billions of dollars thrown at public schools in inner cities, these poor kids are not getting taught by so called teachers controlled by teachers’ unions so powerful they even gave the CDC marching orders on closing schools, masks and other unscientific nonsense while pathetically blaming the kids for their failures?
It is racist to require voter ID because minorities can't easily get one? Can't find the DMV. Don't have access to the internet and don't know how to use it even if they had access. Whites and Asians have no problem with these things. Are you saying minorities are too stupid? Now who actually are the racist?
“White privilege” is what gets you things in society.
Despite blacks being only 13% of the American population:
70% of NFL players are black. Avg. salary $2.7 million per year.
81.1% of NBA players are black. NBA athletes are the highest paid in the world at an average of $9.6 million.
Labron James, who plays a GAME, a skill that benefits no one but himself and gets paid millions of dollars, hates America. Yet he does not dare criticize the genocidal Chinese government that actually has concentration camps for Muslim Uyghurs where they harvest their organs and work them to death. Because they pay him.
So, what “white privilege” did billionaires like Oprah Winfrey and Kanye West have?
There are over 400,000 white Christians buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Where is their “white privilege”?
Math is racist.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics’ (NACA’s) existed before NASA. Before computers, women mathematicians, including black women, were employed to perform complex calculations. Most of the work involved reading, analyzing, and plotting data of engineers and scientists. These women were actually called computers.
Courtesy Vaughan Family
Dorothy Vaughan: In 1943, Dorothy began her 28-year-career as a mathematician and programmer at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, in which she specialized in calculations for flight paths, the Scout Project, and computer programming. Seeing that machine computers were the future, she taught her “computers” programming languages and other concepts to prepare them. Vaughan became proficient in computer programming, teaching herself FORTRAN, a computer program especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. Then taught it to her coworkers. In 2019, Vaughan was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Also in 2019, the Vaughan crater on the far side of the Moon was named in her honor.
Courtesy NASA
Mary Jackson: She began working under Dorothy Vaughan as a “computer”. First black woman engineer at NASA. Mary Jackson worked as an engineer in several NASA divisions: the Compressibility Research Division, Full-Scale Research Division, High-Speed Aerodynamics Division, and the Subsonic-Transonic Aerodynamics Division. She authored or co-authored 12 technical papers for NACA and NASA. In 2019, Jackson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. NASA's headquarters building in Washington, D.C. was renamed the Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters in a virtual ceremony on February 26, 2021
Courtesy NASA
Katherine Johnson: A child prodigy who graduated high school at 14. She was a brilliant mathematician. She originally worked under Dorothy Vaughan as a “computer”. She mastered complex manual calculations and helped pioneer the use of computers to perform the tasks. She worked on the flight calculations for space flights from Alan Shepard all the way up to the Shuttle and a proposed mission to mars. In fact, John Glenn only flew because he knew Katherine made sure the calculations were correct. Worked on the calculations to get the failed Apollo 13 mission back. When asked to name her greatest contribution to space exploration, Johnson replied it was the calculations that helped synch Project Apollo’s Lunar Module with the lunar-orbiting Command and Service Module. She coauthored 26 scientific papers. Two NASA facilities have been named in her honor. President Barack Obama presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 24, 2015.
Why do you never hear about these brilliant women who mastered that “racist subject math” during black history month?
A book about them written by Margot Lee Shetterly, “Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race”, was made into a movie that is worth watching, although it contains some artistic license:
America is patriarchal and biased against women:
Title IX laws against discrimination for any reason are in place. The natural human reaction of smiling at someone when you acknowledge them can get you a sexual harassment charge. On college campuses, a charge of rape against a male student is taken as fact, without them even getting a chance to prove their innocence, totally against the Bill of Rights.
While the same people making these absurd claims about America are okay that women in fundamentalist Islamic countries can't get an education, can be killed for a charge of adultery which they don't get a chance to defend against, can be killed for cutting their hair as in the Iran protests, or get to walk ahead of their husbands to clear the land mines!
Actually, the worse thing to be in America right now is a straight, white, Christian conservative male!
America is Islamophobic:
Is the patented mantra trotted out especially when an Islamic extremist individual or group commits an act of terrorism because allegedly there will be violence against law abiding peaceful Muslims in America as retribution. These same people apparently have no problem with Muslim Uyghurs in China actually in concentration camps being worked and tortured to death with their organs harvested for sale in countries like Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries because they are “halal”, or translated, permissible!
So, what happens if you get the organs from Uyghurs who were humiliated by being forced to eat pork??
Actually, America is dangerously close to becoming Nazi-German style antisemitic with the University of California, Berkeley outrageously creating “Jewish-free zones” after nine student groups adopted a rule forbidding pro-Israel speakers at events.
Definitely already antichristian:
156 attacks on churches and pro-life organizations across the country with zero arrests, despite video footage! “It’s naïve to think that the FBI, the largest law enforcement agency on the globe, with the best forensic technology known to man, doesn’t know a single person who is engaging in these attacks.”
“The FBI Has Announced Indictments Of 22 Pro-Life Protesters.” Apparently nonviolent pro-life protesters are targeted under the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act by President Joe Biden’s DOJ this year. And Zero Pregnancy Center Firebombers in the 156 fire bombings on pregnancy centers and churches which began after the leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe v. Wade.” By the way, have we found out who the leaker was yet?
More than 100 churches have been vandalized since the Supreme Court overturned Roe
Christians are being characterized as “extremists” and “domestic terrorists” in two studies by the Department of Homeland Security.
America is homophobic, transphobic, etc.….
This might be the most ridiculous one. Americans are polite and tolerant to the point of appearing spineless!
Americans were accused of being homophobic. Then it became transphobic when they objected to physically intact men being allowed into restrooms with women and girls. Then physically intact men were allowed to participate in women's and girls' sports and are annihilating their records and taking scholarships away from them because the females are physically no match for them.
Now sitting female Judge Brown on the Supreme Court could not give the definition of what a woman is because she is not a biologist. People with a straight face are actually saying MEN can give birth!
It started with “drag queen story hour” in the public libraries. Then it progressed to where physically intact men, sometimes barely clothed, are interacting with small children, even having the children stuffing dollars in their G-strings with insane parents cheering them on. These same parents would insist you be arrested and have your children taken away from you if you took your children into a strip club with female dancers and had them put money in their G-strings!
We have teachers exposing children to pornographic images and literature and actually teaching CHILDREN how to perform sex acts!
Pedophilia is not a crime and an abomination anymore. It's a preference!
Possibly the greatest insanity? Children while still in the womb know their real gender despite their physical appearance! (Not just a clump of cells anymore)! Teachers and “doctors” need to bring it out of them and perform monstrous drug and surgical mutilations to make them what THEY think the child should be!
We REALLY fell hook, line and sinker for this crock! When are Americans going grow a spine and put an end to this madness?
Incidentally, practically everyone making these outrageous claims about America rabidly supports Palestine, where anyone that is not a heterosexual male or female IS being murdered with impunity!
Americans, particularly young ones, want to scrap capitalism which has provided them cellphones, iPads, laptops, clothing, housing, cars, medicine, etc., replacing it with socialism like in Venezuela so we all will be dumpster diving for our next meal. Maybe that explains why thousands of Venezuelans are trying to come to America and not visa-versa.
In one respect, you can't blame them since from kindergarten to college they have been indoctrinated with Marxist/leftist propaganda to hate America. On the other hand, everyone has the ability to critically think and see thru the propaganda by putting 2 + 2 together. Wait, that would be mathematics, which is now racist. Never mind.
People from all over the world of every race, religion, sexual persuasion and physical disability have come to America. With nothing but the clothes on their backs and made themselves fortunes. Americans of all races, religions, sexual persuasions and physical disability, some even illiterate, have made themselves fortunes.
To say, “I can't” because America is racist, sexist, etc., has much more to do with you personally. In fact, THAT is un-American!
David, the time and effort you put into this post shows. It is a remarkably well done piece!
Great piece, David. I really appreciate the attention given to detailed research. Well done!