Yes, The Palestinians Are Victims, But Not For The Reasons You Are Being Told
Like American blue cities, their leaders use them and blame everyone else. Now they will be cannon fodder too!

Statements from alleged U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib
“Palestinians may be banned from flying their flag under an apartheid government, but we can still proudly do it at my office. I'm proud to be a Palestinian American, and I want the Palestinian people to know that not all Americans support apartheid. No one can erase our existence," Tlaib posted on social media at the time.
I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day," the statement read. "As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue.
Someone needs to ask Tlaib how many gay or transgender Palestinians there are? NONE, once they find you!
Fun fact: Palestine has been self governing since 1993 with the 1993 Oslo I Accords, setting up a framework for the Palestinians to govern themselves in the West Bank and Gaza getting billions in aid from all over the world!
The Palestinian Authority is a dictatorship that has not held free elections since Hamas took over in 2007 and regularly commits human rights abuses and atrocities as referenced above, including cracking down on journalists, human rights activists, and any other dissent against its rule.
Do you actually think the massive rallies going on today are just because everyone felt like taking a walk?
Shocker! The terrorist group BLM supports terrorism
It was possibly the most vile and insensitive message that could have been sent by an organization once worshipped by the media, pro sports leagues, politicians, and all of Corporate America during the 2020 George Floyd “Summer of Love” when its members participated in violent race riots nationwide after the unfortunate death of the career criminal and drug addict.
Will this be an excuse for more riots and fundraising? Or will the thousands of young Middle Eastern men Biden has been allowing to cross the border do the rioting and pillaging themselves?
Another Shocker! George Soros, Jew in name only when convenient, funds terrorism including Hamas
It is a fact Hamas is one of the terrorist organizations funded by Iran in a 2021 U.S. State Department report.
Courtesy by Joseph Vasquez:
An op-ed written by Soros in 2007 regarding Hamas has come back to bite him.
The disturbing pro-Hamas headline from his March 19, 2007 screed posted on his personal website speaks for itself: “America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas.”
Soros’s outlandish piece was published in the midst of the bloody 2006-2007 Fatah-Hamas conflict. The ensuing carnage of the Battle of Gaza in June 2007 would result in a complete Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip and the dissolution of the unity government by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
The radical pro-Hamas group celebrating the most recent genocidal terrorist attacks on Israel — Al-Shabaka — was funded with $550,000 by Soros between 2017 and 2021 alone.
Regarding the “Israel is an apartheid government” propaganda
Apartheid is an Afrikaans word that means "separation”. Particularly racial separation. I know people who lived and worked in Israel. One had the unfortunate duty of embassy security while Iran Deal/climate change Kerry was the disgraceful Secretary of State. What did I learn from them?
Arab Israeli citizens have full equal rights. They have businesses, attend Israel’s universities, eat in restaurants, are able to patronize other businesses, and receive equal treatment as patients in Israel’s hospitals. They work there as doctors and other medical staff. They are in the military in ranks up to General. They are judges. They elect and are members of the Knesset, (the Israeli Parliament).
By contrast, Arabs who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don’t have Israeli rights because they aren’t Israeli citizens. Nor do they want to be Israeli citizens. That would be as absurd as me going to to Canada and demanding my Canadian rights!
However, Palestinians who cross the border for medical treatment are given it without question. Where then is this imaginary apartheid occurring?
Why is Israel singled out as an alleged apartheid state when other countries contain Palestinian Refugee Camps?
Fun fact: There are 68 Palestinian refugee camps, 58 official and 10 unofficial. Ten were established after the 1967 Six-Day War while the others were established after the 1948 Arab Israeli War and on into to 1950s. The 58 designated refugee camps are in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. No camps are located within, or are operated by Israel.
In 1948, prior to the Arab countries war with Israel, approximately 850,000 Jews of all races were expelled and forced to leave everything behind from the Arab countries of Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the non-Arab countries of Turkey and Iran they have lived in for thousands of years. 650,000 fled to Israel as refugees and became citizens. The other 200,000 to the United States and other Western countries and became citizens in those countries.
Also, in 1948 prior to the Arab attack on Israel, about 700,000 Arabs living in Israel were encouraged by the Arab countries to flee. Once the war was over and Israel destroyed, they could go back. Unlike the Arab Jews who became citizens of the various countries they emigrated to, the Arab refugees were placed in camps and not permitted to go about freely or become citizens. Their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are in these camps to this day! Millions of them! Picture if all the legal and illegal refugees who crossed the U.S. southern border since 1948 were placed in camps in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California and never allowed to integrate into America!
Fun fact: If the surrounding Arab states did not encourage Arabs to leave Israel and then attack it in 1948, there would be no Palestinian refugees today or a Palestinian conflict!
Where did this apartheid smear come from?
It started with the infamous 1975 “Zionism is Racism” U.N. resolution.
The failure of the Soviet-Arab strategy to expel Israel from the United Nations and replace it with Palestine led to the adoption in 1975 of UN General Assembly Resolution 3379, which determined that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.”
What is Palestine?
My point? There has never been a nation called Palestine, it is just a region. The introduction of the word is based upon the destruction and dispersion of the Jewish nation 132-135 AD, as a decree from Roman Emperor Hadrian. There has never been a separate Palestinian language, culture, currency, anything. Much differently, the Kurdish people, the world's largest ethnic group without a homeland, have a distinctive language, culture, and history, which is why I support an independent Kurdistan.
This whole Palestine thing is just a big ruse and a hoax, that is if you accept history and fact. Otherwise, you are, as mentioned earlier, a useful idiot and mindless lemming who has been duped. The entire purpose of Hamas and Hezbollah is the eradication of Israel, just as with Roman Emperor Hadrian. There is no, and never has been a nation called Palestine or a people called Palestinians. Heck, it would be the same in declaring "Free Appalachia!" They're American, speak English, and it is a region, not a nation. - Allen West
Palestinian leaders have actually rejected their own state five times
We hear the mantra,
If Israel would just allow the Palestinians to have their own state, there would be peace in the Middle East.
Courtesy THE WESTERN JOURNAL Op-Ed by Dennis Prager:
Rejection No. 1: In 1937, the British Peel Commission offered the Arabs 80 percent of the geographical area known as Palestine. The Jews were offered 20 percent. The Arabs rejected it.
Rejection No. 2: In 1947, the Arabs rejected the United Nations partition plan.
Rejection No. 3: In 1967, in the course of defeating the attempt by Egypt, Syria and Jordan to destroy Israel, Israel conquered the West Bank from Jordan, Gaza from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. Most Israelis had no interest in retaining Gaza or almost any part of the West Bank except for East Jerusalem, the Jewish city in which Jews have lived for 3,000 years, from 1,400 years before Muhammad was born. The Palestinians, as the Arabs of Palestine came to be known, and all the Arab states rejected partition and peace.
Fun fact: At this time is when the Arabs living in the area began to refer to themselves as Palestinians, in the hope that would help them get an actual state.
Rejection No. 4: In 2000, at Camp David, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94 percent of the West Bank with East Jerusalem as its capital. But Arafat rejected the offer. In the words of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Arafat was “here 14 days and said no to everything.”
The offer included 97% of the occupied territories, additional land swaps, and $30 billion in compensation for the refugees. All Arafat had to do was recognize the state of Israel. He ran like a scalded cat!
Rejection No. 5: In 2008, Israel tried again. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert went even further than Ehud Barak had, expanding the peace offer to include additional land to sweeten the deal. The Palestinians said no, again.
Why is the two state solution actually a myth?
Because then the Palestinian leaders would be totally responsible and accountable for everything! No more blame game or victimhoood.
Because it is actually a one state solution:
In the ensuing negotiations after the 1967 Six Day War, the Arab League met in Sudan and issued their famous Three Nos:
No Peace with Israel
No Recognition of Israel
No Negotiations with Israel
When someone takes that position against you, in addition to vowing to destroy you, what exactly is there to negotiate?
Fun fact: Around the time the state of Israel was created from actual ancestral land, because of a growing Hindu - Muslim conflict, the state of Pakistan was created by actually carving out a sections of land from India to give to Muslims as their own country. The Hindus and anyone else living there were forcibly displaced. Apparently, nobody to this day has had a problem with it?
Palestinian leaders steal from and exploit their people to line their pockets and fund terrorists
The conditions of life for people living in the Gaza Strip and West bank have unfortunately risen and fallen over the years based on the terrorist activities of their leaders. Palestinians would regularly cross into Israel for work until another terrorist attack shut the gates again. And just like blue cities in America, the leaders blame someone else!
Fun fact: The Palestinians have a national literacy rate of 91.1%! Half of U.S. adults can't read a book at 8th grade level!
Yasser Arafat, who founded the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a proven terrorist organization, was probably the biggest of the thieves:
Israel’s Mossad not only believed but provided enough proofs to the government of Israel that Yasser Arafat controlled a personal financial portfolio estimated to be in the region of $6.5 billion.
When Yasser Arafat was alive he paid $100,000 per month out of the Palestinian budget to his wife Soha who remained in Paris where she lived lavishly on this allowance.
Arafat died along with the knowledge regarding 75% of his secret foreign accounts and no one supposedly knows where they are and how to access them. This is the wealth stolen from Palestinian aid received as donations to change Palestinian lives. The remaining 25% of Arafat’s personal accounts were openly transferred to his family. His wife and his daughter live in a most luxurious palace in the Parisian suburbs.
The Greg Gutfeld “free punch” theory
American television host, political commentator, comedian, and author, Greg Gutfeld, recently explained what he called “the free punch”.
Peaceful coexistence is really easy to undermine with a mind virus. This isn’t about territory. It’s about an ideology. And it’s not about just Israel. It’s about us taking our eye off the ball.
Have you seen the celebrations outside? It’s absolutely amazing how professional those signs are. And to do that in just 24 hours – it’s almost as though this was planned and that every celebration around the world knew that this was coming. So, you have an explosion of violence, and you have a slow boil here. But the origin of heat is the same.
Identity politics, which fuels separatist conflict, which then the brainwashed embraces the oppressor versus oppressed ideology. The leaders are safe, right? Because they’re not coming after them. But you’re not safe. The filter allows one group of people to attack another. And God forbid you defend yourself because then what they do is they yell immediate ceasefire. It’s a free punch.
On MSNBC, people like Ali Velshi and others said the Israel occupation could be blamed for these attacks. So, what does that remind you of? When MSBNC blamed the riots and violence post-Floyd on white nationalist mobs. It’s the same mindset.
People here are defending the atrocities… even cheering it, using the phrase ‘both sides’ and pleading for us to use nuance when we’re talking about abductions of girls and rapes and mutilations. This is not just specific to Israel. This is a global mind virus and we… our eyes are off the ball when it comes to this.
So, this oppression filter leads to this pre-punch phase. That’s when the oppressed could attack you without consequence and immediately after the attack, we are told by the progressive faction we mustn’t fight back. They can hit you, you can’t hit them.
Where do you see that in America? Riots were a free punch. Eliminating bail was a free punch. Smash and grab was a free punch. Killers murdering an activist and then the friends of the activist defending the murderer – free punch. Blame the system… tearing down statues – free punch. Burning courthouses – free punch. Destroying businesses… that’s a free punch.
You see… this thing is endemic everywhere. So, the excuses for Hamas follow the same excuses we have for criminality here. It’s the fault of those targeted and you can take a cowardly punch against anybody because you can. There’s a 40% increase in violence against women in New York City alone. But AOC prefers to focus on an anti-racist oyster reef.
In Israel, the punch is relentless. They’re used to it. It’s still awful. This weekend was an all-at-once punch. But for us, it’s a slow boil, and it’s coming. We have to be aware of that because we’re seeing this same mentality on the streets right now. So, don’t think it’s far away, it’s here, it’s on our streets.
Proof of the truth of Gutfeld's “free punch” theory
Another member of “the Squad”, Rep. Ilhan Omar, equated the Israeli victims killed by Hamas terrorists this weekend and Palestinians killed in the ongoing Israeli response.
As the world is condemning Hamas’s attacks, we must also oppose an Israeli military response that has already taken the lives of hundreds of Palestinians, including nearly two dozen children.
Also included in her lengthy statement was, wait for it, the accusation Israel is operating an "apartheid state” in an attempt to explain violence by Hamas.
The congresswoman did not clarify how she believed Israel should have responded to Saturday's attack, which has since left at least 1,000 Israelis dead and 2,700 more wounded. The Minnesota Democrat's only suggestion for a "solution to this horror" was "a negotiated peace — with Israelis and Palestinians enjoying equal rights and security guarantees."
As for Rep. Rashida Tlaib, regarding backlash on her stance on the Israel - Hamas situation, she went into her Marxist toolbox and called them bigots.
We are all just people trying to live our lives
Over the past week I have seen on the internet and on Substack various versions, theories and ideas about the surprise Hamas attack on innocent civilians and the almost immediate call that Israel show restraint, further proving the Gutfeld “free punch” theory.
I see people proposing it was a false flag, what you are hearing about the atrocities is propaganda and on and on. Whatever it was or wasn't, we always eventually find out. Regarding atrocities, as I said, I know people who lived and worked there, who still talk to people who live there. The atrocities were more gruesome than reported. The murdered were the lucky ones. Innocent people, just trying to live their lives.
Now the innocent who call themselves Palestinians are going to die too, because their cowardly leaders hide among them. And took hostages. So Israel is shutting off the lights, the water, etc., till the hostages are returned. Again, the people will suffer and die for the cowardice of their leaders.
Israel is being accused of starting to conduct an “ethnic cleansing”. Sounds to me like texting the people you are going to exterminate to warn them get out of the way is a strange way to start. Hamas gave no such warning.
Suprise! Hamas is telling civilians ignore the warning! Because they wouldn’t have anyone to hide behind! We can only hope that someday the Palestinians get tired of the “free punch” from their leaders!
Regarding innocent people just trying to live their lives, Gutfeld also talked about America. I remember when the George Floyd riots started in Minneapolis. I saw a retired black fireman who put his whole life savings in owning a bar standing and watching it burn to the ground. There were many other black businesses across the country that met the same fate. What a sick irony the riots were allegedly about black rights!
Innocent elderly people walking down the street and getting sucker punched in the face. Businesses getting literally emptied by shoplifters stealing shoes, telephones, etc., with the excuse people need to eat from none other than jackass AOC. People getting killed for no reason. Will Americans get tired of taking the “free punch”? Or has Benjamin Franklin's warning coming true?
Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters. ― Benjamin Franklin
An outstanding summary worth sharing.
Exceptional article, David! Loved your breakdown of how many times “Palestine” has rejected peace. According to the Arabs, there can never be a Two-State solution, just a final one--the annihilation of Israel.