Thanks great reminders. I take the right to bear arms seriously even if I choose not to do so. I also take the founding fathers seriously and refer to their teachings frequently. They weren’t perfect, neither are we. But show me a better foundation - if you can find one. “We’re all gun men” Thomas Jefferson

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You are very welcome. Good Jefferson quote. I often wonder what they would think of what we have done to their creation and what THEY would do to remedy the problem.

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MASS KILLERS ARE USUALLY ON SSRI DRUGS. So let's blame Mental Illness, which we once had Inistutes to treat the whiney Dems did away with. Many medications cause HOMICIDE/SUICIDE/ROAD RAGE THOUGHTS. https://media.townhall.com/cdn/hodl/cartoons/afb041423dAPC-800x0.jpg

MANY DRUGS HAVE HORRIBLE SIDE EFFECTS. THE NEWER THE WORSE THEY ARE. I learned to look up every drug the dr prescribes. This was Friday, I'm hearing impaired, so don't always hear when I get a message. Not that it would have made a difference idiot Cardio only has a VOICEMAIL AND A MEDICATION DUMB NURSE.

Just had a bad conversation with my ELDEST 52 YR OLD SON James, he had a Qaudruple Bypasss last Thursday, he was put on Plavix generic Clopidogrel in the hospital, having been in a low light hospital, he didn't notice that the lights were like looking into the Sun; until he went to pick up his very pricey generic Clopidogrel. The Cardio's nurse can ***ONLY BE REACHED VIA VOICE MAIL***. TAKES HOURS FOR A RETURN CALL. YOU CAN LOSE YOUR VISION ON Plavix AND THE GENERICS. DUMB NURSE DOESN'T KNOW DRUGS, NOR DO DOCTORS. VOICE MAIL SUCKS WHEN IT IS A MEDICAL HEART ISSUE. AND YOU HAVE NO FREAKING INCOME. He can't read a written page. It all looks WHITE TO HIM. He wears those glasses that transition, but are not really dark. It's Friday, he can only leave a Stinking VOICEMAIL on Monday Morning when the Cardio is doing Caths or rounds. The surgeon didn't script the Plavix=Clopidogrel. He has NO income. Just some coupons for his meds for a few months. Crap is an $800 drug.

It took me 2 mins to find VISION LOSS Connected to Plavix and its generics, confirmed by my Private Pharmacist of many years. They know the drugs.


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Perhaps they wish to disarm the people to protect themselves?

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I think you're on to something🤔

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A SLIPPERY SLOPE: Parents can now euthanize their terminally ill children aged 12 and under in the Netherlands


Having lost two sons myself to different causes, the first was a 33-day-old born with Cytomagalic Inclusion Disease, and the second was a 16-year-old murdered by a Sociopath for thrills. GOD made the first decision, and a deranged sociopath the second. Both hurt badly. Left anger and grief.

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