Biden's Ominous Pre-Election Speech and is FOX in the Henhouse?
Is Biden "telegraphing" his moves and Fox's three glaring "accidents" all involving Republican Candidates.
Notice anything missing?
In sporting terminology, to telegraph is to unintentionally alert an opponent to one's immediate situation or intentions.
The overwhelming narrative is Democrats are going to suffer a devastating defeat to Republicans because of crime, the economy, fuel prices, inflation, open borders, etc., in the Nov. 8 election. So why would the official White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre at the press briefing on Nov. 2, 2022, before Biden's speech that evening say:
And so — but we are seeing, as I just mentioned in my topper, an alarming number of Republican officials suggest they will not accept the results of this election.
Because they don't want to win?
An odd statement from someone who claimed on Twitter that former President Donald Trump had stolen the election in 2016 and that Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp had stolen his election in 2018.
Biden that evening gave a speech that intentionally or unintentionally gave some very clear messages about the 2022 election on this Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Last year, Biden issued Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting.”
There are few details about what the relationship between the federal bureaucrats and state election administrators would look like or where any oversight would occur. And the president has been even more opaque about who will decide which third parties will be selected to participate in these registration and mobilization schemes. As a result, the Foundation for Government Accountability filed a Freedom of Information Act request in July 2021 to obtain various documents pertaining to the executive order.
Fourteen months later, the Biden administration has yet to provide ANYTHING that would fulfill the public records request! A direct violation of the Department of Justice’s 20-day FOIA response rules. Biden is spending taxpayer money to accomplish whatever obviously nefarious actions that are being performed. We deserve to know!
That the Biden Administration won’t answer should greatly concern every American!
In my previous essay, "Government warns of 'heightened threat' ahead of midterm”, I mention law abiding Americans watching polling places or ballot boxes in certain areas or questioning dubious election results will automatically be domestic terrorists.
Biden starts the speech with an unverified, fictional account of the incident at the Pelosi house. Why unverified and fictional?
Capital police, who monitor Pelosi’s house 24/7, claim they weren't watching the cameras at the time. If a window or door alarm went off, would that not get their attention?
Regarding window or door alarms, a photo shows glass was broken OUT from the house, not in, as if someone was breaking in.
“A neighbor living across the street from the home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi was awake when the House speaker’s husband was assaulted but didn’t hear an alarm or anything unusual. McNulty, who has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, said everything was quiet around the time of the 2 a.m. attack on Oct. 28.”
My firm served a lawsuit against Paul Pelosi one time in SF after attempting to serve at other residences—Napa, Georgetown. They weren’t home, but staff were, & multiple law enforcement officers were on the perimeter. Break-in is odd given this level of security.
Because of the already leaked 911 call, we hear confused officers being told Paul Pelosi knows the intruder and his name is David.
Why won't the San Francisco police release the body cam footage from officers on the scene?
The kicker was Biden linking it to the Jan. 6 “attack on our democracy”.
All this happened after the assault, and it just — it’s hard to even say. It’s hard to even say. After the assailant entered the home asking: “Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy?” Those are the very same words used by the mob when they stormed the United States Capitol on January the 6th, when they broke windows, kicked in the doors, brutally attacked law enforcement, roamed the corridors hunting for officials and erected gallows to hang the former vice president, Mike Pence.
It was an enraged mob that had been whipped up into a frenzy by a president repeating over and over again the big lie, that the election of 2020 had been stolen. It’s a lie that fueled the dangerous rise in political violence and voter intimidation over the past two years.
Odd he didn’t mention the Marco Rubio supporter viciously attacked by assailants who said Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood. He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.
Biden continues:
We the people must decide whether the rule of law will prevail or whether we will allow the dark forces and thirst for power put ahead of the principles that have long guided us.
An odd statement from someone who for 14 months now won't comply with a FOIA request for information on “Promoting Access to Voting.”
Yet now extreme MAGA Republicans aim to question not only the legitimacy of past elections, but elections being held now and into the future. The extreme MAGA element of the Republican Party, which is a minority of that party, as I said earlier, but it’s its driving force. It’s trying to succeed where they failed in 2020, to suppress the right of voters and subvert the electoral system itself. That means denying your right to vote and deciding whether your vote even counts.
Instead of waiting until an election is over, they’re starting well before it. They’re starting now. They’ve emboldened violence and intimidation of voters and election officials. It’s estimated that there are more than 300 election deniers on the ballot all across America this year. We can’t ignore the impact this is having on our country. It’s damaging, it’s corrosive and it’s destructive.
Average law-abiding Americans have been demonized as terrorists if they become poll watchers or question unusual vote counting. Now we are demonizing candidates who wonder about the increasingly voluminous evidence something was not right with the 2020 election as instigators of violence while accusing them of rigging present and future elections! Plan complete. The old Saul Alinsky ploy of accusing your opponent of what you’re doing! Why else would he ignore the FOIA request for “Promoting Access to Voting" information for 14 months now?
Does that group include anyone on the 150 Democrat election deniers list compiled by Kari Lake?
Incidentally regarding Kari Lake, her Democrat opponent Kathy Hobbs IS the sitting Secretary of State of Arizona and will oversee the counting of the votes for her own election!
Biden went on to say:
That means in some cases we won’t know the winner of the election for a few days — until a few days after the election. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. It’s always been important for citizens in the democracy to be informed and engaged. Now it’s important for a citizen to be patient as well. That’s how this is supposed to work.
An oddly similar statement to one made by the Pennsylvania Secretary of State who also decided to disregard the Supreme Court about counting ballots that arrive with improperly filled-out envelopes. Since then, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided ballots missing dates will not be counted.
In previous elections, before the plandemic mail in ballots, in person voting provided results the evening of the election. It is the oddest thing; it was safe to go to Walmart but not to your local polling place!
Biden continues:
As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America. For governor, Congress, attorney general, secretary of state, who won’t commit, that will not commit to accepting the results of the election that they’re running in. This is a path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful, and it’s un-American.
Aha! The Donald Trump “gotcha” question asked of Donald Trump in 2016 but NOT Hillary Clinton.
Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. If you did not vote, PLEASE DO! Biden was right in saying your country and your freedom are at stake here! Go to the polls and watch! Again, with everything saying it will be a Republican rout, why in the world would the White House Press Secretary be concerned about Republicans not accepting election results? How about 14 months of “Promoting Access to Voting”?
FOX in the Henhouse?
The media putting their thumb on the scales during Presidential elections is not new.
During the Bush/Gore race of 2000, the networks called Florida for Gore before the heavily Republican Florida Panhandle in the Central Time Zone closed.
If the panhandle turnout had not been depressed by the media call and had stayed consistent with the statewide turnout rate of 68 percent, roughly another 16,000 voters would have come to the polls.
When Roger Ailes created Fox News, “Fair and Balanced” was the Fox News slogan which was changed to "Most Watched. Most Trusted" in 2017 after Ailes' departure.
From that they went to “Democracy 2020”. This is when Fox outrageously called Arizona for Biden despite 900,000 votes not being counted yet. Brett Baer asks Arnon Mishkin who called it to clarify himself:
Because it's been clear for a while that the former vice president is in the lead in Arizona and was most likely to win the state. It has been in the category that we call 'knowable but not callable' for about an hour. We finally called it.
There are two problems with this call. First, you don't call it when it is still in statistical probability. The word "most likely" means that the chance is less than 100%. You call a state for one candidate when it is mathematically impossible for the other candidate to catch up.
It took two more days for other news outlets like the New York Times and CNN to make the call. Donald Trump now needed 22 electoral votes instead of just 11 to seal re-election.
Once Fox called Arizona for Biden, it was off to the races! Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada mysteriously quit counting after midnight. The first time in election history! After that is when all the interesting things began to happen. Votes appeared and disappeared. 700,000 votes were “found” in Philidelphia, and Biden “won” Pennsylvania and the election.
The question is, why did Fox News call it so early? Or, rather, who is Arnon Mishkin?
Mishkin is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Undoubtedly, he voted for Biden and certainly wanted Trump to lose the election.
When mocked by President Trump, Fox changed their motto again to “Standing Up For What’s Right.”
The last motto appears to be somewhat questionable, as evidenced by recent Fox affiliate actions.
A Michigan Fox affiliate, FOX 47 WSYM, cut away from Republican candidate Tudor Dixon during her opening statement at the Tuesday Oct. 25 night gubernatorial debate with sitting Democrat Governor Whitmer:
An apology was presented by the station saying the opening remarks would be played again with Whitmer FIRST even though her remarks were not interrupted!
In Arizona, FOX 10 of Phoenix, where Kari Lake worked for 22 years “accidentally” ran a graphic of her losing to her opponent Katie Hobbs with a vote count 12 days prior to the election!
FOX 10 tried to blame the Associated Press!

This graphic was never meant to go on air — the numbers were only part of a test. The station has taken steps to make sure this cannot happen again,” a subsequent tweet from the station read.
Lauren Easton, the global director of media relations and corporate communications for the Associated Press (AP), said in a statement to Breitbart News that test results sent to clients are both “[r]andom” and “clearly labeled.”
Fox’s apparent “accidents” already happened twice in this 2022 Mid-term interestingly with only Republican candidates. We shall see if it happens again in this election cycle and to whom.
To be fair, it is not only Fox:
A Media Research Center study of 115 election stories from ABC, NBC, and CBS found that 87% treated Republicans negatively, despite the fact that the party controls neither the White House nor any chamber of Congress.
He also looked at how individual candidates fared in news coverage and found one candidate with a 100% negative score: Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. Lake, he wrote, “was on the receiving end of nine evaluative comments, all negative, giving her a 100% negative press score.”
Donald Trump never even got 100% negative press!
Apparently, the powers that be and the media are terrified of her and hate her. Because she skillfully handles and embarrasses the media in interviews and news conferences?
All the indicators say it will be a Republican landslide. You voting and getting everyone you know to vote will help insure that, provided we don’t have a repeat of the well documented 2020 steal because we still don’t know what Bidens been up to and with whom after 14 months. Everything is on the line. May God bless America and save her!
Very good! It's crucial we understand the game so we can't be "played." And they'll keep changing the rules! Don't forget all the collusion with Big Tech burying conservative candidates in Google searches, for example. Thanks for all the great information and another fantastic post.
Quite the compendium of facts about the election! ... Even if the Republicans get control, the system is broken. The money supply is bound to crash and if it happens under republicans the democrats will blame the republicans. If the crash happens under democrats, the blame will go to Trump. Loose loose. The daemon-rats bloviate the “election denier” mantra but they are the crime deniers. And we know super woke, under the commie ESG crapola, places the crime deniers in the big government love camp. Republican is just the lesser of two evils. God save USA.