Conspiracy Becomes Fact, AGAIN!
Several so called "conspiracy theorists" said the entertainment industry was populated with Satanist. Here's proof:
The "conspiracy theory rule" has become wait six months and it becomes a fact. I don't have any thoughts one way or the other about the QAnon phenomenon, except that it brought a rabidly vitriolic response from some quarters with its claims, proving the other rule that when you are taking flak, you must be over the target. One of its/their claims was that the entertainment industry is populated by Satanists, as evidenced by the bizarre Satanic performance at the Grammy Awards the other night, wildly acclaimed by the audience and apparently okayed AND condoned by CBS!
A message CBS posted to the artist on Twitter just before the performance made it even more disturbing.
Then, the message that CBS sent to the artist on Twitter prior to the performance emerged, confirming what many people already suspected.
CBS responded to Smith’s tweet showing pictures of the rehearsal for the show by saying, “We are ready to worship.”
Yet that message has now been deleted. Hmmmm

The performance was roundly criticized by Conservatives.

No comment from Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, etc.
There were comments such as this one from “Insider”,
Right-wing influencers in the US on Monday stoked moral panic over Sam Smith dressing as Satan for a performance at the Grammy Awards.
Again proving that when you are taking flak, you must be over the target.
Glad I don't watch that crud. Nor will I be watching THE STATE OF THE LIES tonight.
Joe Biden Can Now Be Crowned the Welfare King, A stock market crash and a Great-Depression-style economy are among the boldest forecasts for 2023. #2 SOTU
Yikes and note the entertainment was “brought to you by Pfizer.” Gag me with a spoon.