As our friend Yuri Bezemov in his lectures and book, “Love Letter to America” told us, the Marxist plan was to destroy us from within with the help of useful idiots that are allegedly Americans.
My dear friends, I think you are in big trouble. Whether you believe it or not, YOU ARE AT WAR. And you may lose this war very soon, together with all your affluence and freedoms, unless you start defending yourselves...
No matter how many problems you think you have, believe me when I say that they are nothing in comparison to the troubles you will experience if the U.S. continues to agree and sympathize with communist/socialist doctrines. - Yuri Bezemov
The war on masculinity
The second part of the plan, which is raging now, is the war to erase women. First, the Marxist/leftists had to destroy masculinity. Word salad like “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchal society” were created to denigrate men and manhood. Even though it is the natural order of things that men and women came together and to create families, this mantra was beat into the legions of feminist’s heads:
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. - popularized by the strangely silent feminist Gloria Steinem though she does not take credit for it
Men were transformed into “soy boys”
According to Urban Dictionary, the term soy boy means: “Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies.
The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as ‘Nazis’.
The “soy” part comes from studies that link high consumption of soy products, which practically all come from “Genetically Modified Organism, (GMO) soy, to lowered testosterone levels in men and increased breast cancer levels in women because they raise the level of estrogen in your body.
This must watch video is hilarious but true!
The importance of a father or another male role model in a boy’s life
From Red State:
Father's Day Crisis, as the US Leads World in ‘Fatherlessness’
By Bob Hoge:
As we head into Father’s Day, it’s important to remember the millions of young Americans who don’t have dads in the house and who never had a male role model to look up to. According to Fox News, more than 18.5 million children are “fatherless,” and the United States leads the entire world in that category.
This is a record we surely do not aspire to and is clearly–at least partly–to blame for the dysfunction among today’s youth.
Think not having a father isn’t that big a deal? You’d be mistaken. Eighty-five percent of children and teens with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes, according to the Fox News piece, as do over 70 percent of all adolescent patients in drug and alcohol treatment centers.
If you’re lucky enough to have grown up with a father who taught you how to behave, how to put a worm on a hook, how to ride a bike—how to be a good person—you know how important he was to you and your life.
Imagine having none of that, and no male role model in your life. Actually, we don’t have to imagine it: just look to our inner cities, where young men are shooting each other in astronomical numbers every single weekend. Inner cities are largely populated by minorities, and in 2020, 80 percent of black children were being raised by a single parent, while more than half of Hispanic births were out of wedlock.
How did we get here? Many people feel former President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs contributed to the crisis by making it more beneficial to be an unwed mother than to be a married one.
From a 2017 analysis by the Houston Baptist University:
Instead, by incentivizing government funding of single mothers who did not marry the fathers of their children, and by expanding the panoply of welfare state programs to Americans who were already experiencing serious stress and hardship, a series of significant problems became an unstoppable conflagration often referred to as a tangle of pathologies.
Millions of Americans were soon engulfed in permanent chaos and dysfunction. Major metropolitan areas were comprised of block upon block of victimized children, broken families, and shattered lives.
A plague of fatherlessness ensued, leading to nearly 72 percent of all American black children being born without married parents by 2015. Marriage had become a rare and distant thing.
Others blame popular culture, which often glorifies single mothers, while glamorizing absent fathers who get to do whatever they want without consequences. Ask yourself a question: when was the last time you saw a movie or series about a male detective? Was the detective a family man? Probably not—almost always, such detectives are boozy loners with multiple ex-wives and strained relationships with their children.
Our sports and entertainment stars with multiple children by multiple women—none of them their wives—also give young people the impression that this is a glamorous way to live. Rarely mentioned are the often shattered lives of the fatherless babies who result from these behaviors.
More attacks on the nuclear family from popular culture, Hollywood and Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter
Popular culture and Hollywood’s incessant attacks on the family and fatherhood:
Commercials where instead of the father guiding and disciplining his kids, he threatens to embarrass them in some way to get them to behave.
Hollywood used to produce movies and shows where dad was a respected figure in the family. Now dad is practically always portrayed as the doofus or fool.
Black Lives Matter. Actually, more like “Buy Large Mansions”:
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”, which should have been an immediate red flag to everyone cowardly cow-towing and virtue signaling, throwing tens of millions of dollars at the group with which they enriched themselves. SUCKERS!
“We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” Cullors added in the interview with Jared Ball of The Real News Network.
Another red flag. This is a screenshot of the original Black Lives Matter website which contains the following:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Again, from Bob Hoge:
Consider this statistic:
Beyond the enormous benefits to our children, there are numerous advantages in a society that result from a strong nuclear family. For example, regarding poverty, data shows that children without a father in the home are five times for likely to live in poverty than a child in a two-parent household.
I hope you, dear reader, have been lucky enough to have a father (or a step-father, let’s not forget them) who has helped guide you through life and provided a role model for you to look up to. For the many who were not so fortunate, I hope you found somebody in your life to fulfill that need. Fathers are essential to a healthy society, and I hope our culture continues to honor them and promote the need for their role.
Because as you can see, the slow disappearance of fathers from U.S. life has exacted a painful price.
Apparently, “experts” finally figured out even adolescent elephants need “father figures”
In the 1980’s, a group of orphaned elephants was relocated to a national park in South Africa with the hopes of repopulating the area. But park managers didn’t realize they were creating a juvenile delinquency problem. In the absence of older bulls, the young male elephants matured too soon and ended up killing endangered rhinos.
In a normal society, a male elephant would gradually have extended periods of musth And during this process of gradually acquiring musth, they get experience at dealing with having elevated testosterone coursing through their blood, having these aggressive fits, if you like. And they learn to deal with de-escalation of conflicts when they can't win. So these bulls, the young bulls in Pilansberg, don't have this experience of de-escalating when in musth, because they've never encountered a bull that's actually dominant to them. There are no older bulls around that can beat them in a fight. And so they don't know how to de-escalate when they chase off to these rhinos.
When older bulls were brought in, the adolescent males learned how to behave properly in elephant society and the killing of rhinos ceased completely. Unfortunately, about 50 rhinos were killed before “the experts” figured it out.
Regarding fatherhood
To all the fathers who:
Worked one, two, or more jobs, some they absolutely hated, to support their kids.
Made time to be involved in their daughters and sons lives and taught them right from wrong. If they were boys, taught them what it is to be a man. Even if the father is no longer with their mother.
Honored their kids’ mother, whether they are together or not, and never said a bad word to them about her.
Stepped in supported and raised kids that were not biologically yours.
Take a bow today! You deserve it!
Warning! Video contains some adult language!
Makes me miss my dad.
I salute you and tip my hat. This is so well done. I especially like the elephants. That is valid in the human herd also.