Excellent read and so true. Overcoming of our desperately bad educations is a life long effort, lol. Most educations are deliberate and forced education by the State. Schools look like prisons because they are.
The only beneficial education is one free of the Nanny state Prison Administration. And a real genuine education is fundamental to being a responsible citizen or adult.
Thank you. All the memes, all the comments about people being sheep gave me an "Ah Ha" moment when I remembered about how we got the Prussian system shoved down our throats in America.
How by comparison to our Founders and ancestors the general population is so ignorant.
There are a few schools of higher learning that still actually educate.. Hillsdale College and Grove City College. Both are completely independent of Federal money so aren't obligated by any Fed rules.
Bill Gates made his billions by stealing Q-DOS, a ripoff of CPM, and copyrighting the MSDOS he'd changed it to. The federal regime requiring document submissions in Word format also helped. "Capitalism" is a sham, and does not mean "free market". The same people who created Communism created it.
We certainly do not operate as a free market system. It infuriates me that because he spread around a lot of money, (bribes), Gates has somehow become an expert on vaccines, climate, you name it, and WRITES THE POLICY for all these things!
She's supposed to be teaching global affairs. How to become Secretary of State, start a non profit, and get "contributions", for favors done by the Secretary of State and also by a President if she would have won.
Besides those HYPERACTIVE DRUGS, what would cause a 6-year-old, a 1st grader to bring a handgun to grade school and shoot 1 specific teacher? The original article said the other children were HERDED into a Gym, to me besides the addictive drugs with Homicide/Suicide side effects, it was Very Dumb to put the rest of the 550 students into a gym where they were in greater danger. Newport, VA.
The later articles are nearly a carbon copy of this one.
Excellent read and so true. Overcoming of our desperately bad educations is a life long effort, lol. Most educations are deliberate and forced education by the State. Schools look like prisons because they are.
The only beneficial education is one free of the Nanny state Prison Administration. And a real genuine education is fundamental to being a responsible citizen or adult.
Thank you. All the memes, all the comments about people being sheep gave me an "Ah Ha" moment when I remembered about how we got the Prussian system shoved down our throats in America.
How by comparison to our Founders and ancestors the general population is so ignorant.
There are a few schools of higher learning that still actually educate.. Hillsdale College and Grove City College. Both are completely independent of Federal money so aren't obligated by any Fed rules.
Bill Gates made his billions by stealing Q-DOS, a ripoff of CPM, and copyrighting the MSDOS he'd changed it to. The federal regime requiring document submissions in Word format also helped. "Capitalism" is a sham, and does not mean "free market". The same people who created Communism created it.
We certainly do not operate as a free market system. It infuriates me that because he spread around a lot of money, (bribes), Gates has somehow become an expert on vaccines, climate, you name it, and WRITES THE POLICY for all these things!
One of the best articles I've ever read. Thank-you!
I am very honored by that! You are most welcome!
I calls 'em, as I sees 'em. 😊
Top shelf.
Thank you
OH GOODY: Hillary Clinton Hired As Professor At Columbia University
She's supposed to be teaching global affairs. How to become Secretary of State, start a non profit, and get "contributions", for favors done by the Secretary of State and also by a President if she would have won.
Besides those HYPERACTIVE DRUGS, what would cause a 6-year-old, a 1st grader to bring a handgun to grade school and shoot 1 specific teacher? The original article said the other children were HERDED into a Gym, to me besides the addictive drugs with Homicide/Suicide side effects, it was Very Dumb to put the rest of the 550 students into a gym where they were in greater danger. Newport, VA.
The later articles are nearly a carbon copy of this one.
LIBERAL https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-newport-news-city-area-va/
The Founders and our ancestors would be totally horrified at what happened to the country they left us.
Thank you. I will include them in my reading.