How To Rig An Election? Let Me Count The Ways...
Election rigging unfortunately is nothing new. Some past and present examples.
It is a bonafide fact the 2020 Presidential election was rigged
Before the first time in Presidential election history states stopped counting votes on election night. Before the Pennsylvania State Constitution was violated by allowing mail in votes. Or the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania violated the state Constitution by actually changing election laws with the blessing of the State Supreme Court, the election was already being rigged.
Only after the election was safely over did Hunter tacitly admit the laptop his. Last year, a Politico reporter confirmed that the laptop’s materials were real. And now, the coup de grace: The Times said it’s “authenticated” material from the laptop.
There have been no consequences. Twitter and Facebook still censor information based on political bias, and Congress takes no action. Many of the letter signers continue to be used as “experts” by the media. Clapper, for instance, spent years on CNN calling Donald Trump a “Russian asset,” a lie invented and fed by political operatives of Hillary Clinton. He’s still there. Guess accuracy is not a condition of employment.
The FBI knew for a fact the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic! They strong armed social media companies into censoring information to the contrary. They even told Twitter it was authentic and stationed FBI agents at Twitter to participate in the censoring!
The NEW YORK POST broke the story that Hunter Biden's laptop was authentic and was outrageously taken off Twitter and censored on Facebook.
After the NEW YORK POST printed the laptop story, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then senior advisor to the Biden campaign, organized the public statement signed in October 2020 by “51 past and current security experts” that falsely implied the NEW YORK POST’s reporting about Hunter Biden was the product of Russian disinformation.
Politico picked up the letter and started the ball rolling with the false headline “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”
Legions of Democrats, including White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki, repeated the lie.
Media talking heads and other media and social media outlets spread the lie.
The effect of omission of information, misinformation or outright lying to voters by government, media and social media
Supposedly Biden got 81,283,501 votes with Trump getting 74,223,975 votes. Projecting it out, 81,283,501 x 17% = 13,818,195. 74,223,975 + 13,818,195 = 88,042,170 votes for Trump and only 67,465,306 votes Biden…
Election rigging is practically an American tradition
From Ephemeral New York quoting Harpo Marx from his book “Harpo Speaks” regarding his recollection of election day in New York.
It was “the one supreme holiday held every two years,” recalled Harpo in his autobiography Harpo Speaks . . . About New York. (Until 1906, mayors were elected to two-year terms.)
“The great holiday used to last a full thirty hours,” wrote Harpo. “On election eve, Tammany forces marched up and down the avenues by torchlight, with bugles blaring and drums booming. There was free beer for the men, and free firecrackers and punk for the kids, and nobody slept that night.”
Schools and business closed for the day. “Around noon a hansom cab, courtesy of Tammany Hall, would pull up in front of our house.
Frenchie (Harpo’s tailor father) and Grandpa, dressed in their best suits (which they otherwise wore only to weddings, bar mitzvahs, or funerals), would get in the cab and go clip-clop, in tip-top style, off to the polls.”
After the cab brought them back to the Marx family tenement on East 93rd Street between Lexington and Third Avenues, Harpo’s father and grandfather (who wasn’t even a U.S. citizen) would wait . . . until the hansom cab came back to take them to the polls a second time.
“About a half-hour later, the hansom cab would reappear, and Frenchie and Grandpa would go off and vote again. If it was a tough year, with a Reform movement threatening the city, they’d be taken to vote a third time.”
Festivities began on election night.
“The streets were cleared of horses, buggies, and wagons. All crosstown traffic stopped. At seven o’clock fireworks began to go off, the signal that the polls were closed.
Whooping and hollering, a whole generation of kids came tumbling down out of the tenements and got their bonfires going. By a quarter after seven, the East Side was ablaze.
“Grandpa enjoyed the sight as much as I did. . . .He pulled his chair closer to the window and lit the butt of his Tammany stoogie.
“‘Ah, we are lucky to be in America,’ he said in German, taking a deep drag on the cigar he got for voting illegally and lifting his head to watch the shooting flames. ‘Ah yes! This is a true democracy.'”
The 1948 Lyndon B. Johnson “Box 13” scandal
According to Johnson’s biographer Robert Caro, he prided himself on his skill at stealing elections since college. Lyndon Johnson first won a seat in the House in 1937. He became a good friend of President Roosevelt and had an insight that Roosevelt valued. In 1941, he decided to run for Senate, struck crooked deals and bought off county bosses to rig the race. The problem was his opponent, Gov. Wilbert Lee “Pappy” O’Daniel, cheated better. Johnson asked his friend President Franklin Roosevelt for some advice.
“Lyndon, apparently you Texans haven’t learned one of the first things we learned up in New York State,” laughed President Roosevelt, “and that is that when the election is over, you have to sit on the ballot boxes.”
FDR was not necessarily telling Johnson to cheat. He wasJ advising him to be on guard for dirty tricks. Johnson was so busy stuffing the ballot box he didn't make sure his opponent couldn't do the same. Johnson vowed it would never happen again.
In 1948, Johnson ran in the Democrat primary for Senate against former Governor, Coke Stevenson. At one point, Johnson was down 20,000 votes. It took a week to count the million ballots with Johnson eventually winning by 87 votes. He won the election with the political power in Jim Wells County, and specifically Box 13, which included 202 fraudulent ballots all filled out in alphabetical order in the same pen and handwriting.
In 2000, Gore's attempt to steal the Presidency with “hanging chads,” “dimpled chads” and “pregnant chads” and the help of the Florida Supreme Court
I'm sure you heard the Democrat mantra “Bush was selected not elected.” It was the Florida Supreme Court that clearly had their thumb on the scale. They violated the law and Florida Constitution by extending the vote from the legal certification date and attempting to extend vote counting past the federal date of December 12 for established Electors. Bush never trailed. What it actually was all about, was votes were counted, recounted and reshuffled in an attempt create more votes for Gore. This was going to happen until Gore won, as long as it took.
Fun fact: Gore actually conceded somewhere between 2 and 3 AM then rescinded his concession…
Was the media in on it?
The networks “accidentally” declared Northwestern Panhandle Florida polls closed, later claiming they didn't know they were actually in the Central Time Zone and were still open for another ten minutes. However, anyone already in line would be allowed to vote no matter how long it took. At the same time declaring Gore had won Florida's 25 Electoral votes.
Then, shortly before 8:00 p.m., the Associated Press and several television networks placed Florida and its twenty-five electoral votes in Gore’s column. Two hours later, they projected that Gore would be the forty-third president of the United States. CBS’s news anchor Dan Rather pronounced: "If we call a state, you can take it to the bank."
The result being tens of thousands of Panhandle voters did not even bother to vote, being duped into thinking that Gore had won Florida!
There were others that concluded Bush lost more than 10,000 votes and even a study commissioned by Democrat strategist Bob Beckel found Bush lost at least 8,000 votes in the Florida Western Panhandle.
Quoting the great Yogi Berra, “dejavu all over again”, in the 2020 Presidential election, FOX called Arizona for Biden with almost a million votes not yet counted, which apparently was the trigger for the swing states to inconceivably stop counting votes for the night.
Before 10:00 p.m., the networks and news services began backtracking. Dan Rather sheepishly admitted that Florida seemed to be going for Bush. As most midwestern and Rocky Mountain states were added to Bush’s totals, shortly after 2:00 a.m. the networks projected that Bush would carry Florida and become the next president.
Bush led the election-night vote count in Florida by 1,784 votes which triggered a state wide recount. At the end, Bush still led by 900 votes. Following the machine recount, the Gore campaign requested that disputed ballots in predominantly Democrat Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia Counties be counted by hand.
Fun fact: The four counties Gore picked after doing sampling hand counts that actually got Gore only a few votes were not initially agreeable with spending the money and time to do full hand counts.
Meanwhile, on Nov. 11, the Bush camp argued that recounting votes in just four counties violated the 14th Amendment and also that punched ballots could be tabulated differently when counted by hand since Florida had no detailed statutory standards for hand-counting votes. A Federal judge on Nov. 13 ruled against them.
There was also the looming Florida law that by Nov. 14 at 5:00 PM, all counties had to certify and report their returns, including any recounts. The hand count “was not going fast enough.” On Nov. 13, Gore, Volusia and Palm Beach Counties were successful having a court extend deadlines, which violated election law.
The ballot that caused the supposed controversy and confusion
If you couldn't figure this out, you should not have been voting! Gore team focused on this ballot saying votes for Patrick Buchanan were actually for him!

Since there were no detailed statutory standards for hand-counting votes, this is where it got interesting, with counters “trying to interpret” voter intention. “Undervotes”, where fewer choices were made then allowed, and “overvotes”, with too many choices which are clearly disqualified were even attempted to be put in the Gore column. Then the telepathic gymnastics of analyzing the various conditions of the punched ballots and who they really intended to vote for.
If you want to read all the intricate details:
You can borrow it at Good Reads or buy it at Amazon.
From the book:
Gore had already lost the entire vote count, the mandatory state recount and the hand count in his hand picked counties. Two possibilities:
Gore actually thought he could figure out a way to win or:
he knew he could not possibly win, but he decided to inflict as much damage as possible on the inevitable Bush Presidency.
Fun fact: On December 8, in a 4–3 decision, the Florida Supreme Court ordered immediate manual recounts of undervotes for the office of president in all counties where such recounts had not already taken place. It was actually by a 7-2 vote that the Supreme Court ruled hand recounts were unconstitutional regarding inconsistencies in manual recounting methods and standards between Florida counties and the Florida Supreme Court’s order of a manual recount amounted to a violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court “infamous” 5-4 vote was to stop the madness because continuing recounts would make it impossible to a conclusive selection of electors being completed by December 12 as provided in 3 U. S. C. § 5.
The 2004 Washington governor race between Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi
Democrat state Attorney General Christine Gregoire was running against Republican candidate Dino Rossi. Washington state “accidentally” failed to send requested ballots to members of the military on time, who overwhelmingly vote Republican. The Federal government threatened a lawsuit.
There were three recounts. Rossi won the first two. Gregoire won the third and was declared the winner. Republicans said in court papers at least 1,108 felons voted illegally, as did 55 other voters — a total more than eight times as large as Gregoire’s 129-vote margin of victory over Rossi in a hand recount, yet Gregoire was sworn in as Governor.
Fun fact: Democrat Washington Governor Gary Locke, prior to the 2004 election, signed two bills into law that insured corruption in Washington state and why the ‘found ballots’ from the Rossi-Gregoire recount were never audited.
The 2008 Minnesota Senate race that took EIGHT MONTHS!
The 2008 Minnesota Senate race was between sitting Republican Senator Ron Coleman and comedian Al Franken.
Coleman led by a few hundred votes, which triggered the string of recounts.
There were several discrepancies. Among them Minneapolis Ward 3, Precinct 1 . During the hand recount, canvassers tallied a total of 133 fewer ballots than had been recorded during the Election Day count.
Coleman's Appeal on Jan. 26, 2009:
"Not every valid vote has been counted, and some have been counted twice." Coleman raises several issues, among them: duplicate ballots, "missing" ballots, "improperly" rejected absentee ballots and discrepancies in rulings made on ballots concerning voter intent.
When asked whether Coleman should forgo an appeal, Franken added: "I would call on Sen. Coleman to allow me to get to work for the people on Minnesota as soon as possible.”
Fun fact: Al Franken was sworn in on July 7, 2009! Al Franken was the "magic" 60th Senator that allows a majority party to defeat filibusters and schedule votes on legislation and nominations.
… At least 341 convicted felons voted in Minneapolis's Hennepin County, the state's largest, and another 52 voted illegally in St. Paul's Ramsey County, the state's second largest. Dan McGrath, head of Minnesota Majority, says that only conclusive matches were included in the group's totals. The number of felons voting in those two counties alone exceeds Mr. Franken's victory margin. - Minnesota Majority is a conservative watchdog group
When the group brought this to the attention of the respective county attorneys, they were told the information was not correct.
The only way we can be wrong is if someone with the same first, middle and last names, same year of birth as the felon, and living in the same community, has voted. And that isn't very likely. - Dan McGrath, Minnesota Majority's executive director
Fun fact: In a 2020 lawsuit filed by Minnesota Voters Alliance against Secretary of State Steve Simon to produce voter data to check eligibility, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled 5-2 that the Secretary had to produce the names, addresses, birth year, voting history and telephone number for more than 5 million people, but for privacy reasons was able to withhold details about the eligibility status of voters. 😂
Next: successive questionable Presidential elections
Proverbs 24:10-12
10 If you faint in the day of adversity,
Your strength is small.
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man iaccording to his deeds?
It's always amazed me that any and all mistakes are made in the more liberal party's favor.
Great historical compendium of our fiat voting “machine”