Now, if you want to say this whole effort was a massive setup, engineered by the DNC so the intelligence officials get to keep their hands clean while the media runs with a bogus story that can be plausibly defended as an honest mistake, fine. I’m probably with you there. But as with a lot of these things, Joe Voter doesn’t read the fine…
Now, if you want to say this whole effort was a massive setup, engineered by the DNC so the intelligence officials get to keep their hands clean while the media runs with a bogus story that can be plausibly defended as an honest mistake, fine. I’m probably with you there. But as with a lot of these things, Joe Voter doesn’t read the fine print on page 47. As I say, even Trump read the press accounts and believed them
Now, if you want to say this whole effort was a massive setup, engineered by the DNC so the intelligence officials get to keep their hands clean while the media runs with a bogus story that can be plausibly defended as an honest mistake, fine. I’m probably with you there. But as with a lot of these things, Joe Voter doesn’t read the fine print on page 47. As I say, even Trump read the press accounts and believed them
Shame on him. His biggest mistake was not getting rid of rats and too easily believing BS