I liked your "Let me ‘splain it to you. Democrats claim we need the illegals because Americans are not having enough babies. Could that be due to Americans still having over a million abortions a year? Harris is running on abortion."!

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It's right in front of our faces. For some reason there are those that are blind to it.

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(‘splain) With a tip of the hat to Ricky Ricardo!

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I did my part. Only six races to vote on since all the locals were decided in the R primary here.

I verified my printed paper ballot before proceeding.

After two days, Sussex County (where I live and the state's "red" county) has more early votes so far than the other two counties combined, which I take as a good sign.

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What keeps going through my head that everyone thinks is a blessing but actually is somewhat of a curse is “may you live in interesting times.”

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We do, and it is a curse.

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Great overview. The fifth circuit court has declared that ballots that arrive after election day cannot be counted even with a postmark from before election day. I expect that fake ballots could be fraudulently postmarked. Incidentally, the Dems really cleaned up in the 2020 election in Michigan in the 100 to 200 year old age group. They even got a Lincoln voter to switch parties.


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Thanks. We shall see what transpires.

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I was in line in 40 degree weather before the doors opened, line was fairly long, but this is a Trump town. Everything went smooth, elders who needed help got it. We waited patiently, and triple checked out votes READ TRUMP before pushing the Vote button. The first week was a daily repeat, when I drove past, today is Sunday so no voting 10/27. Early voting ends 10/31. Nov 5 will have longer lines.

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👍👍 You say you're in a Trump town but I would still not trust to wait for the day of the election. Power could “go out” among other things.

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All those things factored into my choosing early 1st day voting. Elon has Star Link up for those in the Hurricane affected states. Military votes worry me, I know the procedure has changed since hub served, but still don't trust the Dems to be fair, as most military are GOP types. One of the reasons Biden has issues recruiting. War follows most Dems, WOKE/CRT/DEI are adding to it.

Reminds you of Omar. Midwestern town erupts in civil war as 3,000 African migrants move in, town of 3,800. Swamped.


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Good report as usual. I voted today (early) at the regular voting place with real machines. Long lines.

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Thanks Frederick. 👍👍

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Found this......sure fits the wicked scared dems who fear loss of power and retribution. Treason hasn't been used since 1953 the Rosenberg's.

Is the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins?

By Lee Smith

October 28, 2024


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