More Miracles Surrounding the Early History Of America. The Big Question.. Have We Exasperated Our Patron?
Our Founding Fathers and Mothers acted with resolve and were aided in their efforts. Where did we lose our way?
Our Founders had no doubt of God's hand in circumstances surrounding the founding of America
A personal observation. When reading the book of Exodus, it always amazed me that despite the Israelites seeing the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the pillar of smoke by day and fire by night, the manna and quail in the desert, etc., that should have actually instilled in them the fear of God, they still doubted Him.
Washington's first Inaugural Address, last paragragh:
Having thus imparted to you my sentiments as they have been awakened by the occasion which brings us together, I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the Human Race in humble supplication that, since He has been pleased to favor the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their union and the advancement of their happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations, and the wise measures on which the success of this Government must depend.
The weather conditions enabling the capture of British General John Burgoyne
From July 2 - 7, 1777, British General John Burgoyne attacked Fort Ticonderoga and recaptured it. Burgoyne then marched South toward the Hudson with 7,000 troops, but was intercepted at Saratoga by 15,000 American troops led by Generals Philip Schuyler and Horatio Gates, assisted by the brilliant military strategist Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. Burgoyne attempted a retreat and was caught in a rainstorm that turned the roads into a soupy mess. The Americans crossed the Hudson River ahead of him and blocked his escape. Burgoyne and 6,000 of his troops then chose to surrender. The surrender of Burgoyne is what brought France into the war to aid America. In February 1778, King Louis XVI signed the Treaty of Aliance, formally supporting the United States.
General Howe was supposed to join and reinforce General Burgoyne, but his reinforcements and supplies coming from England were prevented from reaching America for three months due to contrary winds.
How West Point was saved from capture by the British
Benedict Arnold was a daring military genius. He more than once disobeyed orders, won battles and saved many soldiers’ lives, of course irking his less skilled superiors. Unlike Washington, not bullet proof, he received many battle injuries. A serious one at the battle of Saratoga. Arnold was disliked by many of his fellow officers who claimed he was vain, emotional and greedy. One officer even supposedly stated that “Money is this man's God, and to get enough of it he would sacrifice his country.” When in February 1777 Congress created five new major generalships, Arnold was passed over in favor of his juniors. Arnold resented this affront, and intended to resign but was talked out of it by Washington. Washington was well aware of Arnold’s many shortcomings but valued him for his strong points. Arnold eventually became a major general but never got over the sleight.
Not justifying, but other factors that likely influenced Arnold
Arnold had failed business ventures and owed a lot of money. Arnold's new bride, Peggy, from a prominent Philadelphia family of British loyalists, was used to a certain lifestyle. It is believed she convinced him they would do better if he supported the British and would be paid handsomely as a traitor.
Some would say the catalyst was Pennsylvania Supreme Executive Council President Joseph Reed.
He took a personal dislike to Arnold and, in 1779, attempted to prosecute him on a series of treason charges ranging from buying illegal goods to preferring the company of British loyalists. In the build-up of his case, Reed was known to spread rumors about Arnold without offering proof of his allegations.
That sounds vaguely familiar…🤔
How the treachery was planned and failed
Benedict Arnold commanded West Point. Major John Andre led the British spy network and had been in secret talks with Arnold since May 1779. On September 21, 1780, Arnold and Andre met in person and the plan was exchanged that Arnold would make the arrangements for the British to easily take over West Point, which would give them control of the Hudson Valley. The price was 20,000 pounds and a British military command for Arnold.
The plan would have succeeded, except the British ship HMS Vulture that brought Andre was driven off by American gunfire and Andre had to walk to deliver the plans. Andre in civilian clothes came upon three American militiamen that he mistook for British loyalists. The plans were found on Andre, and it was reported to Arnold since he was the commander, and it wasn't known at the time it was his plan. Arnold was able to get away on the HMS Vulture that had returned. Arnold got his command and attacked Virginia almost capturing Thomas Jefferson. He even attacked Connecticut, his home state and burned New London. When British General Clinton refused to exchange Benedict Arnold for Major Andre, Andre was hanged.
After the West Point treachery was discovered, Washington gave orders that Arnold be captured or that he be shot on sight. Washington and others were confused and deeply hurt how a patriot, hero and friend could turn on his countrymen and kill them.
Arnold was able to escape to Britain after the war where he was a pariah since the popular and likeable Major Andre was hanged after he was caught, and the British felt Arnold was loathsome and dishonorable to betray his countrymen.
Back in 1781, Benjamin Franklin wrote to the Marquis De Lafayette about Arnold’s treason, after American agents seized a letter that said Arnold only received 5,000 pounds for his acts. Franklin compared Arnold to Judas and said it was “a miserable bargain especially when one considers the quantity of infamy he has acquired to himself and entailed on his family.”
Three rivers flooding enable Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and his troops to escape to Virginia
After his brilliant victory over Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens in South Carolina on January 17, 1781, Morgan and his troops moved north toward Virginia. He was pursued by General Charles Lord Cornwallis. Morgan crossed the Catawba River. A few hours later when Cornwallis and his troops reached the river, a sudden storm had made it impassable. The British nearly caught the Americans at the Yadkin River in North Carolina, but again rains flooded the river. A third flash flood blocked the British at the Dan River, also in North Carolina, allowing the Americans to cross into Virginia.
A sudden squall brings about the British surrender at Yorktown ending the Revolutionary War
General Washington and his French ally, Lt. Gen. Comte de Rochambeau decided to head south to attack Gen. Charles Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown instead of attacking New York. Between their troops and militia, they had 17,000 men. Cornwallis had only 9,000 and was waiting for reinforcements and supplies. While the Americans and French were heading south, on Sept. 5, the French fleet defeated the British fleet in the Battle of the Capes at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. In part because the wind shifted, disadvantaging the British fleet when sailing and firing, causing them to abandon Cornwallis. More French ships came and effectively blocked British access to Chesapeake Bay.
Cornwallis was dug in and fortified. However, because he was out manned and out gunned and was taking serious casualties and injuries. His only hope was to escape at night across the York River and fight another day. The first group of soldiers made it across successfully. A sudden severe rain squall blew the second group down river, severely reducing Cornwallis' forces. He made arrangements and surrendered to Washington the next day, Oct. 19, 1781, ending the eight year conflict for independence. Americans had defeated the greatest military power on earth at the time with their unrelenting courage and resolve and were miraculously aided at almost every step! Remember, there are no coincidences!
The British invade Washington August 24, 1814
A tornado saved Washington August 25, 1814
During the War of 1812, British troops invaded Washington and proceeded to burn it down. They set the Capital, which also housed the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress at the time, and the White House on fire. Other fires spread throughout the city. On Aug. 25, as the British proceeded to burn the city, a hurricane came ashore with a ferocious thunderstorm that put out the fires. Then a tornado dropped right in the middle of Constitution Avenue, scattering cannons and smashing the British soldiers. The storm killed more British soldiers than the Americans did.
The terrified troops retreated to Capitol Hill, regrouped and fled the city to their severely damaged ships. They were routed in less than 26 hours.
It is said a British admiral exclaimed to a woman as they fled: “Great God, Madam! Is this the kind of storm to which you are accustomed in this infernal country?”
Closing thought. “Do we believe that Americans are no longer Americans?” - Kurt Schlichter
I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times and I don't like it, makes my heart real heavy.
I just hope we can pull out of this. There's too much Hollywood going on in Washington all the time, the important subjects they don't cover, so the thing is I hope all the guys will rally up and go back and straighten it all out.
-the heartbreaking words from one of our dwindling number of WWII Veterans
I have shown you how, as Washington said in his Inaugural Address,
No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency . . .
The British had their boot on the necks of the Colonists who chose to become Americans. The fight was excruciatingly hard. But they fought and were distinguished by some token of providential agency!
The Republic they created is certainly under attack today. The most recent example, that the rule of law can be completely turned on its head against you in a court. If it can be done to an ex-president, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of justice! Whatever you think of Donald Trump, the streets of New York should have been clogged with peaceful protesters.
Our Southern border is completely open. Biden has allowed conservatively over twelve million illegals into the country, with tens of thousands of them military age men. With the push from the local level all the way to the federal government to allow these millions of non-citizens to vote to effectively end fair elections.
Our morality and intelligence being assaulted with the nonsense that a man can become a woman and vice versa. So called women's rights activists and groups looking the other way while men are being allowed to violate the rights of women in bathrooms and sports! Our children being manipulated, actually sexually assaulted and permanently mutilated with monstrous surgeries. There is pushback. However, nowhere near enough to make a difference.
So frankly, why should our efforts be distinguished by some token of providential agency? Washington continued…
We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.
We have what we have because we've allowed it to happen! In fact, as we can plainly see, it's only getting worse! “We the People” have failed to do our duty and have allowed immoral, unethical and traitorous people into positions of power in our state, local and federal governments. Nothing will change until we remember what America is supposed to be!
God helps those who help themselves - Discourses Concerning Government, Algernon Sydney, 1668
We need to Man and Woman up and resolve to take action to make it that way again!
“Nil desperandum, -- Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.”
― Samuel Adams
The president of El Salvadore called out to God. A miracle occurred. We must pray on our knees.
READ. 2CHRONICLES. 7:14. Do what it says
The Fight to Save the Family Farm and America. JUSTIN O. SMITH GUEST POST.
CLIMATE CHANGE FRAUD, DANGEROUS LAB-GROWN MEATS, AND BIOENGENEREED FOODS. SHADES OF SOYLENT GREEN! additions by Abigail. https://gailhonadle.substack.com/p/the-fight-to-save-the-family-farm
I tagged one of your posts into it.