Present Situations In America Are Not Exactly New. How Were They Handled In The Past?
There is a solution to every problem. We are running out of time.
We are dangerously close to ceasing to be America
U.S.-born citizens accounted for just 16% of the overall population growth in 2024, according to data from the Census Bureau. Between 2023 and 2024, the U.S. population grew by 1.0% to reach 340.1 million, the highest growth rate since 2000.
However, international migration accounted for 2.8 million of the 3.3 million net increase in population, or 84%. Between 2022 and 2023, it accounted for 1.7 million of the 2.3 million increase, or 73.9%.
Do you think it was accidental that American birth rates plummeted with the unscientific Covid plandemic lockdowns while migration birthrate skyrocketed? At the alarming rate American births are decreasing, with migration birth increasing about 500,000 per year, how long till America ceases to be? Let that sink in!
Aliens have been permitted to come to America expressly for the purpose of becoming citizens since our beginning.
The Naturalization Act of 1790
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the states wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law, to support the constitution of the United States, which oath or affirmation such court shall administer; and the clerk of such court shall record such application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a citizen of the United States.
Not to the present enormity, but America has had immigration crisis in the past.
Between 1880 and 1920, more than 20 million immigrants arrive. The majority are from Southern, Eastern and Central Europe, including 4 million Italians and 2 million Jews. Many of them settle in major U.S. cities and work in factories.
From 1892 to 1924, 12 million immigrants came through Ellis Island.
Fun fact: Immigrants were turned away at Ellis Island for Pink Eye, yet the Biden administration has allowed tens of millions through our southern border without even a physical. Which is reintroducing to America diseases that were brought under control or eradicated decades ago. Take TB for example:
New York City’s health commissioner announced last week that the influx of migrants from the southern border — more than 50,000 to New York City alone in the past year — is delivering contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio, to our neighborhoods.
The same disease threats are also endangering other migrant destinations, including California, Texas and Florida.
In a letter to physicians and health-care administrators citywide, Commissioner Ashwin Vasan explained, “Many people who recently arrived in NYC have lived in or traveled through countries with high rates of TB.”
New York City’s TB rate, at 6.1 cases per 100,000, is more than double the national rate.
Close to nine out of 10 (88%) of these TB cases are people born outside the United States.
Ways to solve today’s crisis with old immigration methods
SHUT the border! Anyone crossing illegally is apprehended and deported!
Reinstate health checks and refusal of entry for failing.
ABSOLUTELY no benefits! Your ancestors came here and found employment or actually died. Found a place to live or were on the street.
Reinstate the sponsorship program. To immigrate, you had to have a sponsor who was totally responsible for you and your actions. For example, Gene Simmon of Kiss emigrated from Israel as a boy with his mother because her brother sponsored them.
Here’s an idea. All the proponents of illegal immigration should be required to sponsor 2, 4, 5, etc., illegals in their homes. That support would dry up real fast!
Hyphenated Americans is not a new phenomenon
Today we have African Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. Back in the day, immigrants identified strongly with the countries they emigrated from so considered themselves Scottish American, German American, etc.
President Roosevelt addressing being American
In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people. - Theodore Roosevelt 1907
The fallacy millions of people can't be deported. President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3 million illegals beginning in 1954 in “Operation Wetback”
Fun fact: The word was coined as a reference to Mexicans illegally crossing the border by swimming or wading across the Rio Grande River and getting their backs wet in the process. To say the word in English is considered highly offensive, yet to say it in its Spanish equivalent term espalda mojada, often shortened to mojado is not. In fact, it is used in Mexico, Central America, and by Latinos in the United States often as an endearing term. Even in songs. Interesting.
Prior to 1953, it is estimated 3 million illegal Mexican migrants had come northward over several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and other states. The number was increasing to over 1 million per year. Similar to today, it was being encouraged by American employers, (farmers), who wanted cheaper than American labor with their friends in government looking the other way. There were numerous reports that when arrests were made, the farmers called their political friends, and the agents were ordered to free them.
This sounds strangely familiar.
Fun fact: One of these politicians was the notoriously corrupt Lyndon Baines Johnson, who later succeeded John F. Kennedy as President after he was assassinated.
Feel free to talk amongst yourselves about how that situation unfolded.
President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.
The operation began in June of 1954 in Arizona and California. 750 agents swept north through the farms because there were fewer connected government officials in these states.
By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.
By mid-July, the crackdown extended northward into Utah, Nevada, and Idaho, and eastward to Texas.
By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.
Unlike today, where illegals are taken to the border and let go, they were taken by bus, train and ship deep into Mexico.
By the late 50’s illegal border crossings were down by 95%.
A few ways deportation can be enhanced today
Cut off all benefits they are receiving which will of course encourage self-deportation.
Of course, start with the mile long list of known criminals on the street. Then include the prisons where illegals make up over 16% of the population.
Empty all the hotels, apartments and other housing where illegals are being put up.
Ping their government issued cell phones to identify and locate them as Jan. 6 defendants were identified and located.
Fun fact: Even if it costs $80 billion as somehow estimated, $400 billion is being spent right now per year, housing, clothing, feeding illegals, educating and giving them health care. It would be a bargain!
How much did it cost Biden to bring illegals here and take care of them?
The big straw man being put out is deporting millions of illegals is impossible or too expensive.
We know the Biden administration has been financing illegal movement through the Darien Gap in Panama:
They’re clearly expanding — today, just hours ago, I was in a camp just 300 meters from where I’m sitting, and they’ve got new buildings there and nobody’s slept on the bunks yet. These buildings house about 60 bunk beds each — that’s about 120 [sleepers] per building …
Some of these bunk beds are brand new. They still have the plastic on them. I was in the building today looking at them. And they’re still increasing [capacity]. They’re clearing land right over here, right behind the hotel I’m staying at … to put more buildings. We were in both camps today. They’re both at least twice as big as they were last year. - Michael Yon
Paying for ground transportation to the United States:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest statistics Monday, showing nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of the Biden administration’s controversial mass parole program for those migrating from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV).
The data shows that nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled. It also shows that about 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments that were made on the CBP One app at ports of entry, to be released into the U.S.
And funding NGOs like Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Church World Services to transport, cloth, house and feed them!
According to Forbes, the NGO Catholic Charities USA received $1.4 billion from government support compared with $1 billion in private donations. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service reported more than $93.1 million in U.S. government grants in its 2021 financial statement, making taxpayer-funded grants more than 80% of its total support.
And that number would only climb as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service would receive $182.6 million in grants in the fiscal year of 2022 from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Another NGO, Church World Services, reported more than $20.5 million in grant funds in its 2022 financial report, making more than 40% of its assets coming from taxpayers.
With the clock ticking down to Jan. 20, the Biden administration is not done yet
The Biden administration has been auctioning off border wall parts since at least 2023, with parts listed for sale on auction marketplaces, after it abruptly shut down most border wall construction in 2021.
Because they were caught, the Biden administration agreed to abide by a court order to cease and desist.
It’s our country to lose if “We the People” allow it!
Citizens by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of ‘American’ which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.
President George Washington in his Farewell Address on being American
David... one of your best posts ever! I'd forgotten about “Operation Wetback”...
True. This invasion has been apparent for some time -- and not just in the United States.
It's almost too lake to stop this conquest of the America we know and love.