Brilliant piece on voter fraud. They will try it again. The cynic would say they will succeed again. I would say that is likely. Cheating, lying, hate America communist NWO globo homo scum won't stop until they are decisively stopped.

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Thank you. In this next election they have a whole new list of tricks up their sleeves!

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My uncle will be voting Democrat for the first time in his life this November, something he never would have done if he was still alive.

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😂 They WILL pull all the stops out to try to drag the cackler across the finish line! Stay sharp!

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This time it will have to do with all the illegals they "registered" when they received their driver's licenses. none of whom will actually touch a ballot. Theirs will be "fortified" in advance.

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The DNC even has a brilliant scheme to win the votes of 9 million Americans abroad. Problem? Only 4.4 million Americans ACTUALLY LIVE overseas and only 2.8 million of them are of actual voting age!


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More proof we live in a banana republic.

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I will write later about the whole new list of tricks considering anyone with two brain cells sees the that based on all evidence Kamala will lose in a landslide.

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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. -------- ALL Patriots armup and UNITE with like minded People against the evils NOW --------

The 1st Amendment is the 1st Amendment. It does not let the government censor you just because your speech is “offensive” to some.

In fact, that’s the very purpose of this amendment: to protect speech that some don’t like.

If we can just silence people because we don’t like what they have to say, free speech is powerless and pointless.


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Preparing for the massive cheat.

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TRUTH EVIL Great Reset

Wikipedia • The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, and a video featuring the then-Prince of Wales Charles was released to mark its launch.

3846 The Not-So-Great Reset https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D3Lgtl50ls

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John Kerrry was a TRAITOR in Vietnam. He has NOT improved with age.

Unfortunately, Treason is now socially accepted, apparently by both political parties. This must end if the America we know and love is to recover and survive.

Do check our book Invisible Treason -- The #1 New Book on Amazon when it came out, and still the most popular and best selling on that theme. https:/www.johntrudel.com

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Democrat dick heads in Detroit covering ip the windows so no one can see them cheating

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Chances of a replay in 2024?😅😅

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David, this is excellent and thorough as usual! This is the type of deep dive I would like to write but don’t have the discipline. 🥲😉 For now, I will stick with my curations. 🙌🏾

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Thank you. Keep up your good work.

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Also, do you follow Omega4America? They focus on using fractal technology to show how mail-in ballots can and will be used to cheat in the election.

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I have seen their stuff. What they are saying is certainly disturbing.

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They can only cheat because of the incredibly stupid people who aid and abet them...

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David what do you think will happen after this hurricane destroyed so much of NC, FL and TN efftecting the election. Whole towns wiped out. Massive damage, to roads, houses and, buildings. TN has had 4-5 tornadoes go through this past year from MS/AR? A lot still not repared as far back as 2 years ago. The May 2010 parts of Memphis, most of Millington TN-Nashville was considered a 100 year flood. Wiped out the South Side of the Navy Base. Duck, has images. Country Stars did fund raisers for Nashville. We had no such help in Shelby Co from the Memphis music industry.

Mail-in voting may lead Amish to become deciding force in the 2024 election: GOP activist


A get-out-the-vote strategist is suggesting that Amish voters could influence the 2024 presidential election, saying they could literally save western civilization in November

Harris’s promise to shred our democratic norms should worry you


Hackers Show Off Voting Machine Vulnerabilities, Media Claims There’s Nothing Anyone Can Do Before November So Just Sit Down and Shut Up About Election Fraud


For years the media has insisted that American elections are as secure as they get. Suggesting otherwise would earn you the label of domestic terrorist.

Except even the most liberal of media outlets are now admitting this is certainly NOT the case.

The far-left outlet Politico reported on a convention of the world’s top hackers where they exposed just how vulnerable our elections really are – and it’s worse than you think.

These hackers were tasked with breaking into the voting machines that will be handling the bulk of elections this November.

What they discovered was that these machines are INCREDIBLY vulnerable to cyber-attacks from outside entities but comically enough, Politico claims there’s just “no way” to fix these issues before November.

And they are trying it again,

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Depending what people think about the capabilities of a rogue government, maybe this was an early October Surprise to influence the election? There are hundreds if not thousands of weather patents on the books. The devastation looks horrible!

The Amish are good God fearing people. Pacifists, but even they are willing to step up to save our country.

They are talking about cyber attacks on the elections. VOTING MACHINES ARE FORBIDDEN TO BE HOOKED TO THE INTERNET! SO MUCH FOR THAT!

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We get a read out of our votes, you can use your cell to take a photo before hitting enter. I'd like a print out. Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga are our deep blue areas. Memphis is # 1 in crime. Not safe to go anywhere there. I've never liked city freeway, now they shoot at you for no reason. They just changed police chief's she was robbed 3 times, never carried a service weapon. 2 high prophile trials going on, 1 state 1 fed. All black. Victim and cops. They thumb their noses at state law. The majority of pols are black crooks.

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Stupid is as stupid does?

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May 2010, 100 year flood, and it was worse than these few photos show, the boat recuse you could actually see white caps on the video on local news.

2010 FLOOD MILLINGTON, TN-NASHVILLE. DUCK will have photos. 100 yr flood. Flooded the small town, 17K and the Navy Base.




town https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flive.staticflickr.com%2F4003%2F4573671916_645b27d433_b.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=9b80cc6b1a236faa78893b228914669d1bc2a592b67483f3e5e52b09f4cab07b&ipo=images


orange Xs on the entire trailer parks, many lower ranks, used as living quarters.




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Remember when Kanye West said Bush was killing black people during Katrina? White people ARE ACTUALLY BEING KILLED UNDER BIDEN/HARRIS!

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In SO many creative new ways!

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Biden-Harris' Helene Response Has Been Way Worse Than Katrina, The Federalist



The Biden-Harris administration and/or the Democrat North Carolina governor are maliciously and deliberately denying or delaying the use of these assets for nefarious reasons only they know, such as, for example, making sure red counties in North Carolina cannot vote for Donald Trump.

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