The Cowardly "Experts" Who Enable The Grooming And Transgender Assault On Children
And the groups they cower to while making millions
Actually, according to GOODGOODGOOD.com, there are 5 months, 13 weeks and 79 days specifically celebrating various LGBTQ+ (mnop?) issues in a year.
Supposed “health associations”, “experts” and “professionals” have apparently caved to groups whose beliefs have no basis in science!
The largest LGBT lobbying organization, the Human Rights Campaign and World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) influenced medical organizations like the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics to embrace gender affirmation over the last two decades.
In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association eliminated “gender identify disorder” to “gender dysphoria”.
From the American Mind, “Woke Gender”, by Emilie Kao:
Because gender theory asserts that the body can be amended to match self-perception, doctors treat gender dysphoria unlike other disorders related to body image (such as anorexia nervosa, which has clear diagnostic criteria related to body image). With other mental disorders, doctors seek to address the underlying problems that have led to an inaccurate or harmful self-image. Normally, doctors and counselors don’t affirm the distorted self-images of their patients. Rather than telling girls who like sports and the outdoors to undergo permanent disfiguration, counselors and doctors could expand the parameters of girlhood beyond dresses and baking. And boys who like the arts and fashion could be accepted as they are, not told that they are girls trapped in the wrong body.
One mother, who speaks under the pseudonym “Elaine,” described what happened when her 15-year-old daughter wanted to “transition.” She recounted how experts treated her daughter’s distress with “a one size fits-all narrative that has no basis in science, common sense, or compassion.” The narrative is known as “affirmative care,” (hormonal and surgical interventions on minors to affirm gender identity). It limits counselors and doctors to “affirming” that boys are trapped in girls’ bodies, and vice-versa, even in children as young as 4 years old.
So, there is no parameter for being a lesbian or a gay man anymore either? Young people are just told you're in the wrong body? Let the hormones or surgery begin?
If 100 of patients at a clinic for eating disorders went on to have surgical interventions, one would expect intense scrutiny from the medical establishment. But there are no political lobbying organizations calling for the affirmation of disordered eating.
The latest “expert” hoax is the most diabolical since it targets children and people with serious mental disorders
If an adult went onto a school yard and started teaching the children with pictures how to perform sex acts or described in detail their sex acts from the night before, they would rightfully be arrested. Yet those same children will go back into the school and get all of the above from their teacher, with instructions not to tell their parents about it!
Young girls and boys pretend to be all kind of things. Now the implication is they “must have been misgendered at birth”.
I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.
- Bill Maher
Adolescence is a difficult time for girls and boys trying to figure life out with jumbled hormones, emotions and confusion being only a part of it. Now we have “experts” outrageously interjecting that maybe your problem is you're a girl who is really a boy or a boy who is really a girl, instead looking for other underlying causes.
Regarding Audrey Hale, her therapists illegally failed to report her intent to commit a school shooting and murder her parents
In the state of Tennessee, therapists are legally obligated to break confidentiality when a client is an imminent threat to self or others.
Fun fact: An NBC affiliate from Philadelphia ridiculously claimed that her parents couldn’t prevent Audrey from buying guns and if only red flag laws were in place the shooting wouldn't have happened, ignorant of or purposefully ignoring the legal requirement of her therapist to contact authorities.
The absurd nonsense being peddled
Taking children into a strip club with mostly naked or naked female dancers should at the least get you arrested. At the most have the children taken off you. However, taking children to see mostly naked male dancers at the library or a club is applauded as acceptable and recommended?
From the National Health Service of Great Britain:
Gender and sex do not have the same meaning. One is social, and the other is biological. Gender is a spectrum, and there are many terms to describe it. Such language is important for understanding your gender and knowing how to affirm and support others.
Although many are taught that there are only two sexes — male and female — that isn’t true. Some people are intersex or have a difference of sexual development (DSD).
Where did I get this stuff? From this page: “68 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression”. I urge you to click on it and at least scan it to give you a flavor of the madness. This is only the tip of the insanity iceberg:
Acronym meaning “assigned female at birth.”
Someone who doesn’t identify with the idea or experience of having a gender.
A nonbinary gender identity that doesn’t fit into existing gender schemas or constructs.
Acronym meaning “assigned male at birth.”
More propaganda from “experts.” Humoring and pacifying people in need of help instead of treating them.
The “cool kids” used to smoke, drink, etc. Now the cool kids are bisexual, transsexual or some other of the 69 “recognized” genders
The firehose of gender ideology into all aspects of education from the classroom to the cafeteria, from the locker room to the gym puts pressure on kids to conform. Mary Hasson of the Ethics and Public Policy Center suggests that “a school environment that makes a student feel that his or her views about biological sex are wrong or “bigoted” effectively denies that child the right to an education.”
The number of Brown University students identifying as LGBTQ+ has doubled since 2010, according to a new poll from the university’s student paper.
A similar poll conducted at the school just over 10 years ago found that 14% of the student body identified as being part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The poll was conducted by the Brown Daily Herald, an independent student newspaper at the Rhode Island school, and released in June as a part of a Pride Month special issue.
The new low hanging fruit? Linking autism and transgenderism!
From Psychology Today:
There is a correlation between gender diversity, gender dysphoria, and autism.
Even autism speaks is in on it!
When we talk about gender identity as health providers, we often use the term gender dysphoria. This is the clinical diagnosis for someone who identifies as a gender that is different than their sex at birth and is experiencing significant distress or impairment in social, school or other important areas of functioning. Not everyone who struggles with gender identity has this formal diagnosis. We also use the term gender-diverse to refer more broadly to the full range of gender expression. That can mean not identifying as only one or the other gender (nonbinary). Other terms can be used to describe individuals experiencing gender diversity such as gender variance and gender non-conformity.
Given this observed higher rate of gender variance among children with ASD, it is important that evaluations for autism routinely assess for gender variance and that clinical evaluations of youth referred for gender variance also screen for autism.
Are off label puberty blockers being prescribed without disclosing possible long term side effects?
March 24 (Reuters) - The Texas attorney general on Thursday ordered drugmakers Abbvie Inc (ABBV.N), and Endo International (ENDP.O), to turn over materials related to the sale of puberty blockers to children who believe they are transgender, part of an investigation into their off-label use.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has said he is investigating whether pharmaceutical companies are promoting hormone therapies such as Supprelin LA and Lupron to children and their parents without disclosing potential long-term effects.
"I will not allow Big Pharma to misleadingly promote these drugs that may pose a high risk of serious physical and psychological damage to Texas children who cannot yet fathom or consent to the potential long-term effects of such use," Paxton said in a statement.
People who were conned into “gender therapy” as minors telling how they made a mistake are silenced and ridiculed
The Biden DOJ is punishing dissidents for exposing the lies
States like Washington enabling unruly or confused children by illegally hiding them from their parents
This is a link to a report on Washington State Bill ESSB 5599. Despite all the flowery positive nonsense you might have read, it's not taking and keeping kids from parents, etc., this statement points out its flaws:
CON: There is no mention about parents or parental involvement but rather an emotional response to helping children. Minors cannot consent to these kinds of medical procedures. The bill doesn't say how long youth can be away from home, this should be considered child abuse. A parents job is to protect their child, this bill strips parents of that ability. Gender is in your imagination. This bill legalizes the kidnapping of children, allows for the harboring of minors, and segregates us from the union. Children should not be housed in mixed sex situations.
Under Senate Bill 5599, children can stay at licensed youth shelters without their parent’s knowledge for an indefinite amount of time while seeking medical treatments like gender-transitioning services and medications―including puberty “blockers” that can lead to permanent sterilization. - Washington State District 19 Representative Jim Walsh
Joseph Backholm of the Family Policy Institute of Washington interviewing students at the University of Washington before “woke” went full insane
This video, seven years old now, is courtesy of a guest post by Kurt Mahlburg in the BFD
It starts with Joseph asking an opinion about gender bathroom access. Then one about Joseph claiming to be a woman. Then what if he claimed he was Chinese. Then what if he claimed to be seven years old. Lastly, if he claimed to be 6 ft. 5 in. The one he got the most pushback about, bizarrely, was claiming to be 6 ft. 5 in.!
Is it possible to be more insane than insane?
Canadian Paul Wolscht, married 23 years with a wife and seven children decides he is a woman at 46. Then at 52 decides he is actually a six-year-old girl and gets “adopted” by a family with little children in the house!
I can't deny I was married. I can't deny I have seven kids. But I'm moving forward now.
By not acting my age, I don't have to deal with the reality that was my past
- “Stephonknee” Wolscht
This is where “We the People” have insanely, and quite frankly cowardly, allowed “experts” to lead us!
“Texas Democratic Convention featured speaker is 'big t**s' drag queen story hour performer pushing hormone blockers to trans youth”
Courtesy Blazemedia by Paul Sacca, June 9, 2024:
The Texas Democratic Convention was held in El Paso and ended on Saturday. The convention featured speakers such as transgender activist Charlotte Clymer, gun control activist David Hogg, and "full-time" drag queen Brigitte Bandit.
Bandit – who hosts a drag show titled "Big T**s Bigger Dreams" and promotes the "Big D***s Bigger Dreams" drag show – declared to have "worked with children for over a decade" at the Texas Democratic Convention.
Fortunately, there are health professionals pushing back at the “experts”
The American College of Pediatricians:
As physicians, together with nurses, psychotherapists, behavioral health clinicians, other health professionals, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex.
Fun fact: They join traditional Catholics and the Family Research Council on the Southern Poverty Law Center hate group list, so they must be doing something right! Incidentally,
The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has gutted its workforce, firing over 60 staffers and “essentially shuttering multiple departments.”👏
From a recent press conference by the American College of Pediatricians:
Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.
Instead, these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria. We also encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available.
As for the rest of us…
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
- Psalm 82: 3-4
Yeah, well, fuck a lot of that shit. These people should be in prison for doing the same thing to kids the Nazis did in their “experiments”.
Absolutely sickening! When will people wake up? I’m saying that as a gay parent. He is conservative and Republican and hates all this crap and calls them groomers.