While it is probably true that most homosexuals were sexually abused as children, what is less talked about is the psychological defense weapon that these victims have: denial. Many turn into predators, themselves. We live in a demented and evil society.
The fantasy that gays could be turned straight through counseling is ridiculous.
While it is probably true that most homosexuals were sexually abused as children, what is less talked about is the psychological defense weapon that these victims have: denial. Many turn into predators, themselves. We live in a demented and evil society.
The fantasy that gays could be turned straight through counseling is ridiculous.
While it is probably true that most homosexuals were sexually abused as children, what is less talked about is the psychological defense weapon that these victims have: denial. Many turn into predators, themselves. We live in a demented and evil society.
The fantasy that gays could be turned straight through counseling is ridiculous.
Like the bite of a vampire or werewolf. Once bitten, you become one.
All too often