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Great post. This is shocking information. The collusion of the US government and the media to do horrible things and be able to hide it from the American people shouldn't be a surprise to me anymore, but it still is.

Iran is an enemy of the United States, but it is clear that the more destructive villains are the enemy within.

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Obama was able to get a pass on everything he did. It was so infuriating. Now he is working through Biden.

Trying to disarm us. Allowing millions if invaders including terrorists in our country and in and on. Most definitely the enemy is within.

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USA under SHAH fucked IRAN hard back in 1950's

Ask again why Iran hates the USA, only because ZOG ZIONISM which run USA has ass fucked Iran forever

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You must have lived there? My friends had a different story about life in Iran before the Ayatollahs. YOU go live in Iran TODAY and make sure you take some gay, transexual supporters of Islam and tell me how that works out for you.

If life in Iran is so great, why all the revolutions violently put down.

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Why is everything with you people always about 'homo rights' and grooming children?

Seems to me subject at hand is the murder of Palestine people by Israel, and don't give me the "HAMAS" non-sense that is an ISRAEL ISIS operation now +40 years old created to destroy PLO arafat


I'm a fucking jew, my mother raised on an Israeli Kibbutz the only people HAMAS killed were kibbutz people, These are the Jews that MENA Jews despise, and that Euro-Jews killed during the holocaust;

The only reason Netanyahu has his HAMAS wolves killing Kibbutz-Jews is to steal their lands like he's doing in GAZA&West-Bank so as to build condo's for the China&Saudi investors that OWN MODERN ISRAEL

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You people?? Being awful assumptive there aren't you. Who said anything about homo rights and grooming children? I am saying these people who you think are such spotless snowflakes are pretty brutal to anyone who is different or disagrees with them. And yes to the subject at hand is murder.

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Read what your write dude or maybe bot,

You clearly mis-directed the Palestine to queer rights in Iran, which doesn't have shit to do with OP

Then on that matter I point out that SAUDI is the people who own MENA and run these USA-wars is the very place where drinking and dick-sucking, and ass-fucking would get your head-chopped off in a nano-second;

The fact is but you HATE to admit it that Modern Iran is tolerant of HOMOS like you.

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YOU TAKE your homo dick-sucking friends to SAUDI ARABIA the people who finance all genocide in MENA

You bring some booze with your boyfriends see how long before they cut your dicks off

IRAN actually is very tolerant of your homo bullshit, but the SAUDI OWNERS of USA SAUDI ZOG are 100% intolerant of your butt fucking sodomy

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I will leave this comment up to show the level of your intellectual depth to think that anyone would take you seriously. After this, I am done with you.

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