The Dog Caught The Car, Now What?
The Republicans have the Presidency, the House AND the Senate! The first Trump Presidency was the same, yet Trump had to practically go it alone!
The Trump Presidency began with the Obama/Hillary Russian Collusion Delusion while cowardly Republicans waited for the shoe to drop
Attorney General Jeff Sessions stabbed Trump in the back and got the ball rolling
In my opinion, Jeff Sessions recused himself to pave the way for the illegal naming of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel by Assistant Attorney General Rob Rosenstein to pursue the totally concocted charges that Donald Trump, his family and associates, colluded with Russia to win the election.
Robert Mueller was an illegal Special Prosecutor
The Mueller investigation was illegally commissioned because it was based on a phony dossier, while having no crime to investigate, lasted 656 days and cost $30 million dollars! Mueller hired 19 lawyers, 17 being pro-Hillary who worked for Hillary and/or Obama, and 40 FBI investigators to "find a crime" to remove Trump from office! If this nest of vipers found ANYTHING, it would have been leaked!
It called 500 witnesses and issued 2800 subpoenas! It had the cooperation of 14 foreign countries.
With two exceptions, indictments came from those caught in process crimes, CIRCUMSTANCES CREATED BY MUELLER to get them to lie about Trump, to save themselves and family members while financially ruining them. Only despicable Michael Cohen lied. No Russian collusion!
Its real purpose was to cover the crimes of Hillary and the corrupt DNC, colluding with a corrupt Obama administration, colluding with the corrupt media and Democrat politicians. This included Republican John McCain, who disgustingly obtained the phony Steele Dossier and distributed it. The Steele dossier was the basis of four phony FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign to rig the outcome of a Presidential election! Then conduct a bloodless coup to overturn a Constitutionally elected President!
How the Mueller investigation was actually illegal and unconstitutional
From Joe Hoft:
1. Rosenstein’s special counsel order identified collusion as the crime, but no such crime exists in US Law.
2. Mueller’s investigation exceeded the scope of special counsel law which requires the scope of a special counsel to be specific. Rosenstein created the special counsel with a scope that is so broad it was not supported by this law.
Paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purported to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
3. Mueller accepted the special counsel position with glaring conflicts of interest.
The special counsel statute specifically prohibited Mueller from serving if he has “a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the investigation or prosecution.” The language is mandatory. He “shall” disqualify himself.
Comey was the central witness. Mueller and Comey worked together. Mueller was, in fact, Comey's mentor.
4. Rosenstein and Mueller’s entire team had known conflicts of interest.
Rod Rosenstein signed a FISA application to spy on Trump, but he never recused himself from the Mueller investigation. Mueller brought in a team of Obama and Clinton disciples to form his investigative team with no intention of performing an independent and objective investigation. The entire team came from two sources. Corrupt bias leftists who had represented the Clinton Foundation. Or DOJ and FBI that let Hillary go in her obvious crimes related to her email scandal. It included the “adulterous texting FBI sweethearts” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, whose texts led to bias and potential criminal actions.
5. The Investigation exceeded the scope of Jeff Sessions’ recusal of only 2016 campaign related matters. Mueller’s scope was much broader. Sessions was derelict for not stepping in and rectifying the situation.
Problem 1: Rosenstein was “acting attorney general” only on matters Sessions had recused himself. Sessions only recused himself from DOJ investigations of 2016 campaign. Yet, Rosenstein claimed to authorize Mueller to investigate matters dating back to 2006 & ending before 2016. - Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) April 3, 2018
6. Rosenstein’s original authorization to Mueller extended only to “Russia government collusion” in the 2016 campaign. By authorizing and allowing Mueller to press charges against Manafort for 2006 actions, Rosenstein violated his authority.
7. Rosenstein did not have authorization over tax crimes. Only the Assistant Attorney General in charge of Tax Division has that authority.
8. Rosenstein’s letter told Mueller only to look to him for clarification of his authorization. Rosenstein was not the Attorney General of the United States and had no authority to supervise Mueller for matters that did not relate to Sessions’ recusal.
9. By Rosenstein issuing his expanded authorization to Mueller in secret, Rosenstein created a secret inquisitor, unelected and un-appointed by elected officials, with all the powers of the federal criminal law enforcement, but none of the democratic checks and balances.
10. The special counsel law requires that the Attorney General create the special counsel when a criminal investigation is warranted.
Because President Trump had committed no crimes, there was no reason to create the special counsel in the first place.
Attorney General Sessions was grossly derelict in his duties, and as I previously stated, was in on the scheme all along.
The Russian Collusion Delusion crime to “We the People” directly?
Congress initially wasted valuable time and did NOTHING assuming Trump was guilty, waiting for his removal, and cowardly fearing getting too close to Trump would get them in trouble also! It was a stain and distraction his whole Presidency and the magnitude of the lies and crimes didn't come out till 2023 with the John Durham investigation report. The result? ONE measly conviction of an FBI lawyer for altering emails in FISA warrants. He got probation!
Donald Trump was wrongfully impeached twice. In the second baseless impeachment TEN Republicans voted yes
Shamefully, Dan Newhouse is winning again in our Congressional District!
Will Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as they have historically done?
When Democrats have a majority, they historically ram through a leftist agenda. Under Biden/Harris, it was a verifiable communist/Marxist agenda. When Republicans gain a majority, they practically never repeal anything pushed through or make things better for the American people. The next Democrat majority just pushes further!
We saved America! Thank God. Pat yourselves on the back, then vow to hold the Republicans’ feet to the fire to correct the damage done by Biden/Harris
The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
- George Washington, First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789
The massive abuse of the judicial system with prosecutors searching for crimes needs to be a crime. The concept of prosecutorial discretion needs to be either eliminated or narrowed substantially because Democrats have shown they will chronically abuse their power to target political opponents.