The "Profession Of Journalism", A Pack Of Hyenas, Then And Now
“History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes,”
From "American Dream" written by Neil Young
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.
You know well that government always kept a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, invented and put into the papers whatever might serve the [government] ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.
- Thomas Jefferson
What does “freedom of the press” actually mean?
The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
“The press” is not just a group of professional journalist, although it certainly applies to them also. What exactly were the Founders talking about? The PRINTING PRESS itself, and the freedom of ANY CITIZEN to speak his mind and have his ideas freely distributed in the best way at that time, without fear of punishment. Benjamin Franklin, a publisher himself, also owned "presses" and felt he and other press owners were obligated to allow anyone to put into print their thoughts on any matter, with a warning:
When truth has fair play, it will always prevail over falsehood. If what is thus published be good, mankind has the benefit. If it be bad...the more tis made public, the more its weakness be exposed, and the greater disgrace falls upon the author, whoever he be.
That’s not to say people didn't express opinions through the existing newspapers at the time. The papers carried opinion pieces criticizing the British government. Anonymously, of course. Thomas Paine's Common Sense which justified revolution was printed in segments in newspapers. The Founders were not professional journalists. They utilized newspapers to publish the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers to publicly debate and circulate their opinions on what the Constitution ought to contain.
When YOU as an individual put any idea in print, on the internet, or in your social media, YOU are exercising your right to the Freedom of the Press. If a social media site censors your writing on orders from the government, that right is being violated!
“Free” professional journalists have become, for the most part, tools of the deep state to spread their propaganda. Or unobjective zealots spreading their own propaganda. You are a free American and that is why they both are terrified of you and why you need to be censored, fact checked, or have your site taken down completely. More on your part in a free press later.
Fun fact: Did you ever notice that talking heads and written media will all use the same exact same phrase regarding a particular situation? John Podesta, when managing Hillary's 2016 campaign would actually host a call every morning for all friendly media with instructions on what they should say about a situation.
Despicable journalism reared its ugly head in the 1800 Presidential election, Adams vs Jefferson
Only seventeen years after the end of the Revolution and twelve years after adoption of the Constitution, it hit the fan despite Washington's warning against party partisan politics. It was so bitter, Adams and Jefferson, once dear friends, didn't communicate again for many years. The sitting President Federalist John Adams was running with Alexander Hamilton against the sitting Vice President Republican Thomas Jefferson running with Aaron Burr.
Adams dropped Hamilton who favored transferring virtually all power to the national government creating a strong Executive Branch and Senate and chose General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Hamilton responded with a blistering 54 page phamplet criticizing Adam's presidency and character titled Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States. It was distributed to Federalists to turn them against Adams. It was also leaked to the Republicans who published it in newspapers. It was a likely cause of Adams defeat.
Jefferson was attacked in the newspapers with rumors that he had fathered children with one of his slaves. That he was a fan of the French Revolution and was going to install a Napoleon Bonaparte-like dictatorship in America. Also that he was an atheist and planned to confiscate Bibles.
The dark history of the New York Times
The New York Times knew full well the Holocaust was occurring and purposely did not print any news about it.
The Moscow bureau chief, Walter Duranty, was a known paid propagandist for Joseph Stalin. He routinely earned his keep. He even covered up how Stalin's mismanagement of farming, then confiscating all available grain and livestock, caused the starvation of around 4 million people in Ukraine in 1932-1933. Cheaper and simpler than bullets. In 1932, Duranty was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for reporting. In a front page reminiscent of today's NYT:
Fun fact: Recent NYT article:
After a few years of blissful socialism, Venezuela has succumbed to the evils of capitalism, turning the country into a capitalist hellscape.
The media participated in the totally fabricated “Russiagate” story
The media lapped up the fabricated Trump/Putin Russian collusion story like a drop of water in the Sahara Desert!
Russiagate began as a deep state/media scheme to keep Donald Trump from being elected. Then repositioned as a treasonous soft coup against “We the People” to cover the crime and to take down his Presidency. Even after it was totally debunked, there are still those who claim it to be true.
Fun fact: The 2018 Pulitzer, a national reporting prize, was shared by the Washington Post and the New York Times for reporting on Russiagate! Neither has hung their head in shame or given back the award.
The media is a co-conspirator in the biggest con in American and human history, the Covid plandemic
The whole world including the United States was frightened into shutting down over a plandemic that was less dangerous than the flu, which mysteriously disappeared for a year. Experimental MRNA gene therapy that was camouflaged as a vaccine or nobody would have taken it, was released to the world population with the clinical trial research occurring on the people as they were taking it!
Even though there is no exception to suspend the Constitution for made up health emergencies, draconian mandates were enacted that were unconstitutionally enforced as laws. Trillions of dollars were lost. Businesses were arbitrary shut down, many to never reopen again. People were ordered to get the shot or were fired. Graduations, marriages, funerals, etc., were ordered shut down. Outrageously, places of worship “complied.” Most diabolically, people died alone like they did during Fauci’s AIDS fiasco. Hospitals that were teetering on bankruptcy because surgeries were cancelled waiting for the rush of Covid patients, were eager to take a bounty for a Covid diagnosis. A bounty for giving Remdesivir, which was taken off the market years ago because it destroyed your kidneys, a bounty for putting patients on a ventilator, and a bounty for listing Covid as a cause of death.
The mantra was “follow the science” yet we found nothing that was done was based on science with the media in it past their eyeballs spreading the propaganda.
The media vehemently defended Joe Biden and trashed Kamala Harris
Up until the debate against Trump, across the media landscape, Biden was as mentally sharp and strong as a 20-year-old ! Looking for a video of Morning Joe and his panel attacking the “libelous” Wall Street Journal for attacking Biden, I got a bonus with a Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer introducing the exchange:
Only six months ago, the media was actively talking about removing Harris from the Biden ticket because she polled so badly. Biden always polled best of all possible Democratic candidates against Trump, with Harris consistently polling the worst. She ended her 2020 Presidential race when she couldn’t even get support in California! She didn’t make the first primary!
Now all of the sudden, she is tied or beating Trump in polls?
The real Kamala Harris supported Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and Black Lives Matter. She backed an assault weapons buyback program and the reconstruction of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement federal agency from “scratch” as recently as five years ago during her 2020 Democrat presidential primary campaign. As Attorney General of California, she kept black men, specifically, in prison past their sentences as cheap labor.
Harris jailed people for minor marijuana offenses while letting violent criminals off with a slap on the wrist.
As a Senator, she compared ICE to the KKK!
Despite being in charge of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program for rural broadband expansion, and having $42.5 billion from the so-called infrastructure bill, Harris failed to connect one person with high-speed internet. So what happened to the money?
Harris was for defunding police and supported a bail fund for George Floyd rioters who burned Milwaukee to the ground!
As Vice President, she was named “the Border Czar”
Hiring based on DEI, (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), was a good thing
DEI means you check off boxes to fill quotas instead of hiring based on qualifications.
Fun fact: Biden set out to pick a black woman as Vice President. Kamala was identifying as black at the time. Harris was chosen by Biden for the same reason Obama chose him. Impeachment insurance.
From: Vox by by Li Zhou, May 1, 2020
The push for Joe Biden to choose a black woman as his running mate, explained

As former Vice President Joe Biden’s search for a running mate heats up, the pressure is growing on him to pick a black woman for the role.
“I certainly agree with my colleagues who have said a woman of color, but specifically an African American woman,” Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC) told CBS News. “Knowing the support that we have always given to this party. We have carried this party for as long as I can remember.”
Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, one of the women vying for the job, laid out this call explicitly in an interview last week as well: “We need a ticket that reflects the diversity of America,” she said.
Biden even admitted Harris was a DEI hire
I’ve tapped into the full talents of our country, and it starts at the top with the Vice President. - Joe Biden at a campaign stop in Philadelphia
Now calling someone DEI is the new N-Word?
What is Harris's biggest sin? She knew all along Biden was unfit to be President
From day one she stood over him to make sure he signed Executive Orders when he said “I don't know what I am signing.”
The schizophrenic media “reimagining” Kamala Harris as the female Barak Obama
Warning: Gag reflex might be activated!
Now the media is actually saying she never was the Border Czar!
Politico pounces, then unpounces
Politico pounces on Trump for saying Kamala opposes fracking. Then realizes that she does.
Unbiased Lawrence O'Donnell not holding back
The new “pee-pee tape”? JD Vance is “weird”
Fun fact: The “pee-pee tape”, where Donald Trump supposedly paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed the Obama's slept in while in Moscow, came from some drunk Russians telling tall tales. Christopher Steele, without verification, used it in his libelous and slanderous dossier and the media gleefully ran with it. Big problem. It's common knowledge Trump is a germophobe and wouldn't have gotten within a mile of such a thing.
Every day, the media magpies announce Vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic. He even had sex with a couch! I'll bet President Trump is sitting there scratching his head and wondering, why did I pick this guy?
Should he keep Vance on the ticket, or should he pick someone new? Maybe he can pick someone from the Biden/Harris administration!
Chuck, if it was the best thing for Democrats, why are you telling Trump?
CNN trots out transgender former Yale classmate to call JD Vance a chameleon
The media has been beating the bushes for his classmates. No, you can't make this stuff up!
Molly Jong-Fast says a man with three biracial kids only wants white kids in America
“What's interesting is that this is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, right? That there need to be more ‘White children,’ right? That's the idea," Jong-Fast reacted.
"This is about great replacement theory racism, right? This is what this is. So don’t misunderstand it for him wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of racist thing," she claimed.
Kamala criticized Vance’s loyalty
Search for “Harris criticizes Vance” and you go five pages deep to only find “Vance criticizes Harris.”
The solution? Use it or lose it! You still have a voice
When truth has fair play, it will always prevail over falsehood. If what is thus published be good, mankind has the benefit. If it be bad...the more tis made public, the more its weakness be exposed, and the greater disgrace falls upon the author, whoever he be. - Benjamin Franklin
I told you I would come back to your part in the 1st Amendment. The rest of the Bill of Rights has no meaning without the 1st and 2nd Amendments. In the 1st, among the other rights, that you specifically have a right to free speech and freedom to publish your thoughts. The 2nd, the right to defend yourself.
When you see “professional” journalists or your government servants obfuscating or flat out lying, do what Benjamin Franklin said and don't let them get away with it! The more they get away with, the more your freedoms erode.
Tell your family, friends and neighbors the truth. Show up at your school board and City Council meetings. It's your money they are spending. Show up at your polling places. Write to your Representatives. Place letters in your local papers. Write on Substack. People say that they can't write. Everyone has their own style and unique voice, simply write what is in your heart. You might even find out you are exceptional at it.
I repeat it again. Your freedom is hanging by a thread
I have shown you how abjectly dishonest the profession of journalism was and still is to promote agendas instead of the truth. How they eagerly work with nefarious forces. You are all that stands in their way. You already know it will not be easy and you might be attacked and persecuted. Buck up!
Trade liberty for safety or money and you'll end up with neither. Liberty, like a grain of salt, easily dissolves. The power of questioning - not simply believing - has no friends. Yet liberty depends on it. - Thomas Jefferson
it's easy being a journalist these days. you don't have to think, question, locate and talk to sources, check for accuracy. no skills required beyond ability to read whatever the Trusted News Initiative sends over. they're like the stepford wives. or a bunch of actors reading a set script for an audition. what used to require work is now just an easy gig. great clips, thanks.