Just like the step-by-step plan laid out for the Covid plandemic. A "Color Revolution" along with the others around the world backed by Soros and his Open Society Foundation to overthrow governments.
It's just amazing how often the other side accuses us of what they eventually did. But there's a reason one of my favorite quotes is "absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Almost daily recalls on food. Boil water orders as old pipes break. EV cars, and regular cars. It is Not normal. I shopped yesterday, the produce was less than quality for human consumption. Prices were higher. Especially meat, bread, and eggs. Tons of going out of date food was being disposed of. Especially pre-cut salads or fruit.
It is the Amish way of life as it is the Mennonites. The Muslim's eating habits are catered to in schools, jails, and prisons.
An Amish organic farmer is facing a hefty fine and a prison term for the simple crime of producing clean meat. Amos Miller runs a holistically managed farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania...
It's just amazing how often the other side accuses us of what they eventually did. But there's a reason one of my favorite quotes is "absolute power corrupts absolutely."
We're definitely in scary times.
Almost daily recalls on food. Boil water orders as old pipes break. EV cars, and regular cars. It is Not normal. I shopped yesterday, the produce was less than quality for human consumption. Prices were higher. Especially meat, bread, and eggs. Tons of going out of date food was being disposed of. Especially pre-cut salads or fruit.
The object was and is to make America a third world country. That includes bringing the third worlders here!
True. Net Zero Living. 10 companies make most of our food now. Each has many companies under their brand. Tyson has 31 alone. Pepsico will survive the EU dumping them. I counted 18, how many do those 18 own? https://scontent.fjbr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/101069691_2687431858143302_1903751014230523904_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p843x403&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd63ad&_nc_ohc=pODfR9uR-FYAX_tEoHH&_nc_ht=scontent.fjbr1-1.fna&oh=00_AfA-6Urx24DBOz02LBThNP0DpuYiiQsI4974WlXNtLWiDw&oe=65C10A45
That's exactly what Satan does as the "accuser".
Continued by his disciples Stalin, Hitler, Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, who actually dedicated his book, "Rules for Radical", to Lucifer, the first radical
Stunning and comprehensive account of what really occurred. Bravo.
Thank you Frederick. But let's pretend it never happened!
AI LIE, Liberal Actor Mark Ruffalo TRUMP HATER Tries To Smear Trump, Gets Humiliated After Being Duped By AI
It is the Amish way of life as it is the Mennonites. The Muslim's eating habits are catered to in schools, jails, and prisons.
An Amish organic farmer is facing a hefty fine and a prison term for the simple crime of producing clean meat. Amos Miller runs a holistically managed farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania...