Between today (January 1, 2025) and February 9 we will learn whether the traitor Obama managed to get enough radical Islamists into the USA to destroy New Orleans.

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My heart bled at the thought of all those Sea Dragons and jellyfish and sharks and stingrays that died following Katrina. It is like God put a curse on New Orleans. A "ghost tour" of the city reveals many dark secrets about Yellow Fever and we have all seen who the police chief in Nawlings is. Louie Armstrong couldn't save the city.

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Why February 9th?

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My mistake: I intended to type "February 11" - the date scheduled for the Super Bowl in New Orleans.

Of course, I was typing faster than I was thinking (as usual) and I neglected to share my negativity with the world. A major terror attack on Washington, DC or Times Square might be just the thing for our Islamic visitors on February 11, while all the resources of the police, the military, the CIA, and the FBI are all focused on New Orleans.

It is a shame that we have no Tommy Robinson in the USA to warn us of the Islamist threat.

Manchester is an Islamist city.

London is now an Islamist city.

Is Houston next??

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Great reference to Thomas Paine...

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These are strange and dangerous times. However, our founders faced similar evils and triumphed.

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These people are truly shit.

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