This is spot on.

Wake up America. This is unrestricted warfare by China and the New World Order. We are losing, and if this is not fixed by Election 2024 it is game over for the "land of the free, and home of the brave."

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Absolutely. How can we wake them though? When they are getting herded into the street to be sent off to the camps THEN they'll realize it's too late!

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America is a sucker country, free handouts to illegals and those border crossers know it. If you want to burn down cities, no problem. How many died from the real insurrection at the hands of BLM and Antida.

But if you’re flying in legally, you can just about be sexually molested by security people at airports in the name of keeping you “safe”. It’s such a charade.

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Americans are too nice, too fat, too happy to realize they are actually under invasion, with the government officials THEY hired helping!

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Regarding the Sound of Freedom, Disney owned the movie since 2019 but refused to release it. The only way that the movie was seen by the public was for the distribution be crowdsource by the public. And the movie is making $tens of millions in profit.

(BTW this was fact checked by leftists as completely true. https://www.newsweek.com/disney-sound-freedom-shelved-jim-caviezel-1812179)

Anyone who thinks that Disney is a business is deluded. Disney's goal is NOT to make money. Disney's sole goal and purpose is to advance the Marxist/Leftist agenda. Hollywood is using the international movie-making clout it earned in the past to export Woke Marxism to the world in the present.

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Absolutely! Willing stooges to help overthrow America.

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PEDOsteria: Best Sound of Freedom Memes (Pissing Off the Groomers!)

- Cuties vs. Sound of Freedom, everything is QAnon, can't even agree on child trafficking being bad and more Sound of Freedom memes plus why [pedo...] members of the media hate the movie!


PEDOsteria: Best Woke Disney Memes (Pedoworld?)

- Mickey = Wicked, Captain Hook is still White, replace "groomer" with "Disneys," some “Disney magic” (tap water) will cost you, same old cr*p, of course they did or will and more woke Disney memes!


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Wow! That was extensive! Well done!

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Great essay and thanks for the mentions!

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Sure! Using thoroughly researched work to make my point for me.

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standupamericaus.org is Gen Valleley website. 17 states give Driver's Licenses to illegal foreign born non citizens and automatically register them to vote, those 17 states also mail them a voters card and mail in ballots. 5 million new military aged males have crossed the border in the last 2 years.News flash, we will not win the 2024 election.

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