Who Is "ActBlue"? And How Does A $15 "Small Donation" Turn Into $26,204.07?
Evidently not from retirees who thought they gave $15-20 yet are marked down for tens of thousands through thousands of contributions.
From THE CAROLINA JOURNAL by Alex Baltzegar:
There was absolutely no way I could afford to make those types of contributions,” a Raleigh resident (designated A.D.), whose identity has been kept confidential by Horn, said.
Reports show A.D. gave $26,204.07 to Democratic-aligned causes during the 2021-22 election cycle through 1,905 transactions.
“There is no way I could give anywhere near that kind of money,” he said.
A.D. said he is retired and lives on a fixed income, although he did say he had made some smaller contributions, “like $15 and $20” amounts, toward Democratic causes. - Stephen Horn, investigative journalist from North Carolina
It gets better. People who didn't even make donations are appearing as donors
The Fair Election Fund is alleging it has found more than 60,000 potential discrepancies in donations made to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris‘s campaign through ActBlue.
If the Democrat money machine is secretly stealing the identities of unsuspecting Americans in order to launder money to Kamala Harris, then it will be the biggest scandal in modern presidential history and the perpetrators will be held accountable.- former Congressman Doug Collins, The Fair Election Fund
Who is ActBlue?
ActBlue claims to be an American political action committee and fundraising nonprofit online platform. It was established to serve left leaning and Democratic nonprofits and politicians. It is a major fund-raising mechanism for the Democrat Party.
From The New York Times:
ActBlue has led the movement toward small online political donations. As much as any other organization, it has made such donations easy and common — even, as some donors find, addictive. Because it’s flexible and easy to use, it has also become a platform for little experiments that gently squeeze even more money out of donors.
ActBlue lets campaigns create web pages and emails with fund-raising solicitations that include simple forms to make the process of donating faster and easier. By storing credit card information, ActBlue reduces the friction involved in filling out donation forms to a single click.
So, they have all actual donor information stored to “adjust” it accordingly. That they have information on people who didn't even donate is more interesting.
Apparently, just about every Democrat, progressive, socialist etc., uses ActBlue
I went to the site. It covers every state. You can easily find candidates who have donation sites set up. For the fee of 3.95%, ActBlue does the processing.
I searched for Washington. Then Senators, for example:
Where does the miracle like the Loaves and the Fish occur? How does a $15-20 small contribution turn into $26,204.07? Apparently, a majority of the time from China
Side note: I am not saying any individual candidate, such as Cantwell, is benefiting from this. However, their lists of small donors are certainly being used by ActBlue to Hoover up and conceal money.
After he got a nuclear attack for exposing Pfizer, James O'Keefe exposed ActBlue and how they were taking tiny contributions from seniors like this lady and using them to launder millions.
In filings by Election Watch with the FEC is evidence that over 60% of the money that is involved in this is coming from China.
ActBlue is feeding a lot of money to other PACs like Emily's List and Color of Change PAC just to name a few.
More investigation into ActBlue manipulating donors
For example, it took us no time at all to find a New Orleans resident named Cornelius Maneaux who’s listed as “not employed” but nevertheless donated to ActBlue some 847 times between January 4, 2021 and December 31, 2022 in amounts ranging from $1 to $100 for a total of $18,276.54.
And here’s the house listed as the address on those donations. We found it by looking up the address on Google Maps.
Nobody who lives in that house and is listed as “not employed” has $18,000 to give to ActBlue over a two-year period. That’s clear.
Feel free to do this on your own
Feel free to pursue this at your own leisure. The campaign contributions to ActBlue can be found at the FEC website here, and when you find the ones most interesting, you can use the filters on the left sidebar to isolate them, then hit the “export” button to download them as a CSV file. When you do that and look at it, you’ll see the addresses.
From there, it’s pretty easy to look them up on Google Maps, and you can tell whether it’s plausible for the donor to be making chronic contributions to ActBlue. I’m going to say Maneaux, of the slums of New Orleans, decidedly is not. But he certainly isn’t alone in that status.
I went to the FEC website and gave it a try
Then click on the name and it will take you to this page
Fair Election Fund wants to hear from you
If you have knowledge of abuses in the system, your voice could be what helps preserve our democracy.
Fair Election Fund has started running an ad:
If the Democrats’ fundraising numbers sound outrageous … unbelievable … it’s because they might be.
Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue has been accused of stealing our identities to conceal donations from bad actors.
If your identity was stolen or you know more, call us.
Some homework for you
Go to the ActBlue website and look up your respective national, state or local Democrat, progressive, socialist, etc., candidates and ask them if they are aware how corrupt ActBlue apparently is and, are they willing to cease their association with ActBlue? Let's guess the answer…
Not just ActBlue.
I made a small contribution to a text message run out by WinRed. Opted for $10 plus a small $1.40 charge for the 'expenses' associated with paying by credit card.
Charge came through for $101.40.
I contacted credit card company, disputing the transaction. Also contacted WinRed.
Couple of days later the transaction was cancelled by WinRed.
Text messages continue. Giving them contact info gives them info they share with various campaigns across the country who then make appeals for contributions.
I've come to the point that I delete each & every one without hesitation and block subsequent messages from the number they used. Doesn't help much though, same campaign uses a different number next day.
Influencewatch.org Search Act Blue