Enjoying my morning cup of coffee, I turned on the internet to see how many more ultra-classified documents Joe has stashed “in a really secure location”, and nearly spit my coffee out when I came across these pictures of the monument Boston erected to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:
Courtesy David Storm of “Hot Air”, “What on Earth is wrong with you Boston?!”
My two cents on it….
This is the monument erected to Dr. King in Washington DC:
Courtesy David Storm of “Hot Air”
Quoting David:
I absolutely hate hate HATE the Martin Luther King monument in Washington D.C. Created in the Soviet style of sculpture, it looks exactly like it is: a statue designed by a Chinese Communist who built a monument to Mao Zedong.
But compared to the monument to King just revealed in Boston, the commie statue is a work of perfection worthy of Michelangelo.
So how much did the hard working tax payers of Boston unwittingly get robbed for this 22 foot monstrosity, and to whom was it paid?
The $10 million bronze statue, designed by Hank Willis Thomas and MASS Design Group, now stands in the Freedom Plaza of the Boston Common, America's first public park.
And yet,
Courtesy: Tony Fisher/Flickr/CC
Go figure!
Post modern art it is not! https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/post-modern-art-it-is-not-21-01-20
Woke artists for sure!