723 Days After Jan. 6, 2021
When TWO AMERICAN CITIZENS WERE MURDERED AND AMERICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS IN THE NATION'S CAPITAL are still being treated as bad or worse than in any totalitarian prison while Americans just watch!
With the Declaration of Independence, our country was founded on the principle that the rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are God given rights that no man or government has the power or authority to take away.
With the creation of the Constitution, for the first time in history, citizens, "We the People", chose the government that they wanted to serve THEM, not the other way around, and gave it specific boundaries it could not cross. With any elected or appointed public official swearing an oath "to uphold, defend and protect the Constitution and the United States that created it.
Violation and desecration of the Constitution has gone on almost from its creation. Most recently, the FBI colluding with Hillary Clinton to create the Russian/Trump collusion hoax before the 2016 Presidential election and continuing after Donald Trump won. Then the FBI discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop by ordering, then paying social media companies to continue the lie and silence anyone who said the contrary, unconstitutionally influencing the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.
However, on Jan. 6, 2021, it went off the rails. The lie that an insurrection occurred despite NO ONE being charged with insurrection and Capital police were killed continues. While the actual truth is that four American citizens were killed or died that day:
Ashli Babbit courtesy wwwp-lives.blogspot.comcom
WARNING! THIS IS THE ACTUAL VIDEO OF UNARMED ASHLEY BABBIT BEING MURDERED by Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd. Notice the several armed officers directly behind her that obviously did not feel she was a deadly threat. Given Lieutenant Byrd’s irresponsible record with firearms, (he actually left his loaded service weapon in a men's room), it is amazing he did not shoot one of the other officers instead! His pathetic defense was he was protecting the Capital. From ONE, LONE, UNARMED WOMAN?
Unarmed Ashley Babbit was murdered by Capital Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd with no murder charges.
From documentation obtained by Judicial Watch:
As early as January 6 itself, an OCME official was emailing Babbitt’s fingerprints, which were forwarded to someone with the result that “undeliverable” messages apparently in Chinese characters were returned. WHAT? (emphasis mine)
“On January 8, 2021, at 7:13 p.m., an application to cremate the body of Babbitt is labeled ‘completed successfully.’ Copies of the permit are sent to OCME officials. . .On January 13, 2021, Dr. Francisco Diaz emailed Chief Medical Examiner/Deputy Mayor Roger Mitchell with the note, ’21-00106 [Babbitt’s case number]: COD-Gunshot wound to left anterior shoulder. MOD-Homicide.’ Note: COD is ‘Cause of Death’ and MOD means ‘Manner of Death.'”
Therefore, Babbitt’s death was determined to be a homicide as early as January 13, but the OCME did not actually release the cause of death or manner of death for Babbitt until April 7, 2021.
This photo provided by Justin Cave shows Rosanne Boyland. / AP
Rosanne Boyland, 34, died just outside of the Lower West Terrace tunnel after police pushed protesters out of the tunnel and caused them to pile on top of one another. Boyland was savagely beaten by Metropolitan Police officer Lila Morris after she was on the ground and already unconscious. She died because despite other protesters begging the police to back off so they could help her and call an ambulance, they ignored them till she was unresponsive.
Warning: This link is to a graphic video showing how Rosanne Boyland was killed and how she was savagely beaten by Lila Morris while unconscious on the ground.
Kevin Greeson, 55, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
These men died after the protest. My take. If they were anywhere near where the police were fogging the area with tear gas to asphyxiate the protesters it probably contributed to their demise.
Other protesters were beaten nearly to death
Victoria White courtesy freepressers.com
Victoria White was brutally beaten near death by the US Capitol Police.
According to previous statements by attorney Joseph McBride:
She is hit approximately thirty- five times over the course of 4 minutes and 30 seconds, while appearing to be begging for mercy the entire time. She is hit with the baton while facing away. She is hit with the baton while facing forward. She is speared and poked with the baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain. She collapses more than once and is stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again. At some point, White-shirt puts away his baton, not because he is showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face. As such, he unloads on the defenseless woman punching her five times in five seconds, directly in the face, with all of his might.
These are clips of actual video footage of American citizens being brutally assaulted and killed by Capital and Washington Metropolitan Police. In an era of "defund the police" and police officers being suspended, fired and prosecuted for the smallest, not even proven violation, how is it NOT ONE Capital or Washington Metropolitan Police Officer has been suspended, fired or prosecuted with actual video footage of their brutal actions?
Incidentally, the cop who beat Victoria was later promoted!

What is the difference between this brutal treatment of American citizens by so-called law enforcement officers and the savage way the Chinese put down the protests in Hong Kong? These videos are only a few minutes of the 14,000 hours of video footage. One can only imagine what else is not being disclosed.
With hundreds of others persecuted and arrested for simply being inside the Capital or their images caught on 14,000 hours of video surveillance that belongs to the citizens who paid for it or by having their cell phones pinged and tracked.
George Soros-elected District Attorneys routinely release violent criminals back on the street without even bail while the reason FBI SWAT teams forcefully break into these Americans homes in the dark is, wait for it, they were trespassing and parading at the Capital on Jan. 6, 2021! Question. If this is a “government for and by the people”, and ALL government property is owned by the people, how can you be charged with trespassing, let alone “parading” on your OWN property?
These murders of American citizens and the barbaric treatment of additional American citizens by the government WE created and mockingly control has been drowned out by all the other shiny balls of government abuses, bad economic news, millions of illegal aliens invading our Southern border, $100 BILLION thrown at the Ukraine war, enough to give each member of Congress $200 million to take back to their Congressional district. Side note. There is absolutely no accounting of where this money given to Ukraine is going. The FTX scandal also involved Ukraine. Where crypto investors got swindled out of billions of dollars with money being laundered through Ukraine with U.S. Democrat politicians and organizations getting millions in contributions of stolen money with no intent on giving any back.
To my embarrassment, their murders and plight after two years was only brought back to my attention after listening to an interview with one of the Jan. 6 political prisoners, John Mellis, on the Dennis Prager show on Dec. 22 of last week while driving and doing chores. This is a link to the interview, which I have no doubt John later paid for dearly at the brutal hands of the Washington DC prison guards later.
Jonathan Mellis, Prisoner #376907, DC Gitmo
In the interview, Jonathan reported he was held in solitary confinement 23 hours a day for eight months straight!
His and other Washington DC American political prisoners’ stories are on the website: https://www.wearegoodmen.com/ Please visit it and read their stories. Many are in dire need of money for lawyers, since apparently the tactic of the DC public defenders appointed to them is WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A SPEEDY TRIAL OVER THEIR OBJECTIONS! This is the link to the “help” site: https://www.wearegoodmen.com/help
The American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU), whose purpose is to protect the civil liberties of Americans, is apparently too busy with other things, like defending the hundreds of thousands of illegals crossing our Southern border. Many of the Washington DC gulag prisoners have lost their homes since they of course lost their jobs being in jail, some of them almost two years now, so their families are homeless also. Veterans have had their monthly pay suspended also.
The atrocities are not just being committed against so-called MAGA hat wearing, White Supremist male Trump supporters:
Trans Woman Jessica Watkins Stripped Naked and Left in Cell with Lights on for 24 Hours a Day for 4 Days – Is Still Being Held for Crime of Walking Through US Capitol, Talking to Cops, Following Orders on Jan. 6
First, that an American citizen was OUTRAGEOUSLY treated this way in an American prison in our nation’s capital! Second, where are all the individuals and groups screaming about transsexual discrimination and abuse? Crickets!
In an earlier essay, DC Political Prisoners Request Transfer to Guantanamo, I featured a letter from the Washington DC prisoners reporting the horrific conditions they live under:
Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercy through a 4 inch by 10 inch window of cold metal doors
No Visitations
No Religious Services
No Attorney Access
Mail delayed 3-4 months prior to delivery
Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of ripe urine
Worms found in salad of “Meals”
Inadequate calorie count of “Meals”
Complete lack of nourishment in “Meals”
Loss of Head Hair due to malnourishment of “Meals”
Loss of Eye Sight due to malnourishment of “Meals”
Suffering from Scurvy due to malnourishment of “Meals”
Blatant extortion via commissary in order to maintain health and or body weight
Rust in the Water
Rust in jagged metal desks in Cells
Rust on metal cages near face on small windows of Cells
Black Mold on walls of Cells
Black Mold on floors of Cells
Black Mold in vents of Cells
Broken Sinks in Cells
Broken toilets that either wont flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
Cockroaches in Cell / Cell Block
Mice in Cell / Cell Block
Black Mold on floors and walls of showers in Cell Block
Black Sewer Flies in the Shower
Denial of basic cleaning equipment to sanitize Living Space
Denial of personal grooming allowed, forced to use Nair on head and face that leaves chemical burns on skin
Stuck in Cells for 9 days without shower
Improper Medical Care
Medical Care arriving months later, or none at all!
Lead Paint inside Cell / Cell Block
No Access to Discovery
No Legal Support such as laptops, printers, copiers
Denial of Legal Mentors
Vaccine Requirements for Visitations
Vaccine Requirements for Visitors
Vaccine Requirements for Haircuts
Vaccine Requirements for Religious Services
Vaccine Requirements for speaking with Lawyers in person
C.R.T. Propaganda on Tablets
Re-Education Propaganda on Tablets
Lack of Legal Documentation on Tablets
Racially Biased information on Tablets
Removal of Internet Access / Booster for Educational Tablets
Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time
Outdoor Rec denied arbitrarily
Entry to Congressmen & Women who came to check on us Denied
Repeatedly Mocked and or Insulted for our skin color or “Religious” documentation
Compared to “Beasts”, “Dogs” and “Hogs” by “The Final Call” Magazine
Politically mocked by staff with Democrat, Black Lives Matter, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden related attire
Sent to “The Hole” if we express any political views whatsoever
Racially Profiled by Guards
Sleeping on the job by Guards
Denial of hot water by Guards
Prevented from attending court dates by Guards
Homosexual and or Verbal Assaults by Guards
Maced by Guards
Physically Harassed by Guards
Assaulted by Guards
Cell Invasions in the middle of the night by Guards
Grievous Beatings by Guards
Threatened with and or Nearly Stabbed with “12 Inch Knives”
Trials Postponed for at least 6 Months or almost a Year
Bond / Bail continually Denied
Removal of Internet Access of Clear Tablets
Removal of Access to Attorney
Removal of Access to Law Library
Removal of Access to Worship Services
Removal of Access to Grievance Forms on Tablets
In addition to all the above, these AMERICANS IN AN AMERICAN PRISON are getting BEATEN for singing the National Anthem! Is the Washington DC prison actually a North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp?
It was pathetic the way the media carried the story that FTX owner Sam Banks-Friedman who stole billions from investors was begging for extradition from the "harsh" Bahama prison to the United States while they completely ignore the truly brutal conditions outlined here at the Washington DC prison under which American citizens suffer. If put in Washington DC prison, Banks would be begging to go back to the Bahamas!
Some facts about the “January 6 Insurrection”:
No one has been charged with “Insurrection”, so it was reduced to “the January 6 Riot”.
Practically everyone knew there was going to be an incident at the Capital on Jan. 6:
Capital Police were warned in December 2020 of possible violence on Jan. 6.
Capital Police were warned from Baltimore that BLM and Antifa were coming to dress up as Trump supporters and riot! Could THAT be who was raising all the hell at the Capital?
Pelosi and Mayor Bowser both refused up to 20,000 National Guard from President Trump two days prior to Jan. 6, 2021! Mayor Bowser of Washington DC felt she needed National Guard because 6100 illegals were released in Washington but declined them when she KNEW there was going to be unrest at the Capital! Here is her refusal letter:
As far as the outrage going on at the Washington DC prison, it's MURIEL BOWSER’S prison! So, she knows full well the atrocities being committed against American citizens there!
An FBI representative refused to respond to Sen. Ted Cruz whether FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6, 2021, and whether they committed any crimes of violence or actively encouraged crimes of violence. Again. Who was actually rioting? Especially troublesome in light of their involvement with the Michigan Gov. Whitmire kidnap plot entrapment.
2023 is about to begin. What are your thoughts on this? As an American citizen, you ought to be furious. What are you going to do about it? Is your Representative or Senator doing anything about this? If not, ask them why not? Share their website: wearegoodmen.com Write to a Patriot: WWW.PATRIOTMAILPROJECT.COM Share the monstrous videos. If you can, help them with their defense and/or expenses for their families: wearegoodmen/help.com Will the murders of American citizens peacefully protesting at the hands of Capital and Washington DC police that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021, go unanswered for another year? Will political prisoners languishing in the Washington DC hell hole of a prison for almost 723 days now with among their numerous Constitutional rights being violated not even being charged with a crime go on for another year? Will the FBI be allowed to continue its persecution of American citizens for peacefully expressing political views or being unfortunate enough to have appeared in the 14,000 hours of Capital video footage not released to the public? More egregiously, not being released as discovery material to defense attorneys of Americans being persecuted, not prosecuted by the FBI.
How shameful and embarrassing for America, the defender of the God-given rights of the individual for almost 300 years now, to be told by two of the biggest human rights abusers in the world, China and Russia, that we have a lot of gall preaching when we have actual political prisoners languishing in a hell hole prison IN OUR NATION'S CAPITAL!
And the Republicans do nothing but continue to betray us.
Thank you for sharing this raw and honest post, Dave. I hear you loud and clear. Indeed, we have so much to do in the new year. We can start (or continue) by taking a small step, from holding our elected officials accountable to building small movements in our local communities. Thank you.