So anti-WOKE! Nice.

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Thank you. It was enjoyable and fascinating research.

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It seems impossible that we can come back from where we are now. If the corruption and collusion in the uniparty was still a secret we might be able to return to a place where we could pretend everything is fine.

But there's no unseeing what has been seen over the last 7 or 8 years. They went too far and overplayed their hand. Now, there are only two choices: total victory or total defeat.

Either we will overthrow tyranny again and salvage something from the ashes or we will fall fully into enslavement and eventual destruction.

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I guess we'll see if Americans are as brave and determIned as their ancestors.

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Mar 24Edited
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When Rush Limbaugh was still alive, the left tried doing the cancel game on him by "overwhelming" his sponsors with hate male if they didn't drop him. Limbaugh's team did research and found all the "thousands" of threats would come from only 10 or 12 people with thousands of bots, which he would take and show the sponsors. Same here. Americans of all religions races and orientations are waking up and speaking out that they love their country, life has taken a nosedive in the past 4 years and they've had enough. "We the People" greatly outnumber them. Take heart!

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Mar 24
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Thank you. People, (we), still remember. We have to enlighten the rest.

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Jason, I’ve been saying this exact thing since Trump decided to run again. So many are falsely assuming, and expecting, Trump to fix this mess we’ve realized we’re in, so they can go back to their “normal” lives. They’re in for a huge disappointment. Could he perhaps begin the process of dismantling the Deep State (assuming he is allowed to win, which in itself isn’t very likely)? Even that is questionable as he is going to meet resistance every step of the way by both parties. Your last line is exactly the situation we are in, and sadly, I think the later part is most likely! I’m just not sure the American public has the stomach to do what is required unless they have no choice! (I, for one, will fight to the bitter end…)

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It looks like Americans more and more are realizing what the deep state is and have had enough of it. However, we need to see more of a "put up or shut up" attitude or nothing is going to change.

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That's why they called it "American Exceptionalism."

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Blessed is the Nation whose God is The Lord.

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That sums it up!

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hear hear! I'm'a big fan've AmeriCAN know-how, elbow grease, an' usin' yer noggin' old-school style ta make nifty stuff that works, goes, an' celebrates the mighty spirit we human beans are uniquely gifted with! Writin' in the vernacular (bein' one'a the canceled folks formerly known as an "acteur!", I been writin' on some'a this same-like stuff me-self!) -- here'z a few examples in case of interest to ya:



let's git outta this "hole" an' fix this "whole" American mess we're now in!

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Yup! Thanks. I will check out your posts!

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we the willing led by the unknowing are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.

We have done so much for so long with so little,

we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

(this was written on a wall in a company in Marshall, Texas)

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Thank you Ingrid. DEEP!

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this was 18 years ago, seems like someone knew what was coming !

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America has been “fundamentally transformed,” as Marx and Obama would call it. 🗽 We have been dissociated from our foundation.

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True. Fortunatly there are still people who remember.

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Love the historical accomplishment stories and especially Brian Shul’s truly inspiring life.

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If you didn't do it, you need to play Brian's telling of the speed check story. Hillarious.

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Oh I definitely played it. Great storytelling 😊

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I somehow found that a while back then realized who it was when I started researching Brian. An exceptional man. Glad you enjoyed it. Share it!

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Thank you. It was my pleasure to share.

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How long did it take to build Liberty or Victory Ships vs today's similar ones, The 1920's version of USS LADY LEXINGTON (USS Lexington (CV-2), nicknamed "Lady Lex", was the name ship of her class of two aircraft carriers built for the United States Navy during the 1920s._ The American aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-2) sank in the Coral Sea on May 8, 1942. The WWII Sinking of the USS Lexington in the Battle of the Coral Sea: And the Stories of Survivors https://www.ww2history.org/war-in-europe/the-wwii-sinking-of-the-uss-lexington-in-the-battle-of-the-coral-sea-and-the-stories-of-survivors/#:~:text=The%20destroyer%20USS%20Phelps%20was,least%20not%20at%20that%20time.

THE TRACKS OF THE U.S.S. LEXINGTON Despite the extensive index of accomplishments; the understated language and simple design of the map can almost be said to downplay the experience of the Lexington and her crew. During their 21 months of combat, the ship’s planes destroyed nearly 1,000 Japanese aircraft, sank or destroyed nearly a million tons of enemy cargo, and ferried thousands of troops back home to California and Hawaii. She was nicknamed the “Blue Ghost” by Japanese propaganda because she was reported sunk no less than four times and wore a slightly different shade of camouflage than most other U.S. ships.. https://curtiswrightmaps.com/the-tracks-of-the-u-s-s-lexington/

BIL served on the Lady Lexington in WW11. He passed from Prostate cancer at age 91 he was a character. June 23, 1926-June 30, 2017. Obit https://obituaries.niagara-gazette.com/obituary/earl-honadle-949897481

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Thanks for that history Gail. We need to keep things like that alive.

As far as the Liberty vs Victory ships I read some on them. Apparently the Liberty was an upgrade. Longer, wider, taller, better shape, more sturdy and with 8500 hp vs only 2500 hp in the Victory, which increased speed from 11 knots to 17.

The Liberty's were almost for lack of a better name a throwaway ship. Most were going to be sunk. Some even broke in half because they couldn't flex well. Liberty ships were more reinforced and were built to last at least 20 years. Some are still around.

As far as speed building, the Liberty would have naturally taken longer. However, I found the fastest Liberty built was in 55 days. Modern ships will look into. However, in my post you see the delays over expected times with the aircraft cartiers.

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Years! They are obsolete before being finished. All that electronics, steel workers unions. But these modern ones are built to spend DOD Money and our tax $$ for profit, not out of Patriotism. Makes you wonder how much Pork went into some builder's pockets even back then.

I am one of the last Boomers and the history fascinates me, failure to educate us properly. My Stepdad (fact) was an SGT pure-blooded Italian who only spoke English, he was just my Dad, he put the first US Flag on a telegraph pole along with a PFC under sniper fire, when MacArthur retook Corregidor. Corregidor.org has a photo of it. The Flag was to go to the General. The actual ceremony was 2 weeks later. He hated the Marshal Plan. There were no Japanese toys or crap in our house. It was all Made in America with a Union label. Which as we are finding out means 0.

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This was in the email: ONLY WOKE COMPANIES

Biden Pushes Woke Scheme in Secret Plan – This Will Cripple Major Industry


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Thank you Gail

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Great American history Gail. Something to be proud of!!

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I am, at one point it was in the Encyclopedia, that my parents made payments on. They were well used by at least me. Dad would not tell the horrors he witnessed to us girls, my brother was a self-absorbed spoiled brat being the only boy. Never learned to function on his own.

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What a terrific post...Making all so clear about the deliberate, man-induced plan to degrade and undermine American Exceptionalism. The Venetian Black Nobility known as The City of London's Bankers and The Crown Corporation ALWAYS sought to end it; and for a time it appears they've succeeded.

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Thank you. As long as we remember they can never succeed.

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Suggestion for a follow on article “American Exceptionalism 2020 to Today”. Short article, of course, but hey, at least we’re diverse and equitable now!

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Very good article. saw this cross-posted on Dear Rest of America's Substack. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Probably, quite a few people don't even know what a slide rule is. Doubt if they are still used in schools unless a "Drag Queen" brings one in for story hour!!!

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Thank you. An interesting site.

Good one about slide rules 😂

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Thank you!

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Amazing article and so true. We assume because we have smart phones we're more intelligent. Yet I'm amazed at some of the literature and music published hundreds of years ago, while many today have trouble making change. Instead of progression, it appears much of mankind has regressed. Shocking.

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Sometimes Hollywood slips up and gives a real message. Years ago I saw a really crappy movie called "Morons from Outerspace". It was about how a society on some other planet had progressed so far technologically they really didn't think that much anymore. They were blithering morons who could barely speak. Three of them got in a space ship and pressed the wrong button and ended up on earth and exhibited their moronic behavior when encountering things.

Yeah, it was an hour and a half that could have been better spent but the message is frightening! I see interviewers on the street asking how many moons the earth has, what time is it when the big hand is on the twelve and the little one on the ten, what countries are to the North and South of us, etc. It is like watching the movie again!

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Also Idiocracy the predictive documentary comes to mind

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THAT ought to be required viewing!

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Morons from outer space is better than I'd expected

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Another required viewing.

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Thank you for that wonderful and educational article. My father was an inspector with USAir but was previously employed with PSA Airlines out of San Diego. He would take me to the hangar to see the planes and the engines he worked on when I was a child, so interesting. He is shocked now to hear about all of the shoddy work being done at Boeing these days and the fact that the airlines don't catch any of these issues on inspection. How far we have fallen.

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You are very welcome. I knew people who worked at Boeing. A few gone now. They would have been shocked and embarrassed. We have a massive culture rot we better fix or we will end up like other great cultures, the Romans particularly. Our trajectory is mirroring theirs even down to the invasion of our border.

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Exactly. I really feel for the younger generations who never got to experience America before the rapid decline, not perfect, but pretty darn great.

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If anybody thinks these Demons don't know what they do...Check-out V. Nuland and now Susan Rice; once attractive women completely squeezed, depleted and looking like the sleeze they've become. TREASON and perpetrating the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY FOR THE PAGAN COMMUNITARIANS OF THE BLACK NOBILITY EVIL definitely has a very high price.

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