Children In Adult Bodies
Americans had a reputation of being independent and self sufficient. What happened to us?
The citizen of the United States is taught from infancy to rely upon his own exertions in order to resist the evils and the difficulties of life; he looks upon the social authority with an eye of mistrust and anxiety, and he claims its assistance only when he is unable to do without it. - Alexis de Tocqueville
The practice of behaving in a way charteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks: "it feels really good to take a step back from adulting and have someone else cook dinner for me" · "I finished all my adulting requirements for the week"
The age person becomes an adult has nothing to do with chronological age. Young girls have had to become women and raise their younger brothers and sisters for various reasons. Young boys have had to become men and get jobs to feed their families. In both cases quitting school and ending their formal education.
When did or do these obviously adult men and women get a break from "adulting"?
Is Adulting a condemnation of society?
Some cultural critics have argued that the entire concept of adulting is a broader condemnation of society as seen by the rising generation of young adults who equate “being an adult” with participation in meaningless, capitalistic labor.
Why is this such a problem in America and other Western societies?
This essay grew from insights brought to my attention by my wise wife, Linda.
The job of a parent is to raise their children to be moral, well balanced, responsible adults. Children will challenge their boundaries trying to do things that might even be dangerous to them. They need to be told no at times. They will scream, cry, carry on, etc. Your job is to say NO. These children we see in adult bodies had parents who instead gave the child whatever they wanted to stop them from carrying on. In some cases the desires and wants of the children override the adults’, so the children actually run the household! Children in adult bodies who were never told no.
Irrational beliefs imparted on children guaranteed to not prepare them for life or adulthood:
Parents are supposed to be their child's friend. Not the person responsible for making sure they grow up into a moral, responsible human being.
There are no losers. We are all winners.
Playing sports and not keeping score.
Instead of the winning team getting trophies, everyone gets a trophy just for participating.
No more Valedictorian in graduating classes. It makes the rest of the students feel bad.
The Department of Education is suggesting dropping the grading system that measures progress and proficiency because of “hardships imposed on students by the coronavirus”, which the Department of Education and teacher’s unions initiated by unnecessarily closing schools!
Schools should consider factors such as equity, motivation, and academic integrity when considering whether to specify an individual student’s rank,” the policy states.
Discontinuing tests in school because they're "too stressful”. Do community service and get a diploma. Should we apply that to doctors and airline pilots?
Percentage of adults moving back in with parents:
In July, 2020, 52% of young adults resided with one or both of their parents, up from 47% in February, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of monthly Census Bureau data. The number living with parents grew to 26.6 million, an increase of 2.6 million from February.
The share of young adults living with their parents is higher than in any previous measurement (based on current surveys and decennial censuses). Before 2020, the highest measured value was in the 1940 census at the end of the Great Depression, when 48% of young adults lived with their parents.
Percentage of adults being supported by their parents:
A new Merrill Lynch/Age Wave survey given exclusively to USA TODAY found 70 percent of adults ages 18 to 34 received financial support from their parents within the last year, with almost three in five millennials saying they couldn’t afford their lifestyles without the support.
Parents confronting employers of their children:
From the Society of Human Resource Management:
As the youngest Americans take on their first positions, helicopter parenting is entering the workplace in full force. Mom and Dad are not just calling to ask the status of applications or sit in on interviews anymore. In many cases, they have now become lobbyists, contacting HR to negotiate higher salaries, promotions and more vacation time for their kids. Increasingly, workers are even involving their parents in disciplinary meetings.
You may need to politely notify these deeply involved parents that they will need to communicate with their child directly about work issues rather than contacting the employer.
Percentage of grandchildren being raised by grandparents:
(HealthDay)—Nearly 3 million children in the United States are being raised by grandparents, and life has placed these kids on a rocky road toward adulthood, a new study reports.
These children are much more likely to have experienced traumatic events that will influence their development, according to the report published online Aug. 3 in the journal Pediatrics.
For example, children in grandparent-led households are six times more likely to have had a parent or guardian serve time in jail, and four times more likely to have lived with someone who has a drug or alcohol problem, the researchers found.
Colleges have become nurseries instead of institutions of higher learning:
Safe rooms:
Complete with stuffed animals, Playdough, and comfort food when students are stressed or “triggered”.
Professors are to give a list of possible “Trigger words” before lectures. "Being triggered" is a real condition. A stimulus or event that occurs that has a person relive a horrible situation. PTSD from being in a horrific military situation. Being raped, etc. Not hearing Justice Brett Kavenaugh and Justice Amy Comey Barrett mentioned. Some other things that are surprising triggers to college students?
Getting married and not having children out of wedlock.
Working hard gets you results, not some benefit from your race.
Not doing drugs.
Violence against Asians in the cities is being perpetrated by black people, not whites.
Or a Trump sign on Western Washington State campus:
Free speech zones:
Since most universities are federally funded, every square inch of the university and campus are free speech zones, not just the few square feet designated by students, not even the university supposed to be in charge!
Hate speech has become any speech you disagree with. Students are no longer trained to engage in real debate; critical thinking has been abandoned in favor name calling and indignation. When progressives can’t win an argument by its merits they resort to charging their opponent with misogyny, racism, and homophobia.
Examples of children in adult bodies:
The four progressive congresswomen known as "The Squad" have been some of the most vocal advocates pushing President-elect Joe Biden to cancel student loan debt during his first 100 days in office — and would be among dozens of members of Congress to financially benefit from such a policy.
Petulant child in an adult body elected to Congress whining on the floor of the House that she needs her $17,000 student loan paid off by taxpayers already paying her too much at $174,000!

Despite FBI Director Christopher A. Wray saying antifa is an ideology, not an organization, it appears to be an extremely well and organized group able to have pallets of bricks dropped off before a protest for example.
This is a compilation video of the little darlings’ fights, protests and riots:
Black Lives Matter, (BLM):
Oddly, mostly self-loathing white people are doing the protesting, physical assaults, rioting and property damage while the black organizers got away with millions of dollars. Strange. I ran a non-profit 501(c)(3) and had to account for every penny or risk severe penalties including prosecution.
LeBron James:
Has a skill that benefits no one but himself and has become a millionaire many times over in a country he claims is racist. Never lets an opportunity go by to pay homage to the Communist Chinese that also pay him despite their horrific human rights abuses as opposed to another NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom. Enes emigrated to the United States and proudly became a citizen. He actually has a $500,000 bounty on his head from Turkey for speaking out against its government. Because he sang the praises of America and routinely criticized the Communist Chinese, he no longer plays in the NBA, sacrificing millions of dollars for his principles.
More children in adult bodies:
Any chronological adult who actually believes the fantasy that men can become pregnant or out of cowardice agrees with it.
Any chronological adult who claims that a physiological man is the same as a physiological woman.
Any chronological adult who cannot define what a woman is.
Any chronological adult that does not believe that the sex your body is when you are born is a fact down to your chromosomes. XX in a female and XY in a male.
Why socialism is so attractive to children in adult bodies:
They have been taken care of all their lives. They have not been held accountable or responsible and guided toward adulthood.
In addition to majoring in “gender studies” and expecting their $100,000 college loan paid, they demand:
A "living wage", based on location and family size as opposed to a “minimum wage”, authorized by law to make sure employers aren't put out of business. Since profit margins are generally narrow, even raising the minimum wage means employers have to let workers go.
Free " reproductive services", aka, abortion on demand because of their lack of self-control.
The government is only too willing to provide. That's why the welfare state was created! With a price. You give up your freedom and dignity as a free, thinking human being. The government that provided it can take it all away in a flash!
Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood; it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances; what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living? - Alexis de Tocqueville
Socialism is a new form of slavery. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Not surprisingly:
More than a third of millennials in the US now approve of communism, while the popularity of capitalism has plummeted since 2018, according to YouGov polling.
Contrast all this with a story of American exceptionalism, where children were adults:
The newspaper boys strike of 1899. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst vs. the newsboys:
William Randolph Hearst owned the Evening Journal and Joseph Pulitzer owned the New York World.
Newsboys, and sometimes girls as young as seven, made a living selling their papers and those of other publishers. They were all races and nationalities. Many were homeless and lived on the streets.
Jersey City, New Jersey, 1912. This is an exhausted newsboy sleeping on his stack of papers mid- day. They worked from before daylight till well after dark.
They paid .50 per a bundle of 100 papers and sold them for a penny. They were stuck with what they didn't sell. Their numbers exploded because both papers introduced an evening edition which customers grabbed on their way home from work.
When the Spanish-American war broke out, more papers sold and the price increased to .60 per bundle of 100 papers.
When the war ended, other publishers lowered their price back to .50 per bundle. Not Pulitzer or Hearst, which of course cut the profits of the newsboys.
Everything came to a head when the newsboys found a Journal delivery man on Long Island was shorting the 100 paper bundles. The furious newsboys tipped his wagon and took all the papers.
On July 19, 300 newsboys gathered in Manhattan’s City Hall Park to form a union. They demanded that Hearst and Pulitzer reduce the price of newspaper bundles back to 50 cents. They declared that they would not buy the World or the Journal until Pulitzer and Hearst agreed to their terms. At first the papers blew them off.
Don Seitz, The New York World’s managing editor, sent a breezy memo to Pulitzer about the strike on July 21:
“Had some trouble to-day through the strike on the part of the newsboys,” Seitz wrote. But he assured his boss that the strike would be “sporadic” and that the situation was “well in hand.”
This was literally a life and death situation for the newsboys. They had no intention of backing down. On July 22, 100 of them showed up with clubs on ‘Newspaper Row’ — where the papers were distributed. They continued their attacks on the distributors timing their strike with the street car drivers' strike because “ the cops were too busy to worry about them.” Newsboys in other towns in sympathy also stopped selling the papers.
That day, Seitz sent a second memo. This one had a note of alarm crept into his voice. “The newsboys strike has grown into a menacing affair… It is proving a serious problem,” Seitz wrote. “Practically all the boys in New York and adjacent towns have quit selling.”
And by July 24, Seitz was in a panic. “The advertisers have abandoned the papers and the sale has been cut down fully 2/5,” he told Pulitzer. “It is really a very extraordinary demonstration.
Over the next two weeks:
The newsboys marched across the Brooklyn Bridge and flooded the streets of downtown Manhattan.
Newboys tore up copies of the Journal and the World and tossed water on newsstand owners who didn’t support them. But only men. Tossing water on female newsstand owners was not gentlemanly.
As the World’s circulation plummeted from 360,000 to 125,000, the “newsies” held a rally on July 25. Five thousand young “newsies” listened as Louis “Kid Blink” Baletti, their 18 year old strike leader, addressed the crowd:
Ten cents in the dollar is as much to us as it is to Mr. Hearst the millionaire,” Blink declared. “Am I right? We can do more with ten cents than he can do with twenty-five. Is it boys?
If they can’t spare it, how can we? I’m trying to figure how 10 cents on 100 papers can mean more to a millionaire than it does to newsboys, an’ I can’t see it! - Louis “Kid Blink” Baletti, leader of the newspaper boy's union
The news boys were also winning on the public relations front by encouraging the public and advertisers not to buy or advertise in the two papers:
The people seem to be against us,” Seitz told Pulitzer on July 24. “They are encouraging the boys and tipping them…[and] they are refraining from buying the papers for fear of having them snatched from their hands.”
Within two weeks, a group of children, mostly homeless boys and girls, from seven to some as old as eighteen had organized the first successful labor actions led by children in US history. They did so much damage to Hearst and Pulitzer’s papers profits they agreed to talk.
The results of the Newsboy Strike of 1899:
Various accounts say they met on the 2nd or 3rd of August. The results range from the .60 per bundle price staying the same with Hearst an Pulitzer agreeing to buy back unsold papers to the newsboys getting more per paper with 2/3 of unsold papers bought back. The point is a group of children acting like adults took on the two biggest newspaper empires and won.
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. - G. Michael Hopf
Exactly because times have been so good in America is why we have become so soft to the point of ridiculous. America has had hard times before. The question is will American men and women rise to the occasion this time, or remain ridiculous children in adult bodies?
I think my parents were quite committed to making sure none of their kids had to have calloused hands, ever had to 'dig ditches', do hard physical work. (They had to do hard work growing up) . But I don't think they thought about the ramifications of this kind of thinking, how it can create a we-them sort of mentality, and how it robs people of a certain kind of maturity, physical confidence. I only gained that confidence after I chose to take on jobs that involved physical labor, sweat. Life lesson (Sports were supposed to suffice, but that didn't really work imo.)
i really fear for the future