These radical woke activists have replaced the moral compass and ethical precepts of a religion which they have rejected with their pursuit and worship of the power to impose their beliefs on others. Power is their goal and they will engage in any and all actions which allow them to gain and retain it. And even their claims that they arrive at their positions by relying on “ the science” and logic cannot be defended in open detonate so they instead just ridicule anyone who attempts to debate them and disputes their claims. The reason that they have adopted cancel culture is part of their resistance to being confronting by the reality that they have no Kordal compass and no basis on which to develop one. They worship only themselves and their perceived superiority to the “deplorables” who inexplicably in their minds cling to their guns and religion”

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Awesome break through the skin of inane legacy reporting.

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Well done David!


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Mar 9Liked by David Wolosik

#VoteRedMississippi Tuesday March 12






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Pop quiz: who wrote the following sentence;

"the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

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So, Franklin and Jefferson weren't deists?

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MAGA SHH! Make Americans Gullible Airheads!!! LOL These wokies brokies are such stoopit bras and emo girls!!!



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https://a.co/d/drFjxgg Is my contribution to a blueprint for a better America. Have a look at it - if we want to remove money from politics, then the only solution is to take away the prizes available to politicians for winning elections. If there are no spoils to distribute, there is no reason to spend money getting your monkey elected to the zoo.

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