Constitution 101
Our ignorance is why Biden and his administration are getting away with what they are doing
Photo courtesy Getty Joe Biden and former all-American University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines who was robbed of a championship by Lia Thomas, aka, William Thomas.
To demonstrate how history is being fraudulently re written right before our eyes, this page actually claims he was born Lia Catherine Thomas!
Blatant ignorance, distain, or both of the Constitution?
The Biden administration has rolled out its proposal for new Title IX rules to expand the meaning of sexual discrimination to include gender identity regarding transgender athletes participating in women's sports. As usual, according to the Department of Education’s new rule, at the risk of losing their funds, no school or college would be allowed to categorically ban transgender students from playing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity.
The sick joke in all this? Title IX was initially drafted to ensure equal opportunities for women in sports.
The Constitutional problem?
Article I of the Constitution give the Legislative Branch sole power to make laws.
Article II of the Constitution gives the Executive Branch the obligation to enforce the laws, not write them! Departments in the Executive Branch “writing rules” to alter laws written by Congress is unconstitutional.
Article III of the Constitution gives the Judicial Branch authority which shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, acts as the referee.
Each branch is supposed to impose checks and balances on the other two. No one branch can take power without forcing the others to give up their power. So the idea was how much power you can get for your branch, not cede your power to another branch, as the Legislative Branch obviously is to the Executive Branch.
To be fair, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Biden's former boss, Barak Obama all violated the Constitutional similarly and multiple times.
We are not just going to be waiting for legislation to make sure that we're providing Americans with the help that they need, I've got a pen and I've got a phone. I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions...that move the ball forward. - Barack Obama
Other instances of Biden abusing Executive power
From The Federalist:
Biden has invoked the Defense Production Act to expedite the production of solar panels. Not only is the president’s decree a transparently illegal abuse of executive power, it promises to achieve the opposite of what the law intended.
The Defense Production Act gives the president authority “to prepare for and respond to military conflicts, natural or man-caused disasters, or acts of terrorism within the United States,” not the power to create industrial policy out of the ether that rewards his favored sector of the economy.
From Washington Examiner three years later concerning “temporary emergency powers” regarding the Covid plandemic:
The real reason this White House won’t give up its “temporary” emergency powers is much more sinister — and partisan. It’s simple: The forever-emergency status quo is allowing them to keep millions of ineligible people on welfare programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
So, it’s entirely safe to say that by preserving the emergency declaration, President Joe Biden is keeping millions of legally ineligible people plugged into the welfare state. This is costing taxpayers countless billions , and the White House is only able to get away with it because of its abuse of the emergency powers.
Supposedly this will end May 11, 2023
From Washington Examiner regarding student loan forgiveness:
To be clear, Biden does not have the authority to cancel billions in student loan debts without congressional authorization. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) agreed that the authority is not there when she explained that “people think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay but he does not have that power. That would have to be an act of Congress.” The Department of Education issued a memo in January 2021 agreeing with the speaker that the president does not have the authority to cancel student loan debt.
Yet Biden claims he has this authority under the HEROES Act, a 2003 law to help those serving their country in Iraq and Afghanistan. This post-9/11 bill gave the secretary of education the power to grant flexibility to service members with loans in times of war or national emergency.
In our system of checks and balances, this major decision regarding loan forgiveness must be made through the legislative process, not the stroke of a pen at the White House.
More outrageous
From FOX Business:
A new rule from the Biden administration will have good-credit home buyers paying more monthly to subsidize costs for high-risk buyers.
Experts believe that borrowers with a credit score of about 680 would pay around $40 more per month on a $400,000 mortgage under rules from the Federal Housing Finance Agency that go into effect May 1 — costs that will help subsidize people with lower credit ratings also looking for a mortgage, according to a Washington Times report Tuesday.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which oversees federally backed home mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has long sought to give consumers more affordable housing options.
Under the new rules, consumers with lower credit ratings and less money for a down payment would qualify for better mortgage rates than they otherwise would have.
The grand prize winner is…
Biden’s reckless, illegal and unconstitutional war in Ukraine
Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally?
These questions should be front and center in a debate over the U.S. involvement in Ukraine. Sadly, there has been no great debate. Media outlets are mouthing what the CIA tells them. Only a few websites and podcasts — my own, “Judging Freedom” on YouTube, among them — are challenging the government’s reckless, immoral, illegal and unconstitutional war.
All power in the federal government comes from the Constitution and from no other source.
Some pertinent facts:
Since Russia posed no threat to the United States, Congress cannot legally declare war on Russia.
The U.S. has no treaty with Ukraine to provide American military defense.
So why has Congress given Biden a $100 billion to supply Ukraine with any military equipment he sees fit?
More outrageously, Biden has promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? Remove Putin from Ukraine and/or Crimea?
While Congress has unconstitutionally authorized weapons and cash to be sent to Ukraine, Biden has unconstitutionally gone the next step and actually sent troops! Are U.S. soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Absolutely.
Has Russia threatened the U.S.? No. What grave acts has the Russian military committed against the U.S.? None. What is Mr. Biden’s objective? He won’t say.
Perhaps continuing as long as the Biden crime family is able to get payments and kickbacks?
The members of Congress and the President take an oath to uphold the Constitution. None of these actions even remotely resembles that!
We were warned about despots. We don't listen!
If the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. - Noah Webster
While arming Ukraine, America is rapidly and dangerously disarming itself
Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
Another Constitutional violation by the Legislative and Executive Branches.
According to the Secretary of the Navy, within the next six months, the United States Navy may need to decide whether to arm itself or Ukraine due to a reported weapons shortage.
From a previous essay of mine, The Disarming of America:
The U.S. has “pretty much run out of 155-millimeter Howitzers and 155-millimeter ammunition” after sending roughly 900,000 of the highly effective rounds to Ukraine.
And now:
The U.S. is moving roughly 300,000 thousand rounds of ammunition stored in Israel to Ukraine as stockpiles within the U.S. have dwindled to a critical rate, The New York Times reported, citing U.S. and Israeli sources familiar with the matter.
As of Oct. 14, 2022, the U.S. has committed $17.6 billion in security assistance since the Russian invasion. Since August, the Pentagon has withdrawn $10.5 billion in weapons and equipment directly from U.S. stocks via the president’s executive drawdown privilege.
This is a link to the astonishing list of weaponry we have supplied Ukraine with as of October 2022. It is a two-page Pdf with over 52 items on it that include some of our most advanced weapons systems. This is only a sampling:
Over 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems that will take years to replenish.
Over 8,500 Javelin anti-armor missiles that will take years to replenish.
Over 32,000 other anti-armor systems that will take years to replenish.
Over 700 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Systems
Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems
15 Scan Eagle Unmanned Aerial Systems
Furthermore, from the latest GAO report as of June 2022:
Years of overuse, a lack of adequately trained maintenance personnel, not enough parts, inadequate and often dangerous storage spaces, and, in some cases, a lack of access to critical systems has combined to keep billions of dollars of Air Force and Navy aircraft from flying. This is according to a scathing Government Accountability Office investigation into the readiness of eight military aviation airframes.
In conclusion, a curious question concerning this “war” between Russia and Ukraine
If this is such a life and death struggle between Russia and Ukraine, why did Zelensky and His Generals Embezzle ‘At Least’ $400M from U.S. Aid Last Year, and use it to buy RUSSIAN DISCOUNTED DIESEL?
From The National Pulse courtesy Seymour Hersh:
Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me. “And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions” on it.
How long are we going to tolerate this?
I think I'm gonna be sick.
With the Uniparty now controlling DC, we can expect more of the same.