This is so important to know and pass along. It is so inhuman and real terror applied to Americans. Meanwhile.....

Local police are nasty (defund!), but knee-bending national police are good. Likewise, legacy media, nasty neo-cons, and collectivists ignore 18 deaths and nearly $2 billion (and counting) in damage committed by Antifa in partnership with Burn-Loot-Mayhem (ABLM). That was and continues to this day as a Luciferian firey but mostly peaceful progressive-puss-oozing protest. For the height of insult, the Borg’s central processor directs its robot cell leaders not to prosecute ABLM members. Meanwhile, the full force of the “law” shall be laser-focused on non-WOKE folk to include incarceration as political prisoners under the torture of solitary confinement.

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That about states it Frederick. In addition, the Soros funded prosecutors who let the violent ones even using guns who do get caught right back out on the street to pick up where they left off!

Did you see the FBI arrested an 84-year-old HOLOCAUST SURVIVING woman peacefully protesting at an abortion clinic? Wanna bet she's laughing in their faces?

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I did see that news about the Holocaust survivor! Scary and most do not care. Also I live near a big city with one of those Soros vomit producing DAs. God help us all!

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When you encounter a Lefty, don't let their evil go unremarked.Call slime slime.

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Oct 14, 2022
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Thank you and you are correct. This is so outrageous that this is going on in the capital of our country right out in the open and they don't even feel the need to hide it!

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Yeah, I guess I'll see you all in the stir. 😢

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