The supposed Progressive reasons for it sometime corruption at the state level and sometimes states went without Senators because of bickering. It was hurried by interestingly getting the states to almost form the dreaded Article V Convention of States then the Congress hurried up to do it so they could dictate terms.
The supposed Progressive reasons for it sometime corruption at the state level and sometimes states went without Senators because of bickering. It was hurried by interestingly getting the states to almost form the dreaded Article V Convention of States then the Congress hurried up to do it so they could dictate terms.
The result? Senators are more corrupted than ever and mostly act for lobbyists rather than constituents. Worse, they don't even live in their states till election time.
The supposed Progressive reasons for it sometime corruption at the state level and sometimes states went without Senators because of bickering. It was hurried by interestingly getting the states to almost form the dreaded Article V Convention of States then the Congress hurried up to do it so they could dictate terms.
The result? Senators are more corrupted than ever and mostly act for lobbyists rather than constituents. Worse, they don't even live in their states till election time.