Yes, we have traitors in our midst. America is under attack. From 9-11, to Benghazi, to Afghanistan, to the current "nonelection" we are at war. The Chinese call it "unrestricted war." Most in the West who study such things call it "5G warfare." We are losing. America is at risk.
Please check my number one new book on Amazon last year. "Invisible Treason."
Yes, we have traitors in our midst. America is under attack. From 9-11, to Benghazi, to Afghanistan, to the current "nonelection" we are at war. The Chinese call it "unrestricted war." Most in the West who study such things call it "5G warfare." We are losing. America is at risk.
Please check my number one new book on Amazon last year. "Invisible Treason."
Yes, we have traitors in our midst. America is under attack. From 9-11, to Benghazi, to Afghanistan, to the current "nonelection" we are at war. The Chinese call it "unrestricted war." Most in the West who study such things call it "5G warfare." We are losing. America is at risk.
Please check my number one new book on Amazon last year. "Invisible Treason."