Yes, we have traitors in our midst. America is under attack. From 9-11, to Benghazi, to Afghanistan, to the current "nonelection" we are at war. The Chinese call it "unrestricted war." Most in the West who study such things call it "5G warfare." We are losing. America is at risk.

Please check my number one new book on Amazon last year. "Invisible Treason."


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0bamanus needs to be hung and flushed same with the voodoo clntoon witness removal team

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It is tough to put together a detailed compendium of such evil. Godspeed Dave.

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Thank you Frederick. You also🙏

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Thank you for the links. I've blanked out a lot of those details. Disgusting, anti-American behavior by those who've never done an honest days work, yet are now worth millions after murderous actions. I'm speaking of the corrupt and corrosive Obama and Clinton in particular. Obama retreads have kept him in the ballgame. They all need a comeuppance and can't ever be allowed close to power again.

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I think Trump screwed up when he didn't prosecute Hillary for her espianage. Or insurrectionists for the Russian collusion delusion. Then if course, he would have got impeached for upholding law.

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Only lies and ops resulting in the laziest, most credulous, stupidest voting cohort in American history (my humble opinion) can protect these leeches.

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FWIW, Killary's "what diff does it make..." youtube clip will not play, all the others work. Huh...

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Apparently, Screw Tube took it down. It directs you to this video of Hillera lying her ass off!


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Thanks. I will look into that. Interesting.

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I was a blood bath. They never had a chance. Where was Shillery, druged out or drunk? To many embeded traitors we were supposed to be protecting. We've had them since Sirhan.

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A sad day for America, and another national embarrassment.

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Needs to be locked up!

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September 11 has become a sacred day for our enemies. Sad Kamala thinks a Fedsurrection on Jan 6 was a worse day in America since our civil war! She has forgotten that a real attack on America happened on September 11 twice now. The withdrawal from Afghanistan showed her allegiance she was the last one in the room. Within days of serving Americans interests in Ukraine the war with Russia began. Their Blackrock comrades celebrated the great wealth they would be receiving. In Afghanistan they armed our enemies so our soldiers have to fight the best equipment in the world. If only Kamala and Joe would treat American citizens with a little respect.

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Obama is probably not the Antichrist of the Bible, but he'd like to be...

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I don't think God forgives an antichrist, or two.

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Top shelf reporting

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Justice comes slowly

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At first I said, Paula Jones? But then I thought about it and, well…

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