Remembering The Other Sept. 11 Massacre Of Americans
Courtesy of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton WARNING! This post contains a graphic photo!
The September 11, 2012 Benghazi Terrorist Attack
It happened only 56 days before Obama's probable re-election. Nothing was going to affect that. Certainly not the unprovoked attack by Islamic extremist terrorists on State Department and CIA facilities in Benghazi, Libya or the gruesome deaths of four Americans. Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith, along with former Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. Despite months of numerous warnings of the dangers specifically for Americans in Libya, nothing was done. Once the attack occurred, they were abandoned to their fates because Obama would not give the go ahead for U.S. military and Special Forces to assist them.
Hillary lying to Congress about the Benghazi terrorist attack. Despite literally everyone else in the world having access her personal unsecured email, her “good friend”, Ambassador Stevens, didn't in his over 20 attempts to get more security. She was so busy participating in the Clinton “pay for play” Foundation and so unapproachable as Secretary of State, she wasn't even aware of al Qaeda training camps and expanding terrorist bases in Libya!
Why did the State Department and CIA have compounds in Benghazi, one of the most dangerous places in the world, particularly for Americans?
“Operation Zero Footprint”
A plan to overthrow Libya. Egypt was already toppled with Syria later, and replacing their leaders with members of the radical “Muslim Brotherhood” as was done in Egypt. The Brotherhood was formed in 1928. The Nazis trained the Muslim Brotherhood in guerrilla warfare, and that became the foundation of modern terrorism. This is where they learned to do roadside bombs and where they learned to do their terror attacks. Yasser Arafat was trained by the Nazis.
Authorized by Obama in February 2011.
A covert transfer of weapons from the U.S to the Libyan “rebels”. It was financed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to get around public disclosure and Congressional oversight.
The operation was overseen by NATO.
The entire operation was coordinated and controlled by the State Department and CIA. “Zero Footprint” was unknown to the 2011 Pentagon and/or DoD commanders who would have been tasked with any military response to the 9/11/12 attack – namely AFRICOM General Carter Ham.
The overthrow of Muammar Gaddaffi began in February, 2011.
Afterward, Libya devolved into a lawless, orderless mess. Host countries are obligated to protect the embassies of guest countries which was no longer possible.
Giving bad guys weapons is never a good idea. The advanced stinger missiles, for example, made it all the way to Afghanistan, and on July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters shot down a U.S. Army CH-47 helicopter!
This link is the entire story of “Operation Zero Footprint” by Sundance on the conservativetreehouse.com
State Department Security expert assessment of Benghazi nine months earlier to a superior under Clinton:
I told him that this was a suicide mission; that there was a very good chance that everybody here was going to die; that there was absolutely no ability here to prevent an attack whatever. . . . He said, “Everybody back here in D.C. knows that people are going to die in Benghazi and nobody is going to care until somebody does die.
U.S.Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens
I debated including this next image of a Los Angeles Times edition featuring the image of a dying Ambassador Stevens. I thought it necessary to emphasize the utter lack of concern by Obama and Hillary Clinton for Americans dead, dying or fighting for their lives working for them abroad supposedly under their protection.
WARNING, GRAPHIC: Ambassador Stevens during the Benghazi attack:
Ambassador Stevens, mostly dead, being dragged to safety as President Obama slept snugly in his bed after delegating the mess to Defense Secretary Panetta and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Secretary of State Clinton didn't even care! Stevens later died of smoke inhalation.
The president’s response, Panetta testified, was, “Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.” Obama “left it up to us.”
Equally stunning, neither Panetta nor Dempsey spoke even once to Clinton on September 11. State Department personnel were in mortal danger, one of its posts was under attack, with the risk of conflict spreading, and Clinton never called Panetta?
The other Americans killed that night
Sean Patrick Smith Facebook memorial page photo posted by Owe Jørgensen
Sean, husband and father of two, an Air Force veteran, and a 10-year veteran of the Foreign Service. Gamer name, “vilerat”, was online with his gaming friends that night and said,
“Assuming we don’t die tonight,” the message, which was first reported by Wired read, “We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”
Within hours, he was dead.
In Baghdad the same kind of thing happened - incoming sirens, he’d vanish, we’d freak out and he’d come back ok after a bit. This time he said 'F**K' and 'GUNFIRE' and then disconnected and never returned. - friend and director of his gaming group, “Goonswarm”, Alex Gianturco
Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty Photo: Reddit
Tyrone Woods, 41, is survived by his second wife and three sons.
Glen Doherty, 42, is survived by his parents, his brother and sister.
Tyrone and Glenn were part of a CIA Global Response staff guarding CIA staff around the world. Glen was part of a team of eight U.S. military or former military that left Tripoli to help rescue Stevens and his colleagues at the Benghazi annex. This was Glenn's last mission. They got a frantic message from the State Department Annex in Benghazi:
“Greg, Greg, we are under attack,” were the last words from Ambassador John Christopher Stevens to his deputy Greg Hicks over the phone from the Benghazi office shortly after the attack began around 9:30 p.m.
“If you don’t get here, we are going to die,” the radio operator at the tactical operations center in Benghazi pronounced on the radio from the improvised consulate.
Greg Hicks was Ambassador Steven's deputy who was in Tripoli at the time.
After having to rent a plane, Glen and his team made it to Benghazi where, interestingly, they were held up for hours at the Benghazi airport by Libyan security. Glen and his team then joined the other CIA forces stationed there.
The “rebels” attacked the annex and tried to burn it down. Stevens, Sean Smith and a security officer barricaded themselves in a secure room but were overcome by thick smoke.
They couldn't find Ambassador Stevens in the smoke and burning building. They did find the body of Sean Smith and were successful in evacuating 30 personnel from the State Dept. facility to the CIA facility. He joined his friend Tyrone stationed there defending the CIA faculty. They repelled two attacks from the rooftop and died when a mortar round landed near them.
Their deaths would have never happened if the military was allowed to respond
A military source familiar with some of the night's events also confirms military options were provided. "There were both conventional and special forces in theater and assigned to AFRICOM [Africa Command] offered up by General [Carter] Ham" on a video teleconference. "Based on what I know, the forces they were talking about could have gotten there pretty quickly."
General Ham had drones in the air with real time intelligence but was never allowed to send assistance. Panetta lied and said the order was withheld because conditions on the ground were not known.
Interestingly, General Ham “retired” shortly afterward.
The military offered to deploy Special Forces to Benghazi during the assault, long before the attackers killed CIA contractors and former Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Ty Woods.
Three and a half hours into the eight-hour long siege, the military's Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash emails top State Department officials: "we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a SOF [Special Operations Forces] element that was in Croatia."
Colonel Andrew Wood: 'They're spun up as we speak' means that he's made contact with them. They've confirmed that they've been given that order and they're making progress toward going to location.
President, Obama had to give them the okay to cross into Libya and did not!
Retired Army Green Beret Col. Andrew Wood commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomats in Libya.
In 2012, Wood told Congress his team was removed from Libya by the Obama administration a month before the attacks, despite warnings of terrorist violence to come.
Obama, Hillary and rest of administration had the audacity to blame a video for the attack!
They had the gall to lie to the families' faces on why their loved ones died! The disgusting charade lasted two weeks! Obama even told the lie at the UN!
It is said God forgives all sins. These are whoppers for sure!
There is no knife that cuts so sharply and with such poisoned blade as treachery. - Ouida
Yes, we have traitors in our midst. America is under attack. From 9-11, to Benghazi, to Afghanistan, to the current "nonelection" we are at war. The Chinese call it "unrestricted war." Most in the West who study such things call it "5G warfare." We are losing. America is at risk.
Please check my number one new book on Amazon last year. "Invisible Treason."
0bamanus needs to be hung and flushed same with the voodoo clntoon witness removal team