Central government is always at war with freemen,it’s the Beast System that murdered Christ and His apostles, there is freedom in Christ or slavery in the Beast System.
When a woman marries and takes her husband's last name which is considered known by 'OTHER' NAME, divorce's, or spouse dies, and you remarry, the same thing. or retakes her original nsme. Ran into that one. Same applies to SS. My SS COLA RAISE WON'T COVER THE COST OF FOOD. NOR ALLOW FOOD STAMPS.
Yikes what a scary thing!
Thank you for the cross post Frederick👍
Government agencies and our alleged representatives working together to screw us. Yup!
Central government is always at war with freemen,it’s the Beast System that murdered Christ and His apostles, there is freedom in Christ or slavery in the Beast System.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
When a woman marries and takes her husband's last name which is considered known by 'OTHER' NAME, divorce's, or spouse dies, and you remarry, the same thing. or retakes her original nsme. Ran into that one. Same applies to SS. My SS COLA RAISE WON'T COVER THE COST OF FOOD. NOR ALLOW FOOD STAMPS.
Maybe you can ask Zelensky to share some of OUR wealth he is being given so generously by Brandon.
https://youtu.be/fH1mtGhNVgI vill sign ze paper.
Wow! Never heard that Cheech and Chong skit! That was a dark one. Thanks.
My mind works in weird way's, that skit popped right into my head after reading this.