Slavery Is Alive And Well And Americans Should Demand Reparations
What happens if you don't pay your income tax or property tax? Here is a partial list of people, organizations and countries that benefit from your hard labor.
Jekyll Island, Georgia. Where the infamous meeting that created the Federal Reserve occurred in November, 1910
Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
The 16th Amendment was ratified Feb. 3, 1913. The Federal Reserve System was created Dec. 23, 1913. It is not a part of the federal government, but a group of private banks which create money out of thin air and lend it back to us with interest.
My friend
went into much greater detail in his post, Creature from Jekyll Island - A Second LookThe IRS became the official U.S. tax collecting agency in 1913 after ratification of the 16th Amendment. If you work for someone, they act as an unpaid employee of the IRS deducting money from your paycheck. If self-employed, you pay the IRS quarterly. If you don't pay your taxes, you could end up like Red Foxx, where the IRS actually confiscated the rings off his fingers, or Willie Nelson:
On November 9th of 1990, the IRS had made aggressive moves against all of Willie Nelson’s assets, seizing his properties, raiding his Austin area home and studio, making off with instruments, musical equipment, furniture, mementos, gold record plaques, and anything not nailed down that they could auction off for money. If it wasn’t for his daughter Lana rescuing Willie’s famous guitar Trigger from the grasp of the Federalies at the last minute, it would have been confiscated as well. “As long as I got my guitar,” Willie Nelson said at the time, “I’ll be fine … [It’s] just things, nothing that can’t be replaced.”
Wesley Snipes was sentenced the maximum three years and a $5 million fine for failing to file past tax returns. He even offered to pay $5 million as a deposit and the court wouldn't allow it. Yet Hunter Biden is walking around free. It's good to be above the law!
There is an argument that money to the IRS only actually pays the interest on the money we borrow from the Federal Reserve. At any rate, it is money confiscated from your labor. Then you have state and local income taxes which you better pay or else. Better than 50% of your blood, sweat and tears is forcibly confiscated from you!
Then we get to property tax. There are sales in every locality for land, houses and buildings confiscated for not paying taxes. In some states like Texas where minerals are being harvested, you pay a percentage on the harvested minerals. Then, you pay a yearly tax on the projected lifetime value of the minerals being harvested!
Last but not least, you pay taxes on everything you need to survive, food, gas, utilities, etc. Sometimes, multiple times. In the state of Washington, we even have a tax on bottled water!
If income from your labor is forcibly confiscated, you are indeed a slave!
The moral tragedy that has befallen Americans is our belief that it is okay for government to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another–that in my book is a working definition of slavery. - the late, great, Walter Williams
Where is it going?
Trillions of dollars confiscated from you, and created out of thin air, are going to activities definitely not in your or other American's best interests.
The funding and facilitating of the invasion of America including human trafficking and slavery diabolically called “immigration”
When someone breaks into your house, takes your stuff, assaults, rapes or kills you, that’s called a home invasion. When over 10 million people break into your country and do the same to all of us, what do you call that? - Me
Fun fact: There are approximately 750 U.S. military bases in 80 countries across the world. Those bases in some countries are a major part of their economies. We guard the borders of other countries, South Korea for example, since 1953. In the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California there are 67 military bases! Some are close, even on the border with Mexico. Yet our southern border is unguarded and wide open.
Government funded Non-Government Organizations, (NGO's), do the actual dirty work of human trafficking
and his post “Texas Update”:Catholic Charities is EVERYWHERE over the border in Texas. Hiring fascist thugs in uniform, both private security and corrupt cops, to protect their human trafficking operation in the Rio Grande Valley. HIAS is EVERYWHERE in Panama building invasion camps for the US with Secretary Mayorkas, a former board member along with Sergey Brin (Google’s Father) putting massive political and informational power behind them.
And Mayorkas should not be impeached let alone tried for treason?
Side note: Michael Yon was accused of being Anti-Semitic for pointing out the dastardly deeds of Hebrew Immigration Aid Society. The link above that shows Mayorkas was a member of HIAS has been wiped from the internet which should ring all kind of alarm bells, especially since they are the organization doing the construction in Panama! However, you can still read what the link was about and go to the blank page:
I guess that makes me Anti-Semitic also. In addition to both of us being anti- Catholic, anti-Lutheran, etc., for pointing out the dastardly deeds of these wolves in sheep's clothing. So called religions organizations soiling the reputation of good and faithful believers by extension.
Looks like it's time for Jesus to clean out the Temple again!
Government migrant trafficking operations are being run out of airports and facilitated by NGOs
Georgia State Senator Colton Moore and Chief of Staff assaulted by U.S. Military member after exposing a government migrant trafficking operation at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport operated by the NGO Team Libertad
The video shows a U.S. service member guarding a room filled with illegal immigrants with Team Libertad, a volunteer program that provides assistance to illegals. I urge you to click on their Facebook page to see how they are providing military age men with warm coats and charging stations! I guess “We the People” already paid for their cell phones and monthly bill!
We’re all getting them flights to where they need to be,” a Team Libertad volunteer can be heard saying in the video. “These are just recently documented travelers getting released from ICE getting to where they need to be.” The volunteer added, “There’s people that, they get dropped off here from ICE detention with no help.
Human trafficking FEDERAL CONTRACTORS caught moving migrant children through Valley International Airport, Texas at 3 AM
From Muckraker.com (Click on the image to see the link then click to watch the video)
Welcome To America - CONTRACTORS CAUGHT MOVING MINORS THROUGH VALLY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT 3 A.M. We confronted federal contractors escorting minors through Valley International Airport at 3 a.m. They tried to block our camera and told us "Welcome to America."
They asked nearby Border Patrol Agents if they knew about this, and they gave a thumbs up and smiled saying “it’s America”!
Undercover footage from inside three of New York's secret illegal alien compounds, at The ROW NYC, Randall's Island, and Floyd Bennett Field
The footage includes conversations with security guards who speak of stabbings, drugs, deaths, and other events inside these facilities. It also includes interviews with numerous illegal aliens living inside these compounds as they wait for Medicaid and government issued ID's.
The ROW NYC is the 5th largest hotel in New York City. It has recently been turned into an illegal alien shelter. At max capacity, it holds around 5,000 people and it is estimated to cost roughly $500 per person.
The funds for these facilities are being stolen from New York taxpayers and the rest comes from the federal government, so that includes the rest of us.
States are embezzling “Covid Relief Money” and giving it to illegals
In April 2021, the Washington state legislature approved $340 million in funding as part of the Immigrant Relief Fund that, according to its annual report, was designed to provide "targeted community engagement, communications development efforts, and trusted messengers to encourage eligible community members to apply."
Problem? It came from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which provided $350 billion for local governments “to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency.” $1,000 for each resident of Washington at least 18 years of age and ineligible to receive federal economic impact payments or unemployment insurance because of immigration status.
Other states that embezzled Covid funds for illegals include Texas, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Illinois, and the District of Columbia.
New York city to give $53 million in pre-paid credit cards to illegals
New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s administration will be giving pre-paid debit cards to illegal immigrants who are already being provided with free hotel rooms. The pre-paid debit cards will be part of a $53 million pilot program intended to cover the daily cost of food for illegal immigrants in the city.
Government subsidized food banks feeding illegals instead of Americans
They were first on line for the turkeys this morning," Butler said. "They tell you to be there at 11 o’clock. You get there at like 10:30, 10:45, but they are already out there. The line is from over there it’s over here.
Your school taxes pay to educate the children of illegals
States like California made it law children of illegals are to be educated in public schools. At one time, only property owners could vote. Schools around me in Washington play the game of splitting levies so they don't look so big. One was last November. The other is right now. Since property owners who will actually have to pay the taxes are in a minority, the levies always pass.
Rubbing salt in the wound, American children are being kicked out of school to make room for illegals
James Madison High School students were forced to attend school virtually Wednesday after the school was temporarily closed Tuesday evening in order to provide shelter for roughly 2,000 illegal immigrants who were evacuated from one of New York City’s tent shelters due to a major storm in the region.
Veterans Affairs diverting funds to pay for illegals health care while over 400,000 Veterans wait in line
The Department of Veterans Affairs is facing blowback for helping pay out millions of dollars to medical providers who treat illegal immigrants while they are in federal custody — while a backlog of hundreds of thousands of claims from veterans has grown.
94-year-old Army veteran and 53 others kicked out to make room for illegals
Frank Tammaro was given less than two months’ notice he and 53 other seniors would have to move out of Island Shores Residences in March, and had to make other living arrangements.
If this isn't enough insanity, Sen. Dick Durbin wants to fill vacancies in the military with illegals!
Now that's a plan! Give the unvetted, illegal military age men from China, the Middle East, etc., that are coming to kill us, access to our weapons and technology!
The Romans tried that too, Dick. It didn't go well!
Fun fact: A large factor in the ending of the Roman Empire was because it could not defend its own borders. When Roman citizens no longer wanted to join the military, Rome started recruiting the surrounding tribes, that Rome was actually fighting, to fill its Legions. It got to a point where you had one Roman officer per 1,000 foreign troops. Finally, they began revolting and took over Rome. The End.
I Guess Dick didn't get the memo that 30,000 migrants with possible ties to terrorism or other “nefarious activity” were released into the United States in the last 15 months
The over 30,000 SIAs allowed into the interior of the United States in the last 15 months were given future court dates, the internal CBP data obtained by the DCNF revealed. The data also found that SIA encounters at the southern border increased 600% from fiscal year 2021 to 2022.
The Department of Homeland Security’s Lexicon Terms and Definitions described SIAs as “foreign national originating from a country (determined by individual Components) identified as having possible or established links to terrorism.
The government wasted funds and grant scam
From Reader’s Digest “Government Actually Spent Money On” by Marissa Laliberte
The article lists 11. Here are a few:
In June 2017, the Pentagon spent $28 million on licensing fees for the lush green pattern on Afghan National Army uniforms. The problem: Afghanistan is 98 percent desert, so they stuck out like sore thumbs.
The government spent at least $518,000 in federal grants to study how cocaine affects the sexual behavior of Japanese quails.
For more than 20 years, Northwestern University researchers received National Institutes of Health money to watch hamster fights. The project reportedly received more than $3 million over the course of the project and $306,000 in 2015 alone.
As of 2016, the federal government was spending more than $1.7 billion a year to maintain 770,000 empty buildings while other agencies are leasing or buying new space. Who knows what it is now.
The sick, cruel and bizarre “studies” funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, (NIAID) and the National Institute of Health, (NIH)
Dr. Anthony Fauci's division of the National Institutes of Health paid over $200,000 during the coronavirus pandemic for researchers to study why transgender women have high rates of HIV by injecting male monkeys with female hormones.
Fauci has overseen rampant animal testing since he took over the NIAID in 1984. It was revealed in November that the NIAID funded a study that infected beagles with heart-worm larvae and euthanized them after experimentations. As part of another study, researchers infected beagles with mutated bacteria from ticks.
(The pages that I reference below have accompanying videos that show the poor animals, so I caution you. These “doctors and scientists” are monsters!)
Since 1947, the NIH has funded a colony that intentionally breeds puppies to suffer from hemophilia and other bleeding disorders at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC). According to documents we received via FOIA, the dogs being bred include Irish Setters, Old English Sheep Dogs, Beagles, Mountain Curs, Keagles, Basenjis, Scotties, Kooikerhondjes, and Great Pyrenees.
For nearly four decades, the University of Pennsylvania has also operated a puppy mill funded by the NIH that breeds thousands of dogs to suffer from painful and debilitating genetic diseases for deadly experiments.
UPenn’s sick white coats intentionally breed terriers, beagles, and other puppies to suffer from skeletal disorders, seizures, tremors, paralysis, deafness, and blindness and kill them when they’re as young as 9 days old.
The foreign aid game
The United States gives foreign aid to 189 countries! These are the top ten:
We're actually stupid enough to give millions of dollars to people who hate us and are working for our destruction, like China, who we actually give about $10 million.
Financing our disarmament and destruction with the Ukrainian black hole
A recent audit says many small arms, night vision goggles, etc., we supplied Ukraine can't be accounted for, yet we are on schedule to replace them! The U.S. has already spent at least $113 billion in aid and weapons we won't be able to replace for years. I wrote about this:
Then we have all his adult life politician, Chuck Schumer, who actually threatened Supreme Court Judges RIGHT FROM THE STEPS OF THE SUPREME COURT and is still walking around free!
Schumer just threatened "We the People" that if more money doesn't go to Ukraine "we" will have to send troops! WHO'S WE KEMOSABE?
C’mon New York! THIS is the best you can do?
In conclusion
How long are “We the People” going to put up with not only having the majority of your labor and income forcibly confiscated, but allowing it to finance our own destruction as a people and nation?
If we care about our remaining liberties we must at some point …let politicians and bureaucrats know we will not tolerate further encroachment on our God-given rights to liberty. - Walter Williams
You missed one aspect of the payment of taxes. Remember, when you work for an employer, the government pays itself first through backup withholding. Then people set themselves up to get a big payment once a year thinking they're gaming the system when in reality they've loaning money interest-free to the government.
Backup withholding was supposed to be a temporary measure to pay for WW2, but we know how "temporary" goes with this government.
if you want to understand the true nature of the income tax and the true purpose of the 16th amendment: