You missed one aspect of the payment of taxes. Remember, when you work for an employer, the government pays itself first through backup withholding. Then people set themselves up to get a big payment once a year thinking they're gaming the system when in reality they've loaning money interest-free to the government.

Backup withholding was supposed to be a temporary measure to pay for WW2, but we know how "temporary" goes with this government.

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Thanks for the reminder. All the people I know over the years who were so thrilled with their big rebate till I explained it to them.

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The ideal for me is to owe just a manageable bit, but with all my 1099 side hustles, plus working in one state and living in another I get killed.

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The "American" way. When I moved out of Pittsburgh but still worked at Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh was insisting I owed income tax. I explained they could screw themselves because that was not a law at the time.

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if you want to understand the true nature of the income tax and the true purpose of the 16th amendment:


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Thank you. That was a pretty fascinating read. I have seen similar information but not explained that way. Bottom line. Americans are still slaves funding their own destruction.

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When Nancy Pelosi said we need(illegal) immigrants to pick our fruits and vegetables in the fields, she left out that they are also good for businesses. If a long term employee wants a raise, the company can get rid of that employee for an immigrant willing to make minimum wage and not complain.

The neo-Democrats under President Bill Clinton signed into law NAFTA which made companies leave the United States for tax breaks, slave labor, and less environmental regulations to other countries, gutting the middle-class and making them migrate into the service industry to make ends meet and survive, and creating a service industry-class. With this new immigrant tsunami, the neo-Democrats under Joe Biden are going to gut the service industry-class next.

The rich gets richer, and the poor gets poorer.

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Mexico has overtaken China as our biggest supplier of foreign goods.

I remember Ross Perot making a sucking sound saying that will be the sound of Americans wealth leaving the country if NAFTA was passed. He was absolutely correct. Trump negotiated a new treaty and the swamp understandably flipped out.

Ted Cruz rightly said Biden is the biggest human trafficker in the world. Knowing the Bidens don't do things for free, don't you think the Biden crime family is getting a piece of the drugs and human slave trafficking, especially the slavery trade in children? The only logical reason this is going on!

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"How long are “We the People” going to put up with not only having the majority of your labor and income forcibly confiscated, but allowing it to finance our own destruction as a people and nation?"

As long as they get their bread and circuses?

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There is so much fraud, waste, malfeasance and corruption in public spending that a balanced budget amendment would help solve by limiting public spending to the amount brought in by taxes. Term limits would also help by eliminating 30to 50 years of cronyism in government. All legislation needs to have a 30 to 90 day public review period. What we have now is representative government on autopilot with no oversight by the citizen. Government has become an unaccountable slush fund and elected politicians care only about the funds going to their slush.

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Agreed. The Founders never dreamed of term limits for career politicians. You did your duty and went back to your real profession. The rodents will never police themselves so the only way to get your logical proposals is an article V Convention of States to go around them.

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Wow. That is a scary essay! Michelle Malkin's book "Open Borders, Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction" goes into excruciating detail about your principal topic: the manufactured invasion. The link to the "Creature" is timely too as I am honored you used my essay about the Fed. Like most other things destroying society, it is about the money. Here is the link to Malkin's book:


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Thank you for shining a light in the dark corners. The elites think they run the world, but they are actually enslaved themselves... to Satan... and don't even know it. The Catholics seem to care only about $$$ and not anyone's salvation.

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Should be catholics. The traditionalists (Catholics) are under FBI monitoring.

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Good point...

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Biden Democrat regime is a criminal enterprise embezzling billions of dollars with open borders allowing up to 15 million illegal aliens in the country as well as committing malfeasance and corruption by ignoring and not faithfully executing the laws of the United States. Biden Democrat regime corruptly defies the Supreme Court which ruled that “ loan forgiveness”, really theft, is unconstitutional by continuing “loan forgiveness”/ theft.

Biden is making a mockery of the rule of law including targeting his political opponents with indictments with prison terms. The republic is collapsing.

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Feb 29, 2024
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Thank you for commenting and for the link. I am familiar with these things including the SS# game. The game is picking us off one at a time to scare the rest.

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Mar 1, 2024
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I gave you examples in the post. Red Foxx, Willie Nelson, Westly Snipes. Have you ever looked at the home and property auctions in your city for unpaid taxes?

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Mar 1, 2024
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Probably didn't know. That what I meant by picking people off to scare the rest.

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