Great compilation of horrible, terrifying, sickening news.

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Thank you. People have to understand where what we are being assaulted with came from in the first place to be able to fight it.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3tgjHtml4M Russell Brand With His Cuddle Buddy And "Beautiful Person" Yuval Noah Harari.......can't look at either of them actually...

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WTF! Thank you for that, Jacquelyn. I am speechless. I really had no opinion on Brand but I sure do now!

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I listened to him for a bit, but something seemed off; he never led anyone to action, just outrage or dismay. A queller, perhaps, and an icky one at that....his after hours life must be quite a contrast to his on air persona.

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That's what is being implied. If he actually committed crimes against people he deserves punishment. The wait 20 or 30 years to make accusations is below board though. That's why some crimes have statues of limitations. He apparently pissed somebody off. His accusers are going to clean up big time in civil cases with the money he amassed.

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Found it,


MAKES OIL DRILLING, AND MINERAL MINING OFF LIMITS But he must get moving and designate many more national monuments to save 30 percent of the United States by 2030.


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Thank you. I will review it.

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It is worse, and going on longer than we knew.

Alarm grows over major climate proposal to slash flights, food, clothing | Frontline News (LINKS) Public alarm is growing over a proposal put forth by several cities to limit flights, food, and clothing to “fight climate change.” Frontline News reported in May on the climate proposal from C40, a network of nearly 100 mayors who have pledged to transform their cities to meet the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines. Participating cities include Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, DC, Dubai, Mumbai, Barcelona, Paris, London, Tel Aviv, Beijing, Cape Town, Tokyo, Sydney, and others. To meet the WHO’s guidelines, C40 has proposed a slew of measures such as limiting taxpayers to one flight every two years, which the proposal refers to as the “progressive target for 2030.” The “ambitious target” for 2030 limits flights to one every three years. Each flight should be limited to a distance of no more than 1,500 km (932 miles). Other C40 initiatives include reducing the consumption of clothing and textiles by 39% by 2030, which tallies to eight new garments a year. The ambitious target, however, is only three garments per year. https://frontline.news/post/alarm-grows-over-major-climate-proposal-to-slash-flights-food-clothing 2,500

CALORIES PER DAY. NOT SUFFICIENT FOR HEALTH. https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/food-nutrition-and-diet/how-many-calories-should-you-eat-in-a-day

Cities to Use 'Consumption Intervention' in Global War on Food

Phoenix, Arizona, is being accused of setting a plan in motion to ban meat. The city’s mayor, Kate Gallego, is refuting the claim. The argument is around the C40 Cities agenda, which Ms. Gallego is onboard with. In this episode, we’ll dig into what that agenda actually entails, and how a global agenda is in the works to enact “consumption intervention” that would change the diets of people in close to 100 cities around the world. The goal includes reducing the consumption of meat and dairy products to zero.



FEW of us have fully digested the transformation of economies and our own behaviour that is implied by the existential fight against climate change – even as last month’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) laid bare how little time we have left to accelerate the transition to a cleaner world.

It isn’t that the world is lacking in commitments. If you live in the UK, EU, US or scores of other places, the declared aim is that you should be living somewhere with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within three decades. Eleven nations – Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK – have already written this goal into law, and dozens more have signalled their intent to do so.

But most of us are lacking a visualisation of what daily life will be like at net zero, from our homes and food to travel and the landscapes around us. “I think we probably don’t do that enough. It’s a really helpful thing to do, to take away the fear and get people excited,” says Mike Thompson at the Climate Change Committee (CCC), a statutory adviser to the UK government.


How to begin working towards a net-zero lifestyleIf you’re interested in this radical experiment or just want to know what your carbon footprint is looking like at the moment, you’ll need to take things step-by- step.

You can begin by going through your daily routine step by step, or use the following categories that Rosalind Redhead does:

Transport: walking, cycling, private car, subway, taxi, autorickshaw, bus, bullet train, etc.Data: online videos, blogs and websites, social media, communication apps, wifi or personal data, TVs, smartphones, smart speakersFood: number of meals, ingredients and their sources, purchases, exotic versus local ingredients2. Maintain a journal to calculate the impact of each actionIn a paper or online journal, record every single action you take in a day and review the total carbon emissions at the end of the day. If you’d like a long-term perspective, go ahead and calculate the emissions for a year using your current readings — you might be shocked to see what your carbon footprint might look like even without, say, traveling.

From here, it’s a great idea to identify what you can remove, reduce or substitute to reduce your impact. For example, if you spent an hour mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, replacing that with a walk outside is an instant net-zero win.

Calculate your emissions the right way!The internet has no shortage of carbon footprint calculators, but if you’ve shied away from using them, you’re not to blame. They can be clunky and heavy on data, making them very unpleasant to use for an already unpleasant task.

Luckily, EcoMatcher is currently creating the next generation of carbon footprint calculators that uses advanced data for accurate results while also being delightful to use. Keep your eyes peeled until then!

The final wordHuman-made climate breakdown is accelerating faster than expected, so we’re all in dire need of a reality check. Attempting to live a lower-carbon lifestyle also has ripple effects on climate activism and government policies.

If we’re all able to understand how we contribute and what changes are needed at a personal scale, we’d be much more knowledgeable about what steps to take as a community, then a state, and then a country!


Net-zero living: How your day will look in a carbon-neutral world

FEW of us have fully digested the transformation of economies and our own behaviour that is implied by the existential fight against climate change – even as last month’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) laid bare how little time we have left to accelerate the transition to a cleaner world.

It isn’t that the world is lacking in commitments. If you live in the UK, EU, US or scores of other places, the declared aim is that you should be living somewhere with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within three decades. Eleven nations – Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK – have already written this goal into law, and dozens more have signalled their intent to do so.

But most of us are lacking a visualisation of what daily life will be like at net zero, from our homes and food to travel and the landscapes around us. “I think we probably don’t do that enough. It’s a really helpful thing to do, to take away the fear and get people excited,” says Mike Thompson at the Climate Change Committee (CCC), a statutory adviser to the UK government.

https://kleanindustries.com/resources/environmental-industry-market-analysis-research/net-zero-living-how-your-day-will-look-in-a-carbon-neutral-world-read-more-https-www.newscientist.com-article-mg25133504-300/ Net Zero Coalition | United Nationshttps://www.un.org/en/climatechange/net-zero-coalition California goes to war with oil and gas giants over climate change

'deception' The state of California has filed a lawsuit against major oil and gas companies, alleging the fossil fuel industry has lied about the harms of climate change for decades. "For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet," Newsom said in a statement. "California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages — wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells. "With this lawsuit, California is taking action to hold big polluters accountable and deliver the justice our people deserve." https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/california-goes-war-oil-gas-giants-climate-change-deception Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move That Leaves Climate Alarmists Fuming - British PM Worries About Financial Impact on Families

“’We can adopt a more pragmatic, proportionate and realistic approach to meeting net zero’, Sunak told a news conference on Wednesday, saying a ban on the sale of petrol and diesel cars would be pushed back from 2030 to 2035.”


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Great links Gail. They certainly have plans for us. Our only hope is resist!

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2018 was the latest article I found, but I realize it goes back further. It's just been under the radar as 'climate change nuts." And a much larger story. The Great Reset or NWO has been around for a long time. This search engine has more than others. https://metager.org/

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David, while I can dig info like this, writing a Dystopian Twilight Zone, or Futuristic story is beyond my skill set. It needs a wider audience besides my few subscribers. It's more in your or Fred's wheelhouse. Somewhere in my substack is the Monument consolidation story. There are a lot of links in the comments.

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I will review it. Thanks.

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All this leads to: Don't get ready be ready!


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Absolutely. And resist because our very lives depend on it!

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