Using logic, The Absurdity About Climate Change In Memes
After getting the ultimate meme from my wife explaining chemtrails, I had to continue..
In my last post, The Curse Of "Experts" Part III, I point out the UN's frustration we are not buying the climate change emergency:
Global warming, then climate change didn't scare us. Now the earth is BOILING!
Since then, my wife sent me a meme explaining climate change and chemtrails which I will get to later. In the meantime, I thought I would share some fun.
How many times does “chicken little” think it can say the sky is falling without being ridiculous?
Al Gore is worth hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to his global warming/climate change scam.
Waiting for an answer……
In Nevada, they stopped ranchers from grazing cattle on grasslands to protect Sage Grouse habitat. Now there is no habitat or Sage Grouse!
There was a reason the Vikings called it “Greenland”!
Donald Trump to this day lives rent free in their heads.
Nature mocking man?
Argue with me on it.
Hard to believe she double-majored at Boston University, in International Relations and Economics.
I got nothin'. Talk amongst yourselves.
The grand finale…
The score is still pretty lopsided.
I was just watching climate propaganda on the Weather Channel. They are always careful to preface it with "human caused". I wanted everytime to add, "because The True Science denies every other possible explanation that does not give us more power."
German family facing deportation Home Schooling/Christianity not allowed
The family faces deportation 15 years after fleeing Germany to homeschool kids in the US
No Farmers No food