I was just watching climate propaganda on the Weather Channel. They are always careful to preface it with "human caused". I wanted everytime to add, "because The True Science denies every other possible explanation that does not give us more power."

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Good one. It is amazing that after so many falsehoods people still let them get away with it.

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Last night it was above average temps, duh it's September in the South, W. Tennessee we range from 60-80's depending on the year. East has more cold weather. We can see the AC on in December, or an Ice Storm. 1 inch of snow they shut the big cities and schools down. No on knows how to drive in it. Except those who lived up north.

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We have been watching weather back in PA where the relatives are. They have temps that are 10° cooler than ours day and night, which have dropped down to 70 day and 50ish at night. They have been getting an extreme amount of rain though. Even where people have snow experience like here, first day or 2 after the 1st one crashes all over the place like they have to learn again.

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It varies by the week here. All our weather is influenced by MS and AR, the Memphis bluffs will alter a storm path. Since we live in the next county it's more rural. no big buildings. But storm damage gets fixed a lot slower. And the roads are not maintained, only the main route Hwy 51 is somewhat taken care of. Small towns dot this area and farmland. I learned to drive in snow many years ago. I stay home for a couple of days, till the idiots stop going out. I have no intention of replacing my car at 75. We don't put a lot of miles on it.

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German family facing deportation Home Schooling/Christianity not allowed

The family faces deportation 15 years after fleeing Germany to homeschool kids in the US


No Farmers No food https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/nofarmersnofood-5390883?utm_source=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2023-09-26&utm_medium=email&est=SDWklWfoYa7IesVLINZ%2BOqeLhZ6B4Ze2Hk4PKoSS7DmUPr87pWBwTYXuL9U%3D

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I saw that story and was going to put it on notes. How disgusting!

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From one crisis to the next and all fear motivated, trust the science.

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Till we finally say enough is enough! No more!

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That stops them in their tracks, and this evil nonsense ends.

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Details of the Amish Farmer Story Prove the FDA and USDA Should Be Dissolved Completely

The basic details made me mad. Learning what all was done to this family has me absolutely infuriated.


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Agencies were created by Congress that unconstitutionally abdicated its oversight authority! Agencies make rules WHICH ARE NOT LAWS JUST LIKE MANDATES and you are under no obligation to follow them! The problem is they have the force and unfair courts behind them to persecute you.

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Too true, like the HOA we are supposed to have, pay no dues, elect no one, and hold no meetings, but it is in someone's will who sold this subdivision land to a developer. It scares Dean silly and it says no chickens. Who is going to enforce it? He has become a worry wort over them and resents the small stuff I can't do with their care. I didn't get a rooster, so there is no more noise than a small pet would make. He hid them behind the house. There are only 9. Not seen him refuse to eat the eggs, or give excess away. LOL

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NET ZERO SOCIETY. Alarm grows over major climate proposal to slash flights, food, clothing | Frontline News (LINKS)

'Sounds like climate lockdowns'

Public alarm is growing over a proposal put forth by several cities to limit flights, food, and clothing to “fight climate change.” Frontline News reported in May on the climate proposal from C40, a network of nearly 100 mayors who have pledged to transform their cities to meet the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines. Participating cities include Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, DC, Dubai, Mumbai, Barcelona, Paris, London, Tel Aviv, Beijing, Cape Town, Tokyo, Sydney, and others. To meet the WHO’s guidelines, C40 has proposed a slew of measures such as limiting taxpayers to one flight every two years, which the proposal refers to as the “progressive target for 2030.” The “ambitious target” for 2030 limits flights to one every three years. Each flight should be limited to a distance of no more than 1,500 km (932 miles). Other C40 initiatives include reducing the consumption of clothing and textiles by 39% by 2030, which tallies to eight new garments a year. The ambitious target, however, is only three garments per year. https://frontline.news/post/alarm-grows-over-major-climate-proposal-to-slash-flights-food-clothing.

CALORIES PER DAY. NOT SUFFICIENT FOR HEALTH. https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/food-nutrition-and-diet/how-many-calories-should-you-eat-in-a-day

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So Al Gore and John Kerry are going to park their planes and start doing Zoom conferences?😂😂

Calories not sufficient? That is what they did in concentration camps. They worked you with practically no food till you died! The a-holes don't see this and think they are saving the planet!

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Now you understand why I'm not going to try and write this Twilight Zone Dystopian story. I have more links.

Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move That Leaves Climate Alarmists Fuming - British PM Worries About Financial Impact on Families

“’We can adopt a more pragmatic, proportionate and realistic approach to meeting net zero’, Sunak told a news conference on Wednesday, saying a ban on the sale of petrol and diesel cars would be pushed back from 2030 to 2035.”


California goes to war with oil and gas giants over climate change

'deception' The state of California has filed a lawsuit against major oil and gas companies, alleging the fossil fuel industry has lied about the harms of climate change for decades. "For more than 50 years, Big Oil has been lying to us — covering up the fact that they’ve long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are for our planet," Newsom said in a statement. "California taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages — wildfires wiping out entire communities, toxic smoke clogging our air, deadly heat waves, record-breaking droughts parching our wells. "With this lawsuit, California is taking action to hold big polluters accountable and deliver the justice our people deserve." https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/california-goes-war-oil-gas-giants-climate-change-deception

Smart fabrics and garments on sale now or hitting the shops soon

https://www.wareable.com/smart-clothing/best-smart-clothing What Are

Smart Clothes? Discover how your clothes can improve your life https://www.lifewire.com/what-are-smart-clothes-4176103

Smart Clothes Are the Future and They're Already Here https://www.lifewire.com/what-are-smart-clothes-4176103

Net zero by 2050: 9 charts showing the world's progress – DW – 11/09/2021

The pressure is on for leaders attending the 26th climate conference to prevent global warming from accelerating further, but there is still a long way to go.


Net Zero Coalition | United Nations


Frick Environmental Center:Growing A Net Zero Living Building in Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh Green Story


Net-zero living: How your day will look in a carbon-neutral world

FEW of us have fully digested the transformation of economies and our own behaviour that is implied by the existential fight against climate change – even as last month’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) laid bare how little time we have left to accelerate the transition to a cleaner world.

It isn’t that the world is lacking in commitments. If you live in the UK, EU, US or scores of other places, the declared aim is that you should be living somewhere with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within three decades. Eleven nations – Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK – have already written this goal into law, and dozens more have signalled their intent to do so.

But most of us are lacking a visualisation of what daily life will be like at net zero, from our homes and food to travel and the landscapes around us. “I think we probably don’t do that enough. It’s a really helpful thing to do, to take away the fear and get people excited,” says Mike Thompson at the Climate Change Committee (CCC), a statutory adviser to the UK government.


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How to begin working towards a net-zero lifestyle

If you’re interested in this radical experiment or just want to know what your carbon footprint is looking like at the moment, you’ll need to take things step-by- step.

You can begin by going through your daily routine step by step, or use the following categories that Rosalind Redhead does:

Transport: walking, cycling, private car, subway, taxi, autorickshaw, bus, bullet train, etc.

Data: online videos, blogs and websites, social media, communication apps, wifi or personal data, TVs, smartphones, smart speakers

Food: number of meals, ingredients and their sources, purchases, exotic versus local ingredients

2. Maintain a journal to calculate the impact of each action

In a paper or online journal, record every single action you take in a day and review the total carbon emissions at the end of the day. If you’d like a long-term perspective, go ahead and calculate the emissions for a year using your current readings — you might be shocked to see what your carbon footprint might look like even without, say, traveling.

From here, it’s a great idea to identify what you can remove, reduce or substitute to reduce your impact. For example, if you spent an hour mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, replacing that with a walk outside is an instant net-zero win.

Calculate your emissions the right way!

The internet has no shortage of carbon footprint calculators, but if you’ve shied away from using them, you’re not to blame. They can be clunky and heavy on data, making them very unpleasant to use for an already unpleasant task.

Luckily, EcoMatcher is currently creating the next generation of carbon footprint calculators that uses advanced data for accurate results while also being delightful to use. Keep your eyes peeled until then!

The final word

Human-made climate breakdown is accelerating faster than expected, so we’re all in dire need of a reality check. Attempting to live a lower-carbon lifestyle also has ripple effects on climate activism and government policies.

If we’re all able to understand how we contribute and what changes are needed at a personal scale, we’d be much more knowledgeable about what steps to take as a community, then a state, and then a country!



FEW of us have fully digested the transformation of economies and our own behaviour that is implied by the existential fight against climate change – even as last month’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) laid bare how little time we have left to accelerate the transition to a cleaner world.

It isn’t that the world is lacking in commitments. If you live in the UK, EU, US or scores of other places, the declared aim is that you should be living somewhere with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions within three decades. Eleven nations – Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK – have already written this goal into law, and dozens more have signalled their intent to do so.

But most of us are lacking a visualisation of what daily life will be like at net zero, from our homes and food to travel and the landscapes around us. “I think we probably don’t do that enough. It’s a really helpful thing to do, to take away the fear and get people excited,” says Mike Thompson at the Climate Change Committee (CCC), a statutory adviser to the UK government.


How to begin working towards a net-zero lifestyle

If you’re interested in this radical experiment or just want to know what your carbon footprint is looking like at the moment, you’ll need to take things step-by- step.

You can begin by going through your daily routine step by step, or use the following categories that Rosalind Redhead does:

Transport: walking, cycling, private car, subway, taxi, autorickshaw, bus, bullet train, etc.

Data: online videos, blogs and websites, social media, communication apps, wifi or personal data, TVs, smartphones, smart speakers

Food: number of meals, ingredients and their sources, purchases, exotic versus local ingredients

2. Maintain a journal to calculate the impact of each action

In a paper or online journal, record every single action you take in a day and review the total carbon emissions at the end of the day. If you’d like a long-term perspective, go ahead and calculate the emissions for a year using your current readings — you might be shocked to see what your carbon footprint might look like even without, say, traveling.

From here, it’s a great idea to identify what you can remove, reduce or substitute to reduce your impact. For example, if you spent an hour mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, replacing that with a walk outside is an instant net-zero win.

Calculate your emissions the right way!

The internet has no shortage of carbon footprint calculators, but if you’ve shied away from using them, you’re not to blame. They can be clunky and heavy on data, making them very unpleasant to use for an already unpleasant task.

Luckily, EcoMatcher is currently creating the next generation of carbon footprint calculators that uses advanced data for accurate results while also being delightful to use. Keep your eyes peeled until then!

The final word

Human-made climate breakdown is accelerating faster than expected, so we’re all in dire need of a reality check. Attempting to live a lower-carbon lifestyle also has ripple effects on climate activism and government policies.

If we’re all able to understand how we contribute and what changes are needed at a personal scale, we’d be much more knowledgeable about what steps to take as a community, then a state, and then a country!


White House Directs Agencies to Account for Climate Change in Budgets


Massachusetts to ban purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies. YOUR NEXT.


Investigation: Most Corporate Carbon Offset Schemes 'Likely Junk or Worthless’

According to a joint report by the watchdog group Corporate Accountability and The Guardian, nearly 80% of the top 50 global carbon offset projects claiming to compensate for corporate CO2 emissions exaggerate the benefits or shift their greenhouse gas burden elsewhere.


5 Questions for Gates Foundation About Its Failed Food & Farming Projects in Africa

As the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s annual Goalkeepers event convenes this week, pre-event press promises inspirational news for “thinkers and doers” who want to “save” dying mothers and nurture hope for a brighter world — but reporters should ask some key questions about the failure of the foundation’s “Green Revolution” in Africa.


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And I've not added the Fitbits, Diabetes trackers, GPS, cell phones, or computers, we know how that tracks.

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Oh, no, they see it. That's what they want....us to die.

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Yup! Realizing is the first step. Stopping it the next.

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Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September

According to the Ohio Attorney General's office, there have been over 45 missing minors in the greater Cleveland area since the start of the month.


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MAKES OIL DRILLING, AND MINERAL MINING OFF LIMITS But he must get moving and designate many more national monuments to save 30 percent of the United States by 2030.


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3:30 pm and 90 degrees. Typical of W. Tennessee temps.


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