Starve, dissolve or disperse. It was the gauntlet thrown. How low Washington and his army had fallen in a mere 12 months.
Note: The issues I mentioned when I first published this still exist and have only gotten worse. In addition, we now have the occupier of the White House actively using every means short of assassination to eliminate his apparent opponent in the 2024 election, with pulling a “Zelensky” and calling it off not out of the question!
A short recap of recent events and catastrophies since January 20, 2021:
First day in office, Biden signs 17 Executive Orders. 11 were immediate reversals of President Trump's policies. The most important not in any particular order:
“Eviscerating” women’s sports.
Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline and reversing any other Trump energy rules, putting thousands of Americans out of work before and after project completions.
Rejoining the ridiculous “Paris Climate Agreement”.
Dissolved the 1776 Commission designed to counter an educational movement to rewrite American history, including the ridiculous and author admitted fictitious 1619 Project.
Reversed Trump's ban on federally funded diversity training highlighting the concept of white privilege.
Required masks on all Federal property, practice safe distancing and all the other ridiculous and unscientific requirements from the CDC.
Created position of coordinator of the COVID-19 response and counselor to the president to facilitate testing and vaccine distribution. Both proven to be ineffective.
Rescinded Executive Order 13768 which stripped sanctuary cities and jurisdictions that did not comply with immigration enforcement measures of their federal funding.
Reversed Trump's memorandum of July 2021, excluding illegal aliens from the 2020 Census count.
Strengthened the “Dreamer Program”.
Got rid of the immigration ban from countries that could not verify who the immigrants were, ridiculously called “the Muslim Ban”.
Continued the violation of private property rights of landlords by keeping the “rent free living” policy in place.
Reversed Trump policy of FOLLOWING IMMIGRATION LAW allowing ICE to arrest and detain for deportation ANY illegals ANYWHERE in the U.S.
Halted construction of the U.S./Mexico border wall.
Froze all Trump administrative regulations in progress for “review” and of course cancellation.
Apparently not knowing what he was signing!
Biden has signed 103 Executive Orders so far.
In a previous essay, I mention Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting” that apparently was the gameplan for this 2022 Midterm assault on American voters. The Biden administration doesn’t get all the credit though. Mitch, “the turtle” McConnell BLEW $9 MILLION attempting to keep his toady Lisa Murkowski in the Senate and gave ZERO to Laxalt in Nevada, Masters in Arizona, Walker in Georgia and Bulduc in New Hampshire, ensuring a Democrat majority in the Senate!
What else has transpired?
Trump was ridiculously called a fascist when he stayed out of the way of citizens and free enterprise to do as the Constitution intended. Biden is the real definition of a fascist.
Gas going from $2.89/gallon in 2020 to $6.00/gallon because of Biden’s war on oil and natural gas. Biden illegally cancelled oil/gas leases on Federal lands and offshore. Not “Putin’s War. He continues to inhibit domestic oil/gas production.
A baby formula shortage that started in 2022 with reports of prices rising to $56 PER CAN! Supplies are still not what they once were.
Because of continued money printing with fewer goods to buy, inflation is allegedly at only 8.5%, the highest in 40+ years.
However, a dozen eggs 2020 was .99 and the same dozen eggs in 2024 is $4.99 which is 500% inflation! Ground meat, 2020 was $2.99/lb and in 2024 is $5.99/lb which is 200% inflation!
The Biden administration was and is violating the First Amendment by ordering social media companies to censor citizens and groups on their government enemies list.
Biden made climate considerations an essential element of United States foreign policy and national security.
The Biden administration, (and delusional governors), plan to mandate all electric vehicles by the 2030’s despite the woeful lack of available power from an already obsolete power grid with no plans for updating!
Biden promised to shut down the coal industry, putting thousands of Americans out of work. Apparently a theme of his administration!
Biden has promised to pay Indonesia $20 BILLION to stop using coal.
Heads up to Green Energy enthusiasts or fun facts to share with them:
Britain expects an additional 24,000 to die this winter and 6 MILLION fear they won't be able to heat homes.
Germany's failed Green Energy program has caused them to re-open 26 coal plants or freeze to death and sit in the dark!
Germans scrambling for firewood and wood stoves creating a shortage. Stove waiting list till Next year, with you already having froze to death! (Bet they're not laughing anymore about Trump telling them get away from Russian oil and natural gas!)
Salad days are gone because of outrageous energy costs for green houses.
Steel and aluminum mills are shutting because of energy expense. You can sell a ton of aluminum for about 2500 Euros but it now costs 7500 Euros to make it.
Europe has apparently followed the “Four Steps to Energy Destruction” Plan detailed in this video by Steve Goreham. Apparently the Biden administration took good notes!
Subsidize and mandate renewables.
Mandate power plants buy renewables at whatever cost over other energy.
Shut down nuclear power plants.
Ban fracking which has made oil and gas greatly cheaper.
The National Oil Reserve for the defense of America is being depleted to 1980's levels with Biden treasonously selling the oil to our acknowledged enemy China through a Chinese gas company tied to his son. Most recently, China is mocking us by showing off their J-35, practically a carbon copy of the F-35 for which they stole all the plans!
J-35 vs. F-35 Comparison. Image by Twitter User RupprechtDeino.
Ukraine being supplied with arms depleting the U.S. military of bullets, bombs and other equipment with defense contractors saying they can't keep up with the demand.
Nationalism, loving your country, is Nazism and Hitleresque. Globalism, being one of ants controlled from some far off bureaucracy is good.
Parents protesting what THEIR children are being taught in schools they pay for were designated domestic terrorists by the Justice Department while 156+ churches and pro-life centers have been vandalized or burnt to the ground with the FBI not having ONE suspect!
The U.S./Mexico border is unconstitutionally being left unsecured and undefended. Over 10 Million illegal aliens including potential terrorists and billions of dollars of drugs which are killing Americans by the thousands are enter the country. While pumping $130 BILLION into Ukraine for their border defense which apparently is a money laundering operation with a link between now defunct FTX, Ukraine, the Democrat Party and massive contributions to Democrat candidates and sitting Democrat politicians.
The American people are being successfully gaslighted into believing "The Big Lie" is saying the 2020 election was rigged. Meanwhile erasing from history, the REAL "Big Lies" Trump colluded with the Russians to win in 2016 and the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation in the 2020 election!
It has actually become illegal in some states for a health care professional to affirm the actual biological sex of a girl or boy!
The Constitution says voting DAY. We unconstitutionally have voting month or two months!
Voting in France and other "Democratic" countries in the world with same day results. (mail-in voting is not allowed in France ).
Voting in the U.S.
Security footage of “mule” , (ballot box stuffer), in the middle of the night at a ballot box from the movie “2000 Mules”.
Counting votes in France:
Counting votes in the U.S.

Brazilian citizen response when they know the election (which the Biden administration bragged about interfering in), was rigged......
As of Nov. 15, 2022, millions of people in Brazil are still protesting and have filed to nullify the election. One reason is 5 million votes were discarded!
American citizens response in the United States when they see the election was rigged....
Our Founders and ALL who fought and died for this country would be incredulous and furious at ALL of the above!
Who was George Washington?
George Washington was an extraordinary man. The best description of him is red headed, 6' 2" and 175 lbs., well-muscled and powerful with huge hands and feet. Everyone else was around 5′6” 120lbs. He had a commanding presence. When he spoke, he spoke with purpose. He was indestructible in battle and always led from the front. During the French Indian war, Washington was a Colonel in the British army. On July 9, 1755, after ten days deathly sick in bed, he was at the Battle of Monongahelahe at Fort Duquesne in Pittsburgh, where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers come together to form the Ohio River.
When safely at Fort Cumberland, Washington wrote his younger brother John Augustine Washington July 18, 1755, “By the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!” Washington wrote the same to his mother Mary Ball Washington.
Once taught in history books, there is also a story of what the Indian chief at the battle said about that day when he later met Washington:
Our rifles were leveled, rifles which, but for you, knew not how to miss – `twas all in vain, a power mightier far than we, shielded you.” One warrior declared: “I had seventeen fair fires at him with my rifle and after all could not bring him to the ground! Seeing you were under the special guardianship of the Great Spirit, we immediately ceased to fire at you.”
He was the ultimate gentleman. Always controlling his manner and temper. He also had a very dry sense of humor with most people not getting his jokes initially. He was a born leader which is why he was made president of the Constitutional debates and elected President of the United States twice unanimously. A general whose men would do anything he asked because he loved and respected them. He was a humble man who had the grace to refuse being crowned the king of the United States after he was victorious over the British. You would have to look long and hard among the mostly dishonorable crew in Washington DC to find one capable of such a deed if offered the same! When told that Washington was going to resign and go back to his plantation, King George III of England said “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.”
All of this was because Washington had a rock-solid belief in God, and His hand in the affairs of men. On October 3, 1789, he decreed the first Thanksgiving be held November 26, 1789, to give God praise and thanks for His numerous blessings on America, and there were many. In one instance, Washington and his troops were trapped in Brooklyn surrounded by the British. They miraculously escaped to Manhattan Island when a heavy fog settled, allowing Washington and his troops to escape to fight another day.
The year 1776 was a horrific year for America and its fight for freedom. Numerous battles lost with many injuries and casualties. The economy was in hyperinflation. Congress was not supplying the troops with needed food, clothes or arms. The British tracked the American troops by the bloody trails left in the snow from their bare frozen feet.
During the fall of 1776, the British issued an amnesty proclamation that offered pardon and protection to rebels who signed an oath of loyalty to the king within sixty days. Thousands of Americans, including several members of Congress, clambered to sign the oath. One disgusted American Patriot recalled, “To the disgrace of the country and human nature, great numbers flocked to confess their political sins to the representative of Majesty, and to obtain pardon. It was observed that these consisted of the very rich and the very poor, while the middling class held their constancy.” Making matters worse, the enlistments for the Continental Army expired in December and January 1, 1777.
Sound familiar? Anyone who questions the numerous anomalies and sworn affidavit witnesses to election tampering during the 2020 Presidential Election including the 45th President of the United States is seditious and an insurrectionist overthrowing “our sacred democracy”, (actually a Constitutional Republic). Confess your sins or be put on a government watch list:
The U.S. government warned of a “heightened threat” to the midterm elections due to a rise in domestic violent extremism and ideological grievances and access to potential targets, according to a joint intelligence bulletin obtained by CBS News.
The alleged perpetrators:
“According to the intelligence memo, some domestic violent extremists “motivated by differing perceptions of issues like government overreach, firearms regulation, and immigration policy, will potentially view social and political tensions during the upcoming midterm election as an opportunity to use or promote violence in furtherance of their ideological goals.” (Emphasis mine)
In fact, Outrageously:
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday on CNN’s “This Morning” that he was meeting with Senat Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the wake of midterm election results to convince Republican senators to ditch so-called “MAGA Republicans.” (Emphasis mine)
Colonial Americans could read, and the pamphlet immediately raised the morale of both the military and civilians. The looming prospect of disaster seemed to spur Americans into action, and some even believed that such a crisis was necessary to give people the proper motivation to fight. “Our republic cannot exist long in prosperity,” Doctor Benjamin Rush later wrote in a letter to John Adams. “We require adversity and appear to possess most of the republican spirit when most depressed.” The crisis had a direct positive effect that steeled resolve. That December 246 years ago marked a period where Americans from all stripes came together to alter the course of history in a great counteroffensive on Christmas night.
This was when Thomas Paine wrote his famous "The American Crisis":
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
Washington and his troops were camped at Valley Forge for six months. There were 12,000 British troops only 20 miles away and Washington feared they would supply up, march and attack the Continental army. For whatever reason, (did they figure they would starve and freeze to death anyway, and wanted to stay warm and wait till spring), they did not. Washington came up with a daring and brilliant plan to cross the Delaware and take Trenton by defeating the Hessians stationed there. He methodically wrote three words over and over on several small pieces of paper to be passed out to his commanders, "Victory or Death".
Contrary to a historical myth, the Hessians in Trenton were not drunk or idle. Their experienced commander, Colonel Johann Rall, the hero of White Plains Chatterton’s Hill and the breakthrough at Fort Washington, kept his men in constant readiness and on patrol. A series of raids by the local militia in the prior days had put them on edge, and the men slept dressed and armed.
A massive storm hit at 11PM on Christmas Eve. General John Glover and the Marblehead Mariners in their Durham boats miraculously transported Washington, the bulk of his army, their horses and cannons across the semi- frozen Delaware River in the middle of a raging storm, which dragged out the crossing, which should have taken an hour, from midnight till 4AM. They did not lose one man. Washington immediately had to start the 9 1/2-mile march to Trenton to make it by morning. The troops were exhausted, and many froze to death.
Not wanting to lose any more of his troops, Washington shouted encouragement to the men: “Soldiers, keep by your officers. For God’s sake, keep by your officers!” Throughout the night, the commander in chief remained determined; adversity brought forth his best qualities. “Press on! Press on, boys!” he shouted as he rode up and down the line.
They got to Trenton shortly before 8AM and got within 200 yards because of poor visibility from the storm before the Hessians saw them. They attacked, captured the Hessian artillery and quickly overran the city, putting snipers in place to pick off the Hessians. Their commander, Colonel Johann Rall, was mortally wounded, and his troops tried to escape. Washington led his troops on horseback in pursuit shouting, “March on, my brave fellows, after me!” Hit from three sides, the Hessians, now leaderless, lowered their guns and their flags around 9:00 a.m.
The Continental army killed 22 Hessians, severely wounded 84, while taking 896 prisoners, with few losses of their own. They captured “as many muskets, bayonets, cartouche boxes and swords,” as well as the artillery, increasing their supplies. A GREAT victory that turned the tide of the war. But there was the problem that the troops enlistment ended on Jan.1, and they had every right to go home.
"What was left of the Continental Army went into formation and stood at attention as Washington mustered his oratorical prowess and appealed to the men to continue fighting. “My brave fellows, you have done all I asked you to do and more than could be reasonably expected,” he began. “But your country is at stake, your wives, your houses, and all that you hold dear. . . . If you will consent to stay one month longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty and to your country which you probably can never do under any other circumstances.”
Because Washington was such a great orator, most of the troops reenlisted. The tide turned for Washington and America ending in the surrender of General Cornwallis at Yorktown and freedom from England a long and hard five years later in October 19, 1781.
All this happened because of the magnificent George Washington and also the will of the American people. In the darkest times, Americans rise to the occasion. This one is no different and we are certainly capable. Reiterating Thomas Paine:
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
However, another George Washington would sure be handy.
Top shelf Dave. You hit the high points and the section about Washington made my day. Here is a great rendition of THE MAN! https://youtu.be/JgCQDZdlMdc
So basically, Biden is a tyrant and traitor to the Constitution, but we, the people, are either too stupid or too cowardly to arrest him and try him for his treason.