Recommended by David Wolosik
There Are None So Blind As Those Who "Will - Not" To See..."107".
A writer with a varied background: Husband l Father l Grandfather l Skywarn Spotter/Chaser (50 Years)🌪 l Weather Blogger - Photographer ☃️⚡️l Christian Constitutional Conservative l 2A l Trump l Maga l Ultra Maga l US Navy Vet l Back The Blue l Vets l Cancer Survivor | Wwg1wga
I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
Dedicated purveyor of truthful information concerning the great Covid deception put on the world
The Frederick R. Smith blog is the ramblings of an uncommon man in a post-modern world. As a master of few topics, your author desires to give readers a sense of the thoughts of a senior citizen who lived most of his life before the new normal.
An extensive and authoritative source on numerous subjects.