Putting Aside Differences To Fight A Common Enemy
While we are busy tearing each other up they are practically on the goal line!
Air Maui Helicopter Tours
In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.
But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here.
Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.
— Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
Our Founding Fathers had a variety of differences between them. The greatest being whether or not, to separate from their home country, England. They desperately attempted to come to common ground with their king. The Declaration of Independence was agreed to with a heavy heart. They disagreed on the role of the federal government, the issue of slavery, and how radical or moderate the American Revolution should be and on the need for a Bill of Rights to be attached to the Constitution. The glue that held them together was their common love of freedom and their willingness to do anything to achieve it.
The “Grand Experiment” is on the ropes
In case you haven't noticed, the American Republic, the grand experiment created by our Founders of a goverment created by the People and subservient to the People is on the ropes after only 247 years.
Without even having to delve deeply, how do I deduce that?
The White House is probably the most secure building on earth yet it can't be determined who took cocaine in, let alone two other times in the Biden administration when drugs were brought in.
The FBI has arrested over 1,000 Americans and plans to arrest at least 1,000 more who were at the Capital on Jan. 6 by pinging cellphones and using video surveillance. Yet to this day, they have not one suspect that placed a pipe bomb outside the DNC Headquarters in Washington, despite video surveillance from multiple angles, and from other buildings. They know the car and refuse to identify the suspect!
More ominous indicators
Secretary of State Blinkin had the unmitigated gall to speak about freeing political prisoners worldwide, with the Jan. 6 political prisoners right under his nose in the Washington DC gulag going on three years now!
The FBI executed a 75 year old disabled man at o'dark 30 in his home for alleged presidential threats on Facebook instead of arresting him at the gas station, grocery store, etc. In addition, he was the sole caretaker of his blind son!
On August 17, 2023, President Joe Biden boasted about the number of times he has used executive action to institute gun control that Congress did not pass.
On April 8, 2021, Breitbart News reported Biden used executive gun controls that included restrictions on “ghost guns,” a push for red flag laws, recategorization of AR-15 pistols, and DOJ-led research into gun trafficking.
These controls led to an ATF-issued rule classifying “partially complete pistol frames” as firearms. That rule means a background check is now required in order to purchase certain gun parts kits.
The same executive controls also led to an ATF-issued rule categorizing AR-pistols with stabilizer braces as short-barrel rifles. This new categorization means owners of said pistols with stabilizer braces are required to the register the firearms under the auspices of the National Firearms Act (1934).
On July 21, 2022, the White House recounted that Biden had issued 21 executive actions related to gun control and gun violence up to that point in his presidency.
On May 14, 2023, Breitbart News noted that Biden issued yet another executive order on gun control, this one directing Attorney General Merrick Garland to act where Congress has not acted and take the United States “as close as possible” to universal background checks.
David Weiss, Special Council for Hunter Biden, was the U.S. Attorney who investigated Hunter Biden and allowed tax charges to expire through statute of limitations. He was also the long time business partner of Hunter's deceased brother Beau. His appointment is absolutely illegal:
28 CFR § 600.3 - Qualifications of the Special Counsel.
(a)The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government.
(b)The Attorney General shall consult with the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to ensure an appropriate method of appointment, and to ensure that a Special Counsel undergoes an appropriate background investigation and a detailed review of ethics and conflicts of interest issues.
A first in American history. A sitting President attempting to jail his chief rival
Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime - Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief of Joseph Stalin
In a previous post I detailed how the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. The flimsy premise that the alleged Jan.6 Insurrection and 91 charges against former President Trump all revolve around questioning election results have been twisted into election denial. However, if actual election denial is a crime:
Incidentally, NO ONE has been charged with insurrection!
Leaking Grand Jury information and proceedings is illegal
There have been 40 leaks from the Grand Juries regarding Trump in the past 6 months.
The Clerk of Courts in Georgia “accidentally” leaked the results of a grand jury vote on charges before the Grand Jury actually voted! WTH??
Destroying evidence
The Jan. 6 committee has destroyed records that could have been requested by President Trump in his defense, which violates the 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments!
The outrage of all outrages
The Georgia indictment against Trump actually includes his lawyers!
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
The January 6 Political Prisoners, among the numerous rights denied them, have been denied access to counsel. When lawyers can be disbarred and/or indicted for providing counsel and defense for the accused in this country, the Republic is truly lost!
The enemy has taken off the gloves
Is an extermination event coming to a neighborhood near you?
AP Photo/Rick Bowmer
There’s an airport right up the road. Why isn’t that being used? There’s ocean front 20 feet from our lobby. Why are we not using that?
In 1802, Lahaina was made the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii by King Kamehameha. Today, it is burned beyond recognition.
The timeline up to the genocide
The Upcountry Fire broke out early morning August 8, but then was reported to be contained by 9 am.
Schools were closed and parents had to get to work so children were left at home to horrifically burn to death. One 15 year old boy was tragically found, by his mother who broke thru the barricades, in his bedroom, mostly charred, holding his dog! There are potentially thousands of dead children!
The National Guard was activated by 3:30 pm, but due to road closures, many in Lahaina were simply trapped.
Residents encountered a gridlock caused by several Hawaiian Electric trucks that were replacing telephone poles along the road to Highway 30, and received instructions from electricians to turn back into Lahaina, AP reported. Some died in their cars while others swerved around the barricade or used dirt roads to escape.
In my experience and as recounted by other veterans of fires
and a 23 year wildfire pilot veteran friend of , your car is your only way to safely! Yet these people were blocked with whole families burning to death in their cars!In my experience with wildfires, I have seen trees too close to houses catch fire which ignited near by houses. Like past fires in California, buildings are totally destroyed down to white ash, yet there are still green trees as far as you can see between the burned houses? This stinks to high heaven!
I live in a rural area. When there is a wildfire, deputies and emergency personnel drive miles, sometimes on unimproved back roads, to knock on doors to warn people to evacuate. Emergency management in Maui couldn't even bother to sound an alarm? They should all be arrested for manslaughter and murder!
Residents have said that if only they'd had another 10-15 minutes awareness, more people would have been able to get out.
Herman Andaya had no background in emergency response when he was given his post, and he was hired over 40 others who had far more experience and qualifications.
But wait, it gets better! Coincidence or planning?
Maui officials were attending FEMA disaster training on Oahu while families burned to death in Lahaina!
Is there a mass cover-up in progress?
The editor of the local paper saying there is a media black out
In a shocking development, a leaked letter revealed that Maui County Officials have instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to immediately halt posting images and videos related to the recent Maui wildfire disaster.
The Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen actually threatened to shut down a news conference when pressed for the number of children missing.
Reporter: “How many children are missing?” Maui Mayor: “I guess we can end this right now, if you want”
There was a “15 Minute Smart City” conference in Maui Jan. 3 -6, 2023
The fire burned so hard it burnt boats in the water! Yet stopped short of celebrity houses?
Houses that didn't burn are being condemned.
The state of Hawaii is offering to buy property.
High rise projects were recently approved in Lahaina:
According to the DHHL, 14 out of 20 projects most recently approved by the Hawaiian Homestead Commission involve vertical construction, though that could be subject to change.
John Pelletier, the police chief from Las Vegas that shut down the investigation of the 2017 mass shooting is the NEW police chief of Maui County! And refused to answer questions.
Differentiating between friend and foe
You can't expect someone who has been propagandized all their life to snap out of it immediately. It will take time. A phrase used in Texas, and probably the rest of the South when you come across someone well meaning but misguided is “bless your little heart.”
Someone who mistakenly thinks the 2nd Amendment applies to muskets, and we will only be safe when all guns are gone, is not your enemy. Just misinformed. The ATF revoked gun licenses of 122 gun dealers during the last fiscal year in Biden's war on the Second Amendment, in order to get the names, addresses, type and number of firearms purchased by law abiding Americans to add to their totally unconstitutional list of gun owners. They are your enemy!
Someone who thinks education is so poor in this country because not enough money is being spent is not your enemy. They simply need to be shown a major reason is 87.6% of the money goes to administration.
They are also obvious victims of How Education was Destroyed in America. The teacher's unions that deprived children of education for almost 2 years over the Covid farce, and insult minority children by saying they can't be taught because they are poor, are your enemy! The teachers, administrators, etc., are perpetrating the transgender hoax and exposing little children to pornography and teaching them how to actually perform sex acts. They are really your enemy and not only need removed but imprisoned!
Someone who calls you an “election denier” for questioning the results of the 2020 Presidential election is not your enemy. The Department of Justice and the FBI arresting you and calling you an “insurrectionist” for exercising your rights of free speech and protesting peacefully are your enemy.
Someone calling you a climate denier is not your enemy. Government entities and agencies telling you to get rid of your gas stove, you WILL drive an electric car by 2035, you WILL live in a 15 minute city, etc., ARE your enemy.
In a cockameme plan called the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group”, 14 American cities are actually proposing eliminating private vehicle ownership, meat and dairy consumption and limiting you to purchasing three pieces of clothing per year, funded by Michael Bloomberg, another one of your enemies.
Someone screaming in your face “wear a mask” is not your enemy. They were just deluded and terrified by the WHO, Fauci, Bill Gates, the FDA, CDC and all the drug companies who made billions from totally unproven but, apparently dangerous substances during the Covid scamdemic. Absolutely enemies! Lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates and mass mail in ballots are coming back in the fall. Why? Because Joe is only capable of campaigning from the basement with mail in ballots like in 2020, or he doesn't stand a chance. Your enemies will give the middle finger all over again.
The Department of Justice and FBI that willingly participated in the Obama orchestrated “Trump/Russian Collusion Hoax” to try to rig an election, then through a soft coup, overturn the will of the people. Continuing with the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up, putting a big fat thumb on the scales of the 2020 election that got us into the dire shape we are in today. They are your enemy.
The press in the 1st Amendment are purposely given freedom to speak freely so as to tell the people the truth, have colluded willingly with the government in all of the above. The New York Times and Washington Post even getting Pulitzer Prizes for the Trump/Russian Collusion Hoax, and having no shame when it was exposed as a deep state coup against the will of the people. If they knew it was a hoax and willingly participated to defraud the American people they have no honor and are certainly not worthy to be called journalists! The new revelation? Hunter Biden was on Air Force Two at least eight times with Vice President Biden and would leave through the back exit like the press, and they knew all about it! Definitely your enemy!
Astoundingly, the New York Times has an editorial proposing the elimination of elections! To keep Trump out of office?
How to strike up a conversation and find common ground
Open up a conversation by asking, “have you ever read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?” If not, “how can you call yourself an American?” If they have, ask them if actions we are seeing every day are in line with the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.
Raise any of the issues I brought up earlier in this post and ask for a response.
Strike up a conversation about prices, unless the person is an idiot like Robert Reich, who thinks this is the best economy in 40 years! Only 2 years ago, I remember paying $1.29 for a dozen eggs. Now they are $4.99!
Because of the terrible state of the economy, Americans are having to take out loans to cover living expenses! What are your thoughts on that?
Comment on a recent outrageous crime committed by someone in a city with a revolving door for criminals because they have a George Soros elected District Attorney. If they don't know, give examples.
Ask their thoughts on America's once beautiful cities, (especially if they live in one) that now have become mass homeless camps with poop and syringes all over the streets. That you take your life in your hands walking through areas that were once bustling business districts. If unaware, give examples.
Regardless of what you think of Trump, he was the most powerful man in the world, a President of the United States. If they can do all they are doing to him by violating practically the whole Bill of Rights, what do you think they can do to poor little you? If they need a lesson on what the Bill of Rights is and what it contains, illucidate them.
If you have more common ground ideas, go for it!
Remember I'm pullin' for ya--we're all in this together. - Red Green, aka, Steven Smith
Keep your stick on the ice! (If you don't know what that means, ask me in the comment section)
We are actually, not literally, in a life or death situation. All Americans are down to all or nothing. It is time to do all you can, as great Americans did before you, to keep this country and pass it on. Humor helps.
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately. ―Benjamin Franklin
Maui was mass murder. Officials need to be charged and prosecuted.
Or the child sexual misconduct in the various agencies charged with protecting the public.